

Lingua Libre uses nor ISO 639-3 nor BCP47 but Wikidata Qids as internal identifier for a language. Currently, ISO 639-3 codes are used in two cases:
• For the name of pages containing lists in the list namespace;
• To forge Wikimedia Commons's category names

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Langtags and the translation is 36% complete.
Other languages:
Deutsch • ‎English • ‎Esperanto • ‎brezhoneg • ‎français • ‎norsk bokmål • ‎polski • ‎македонски

Current languages coverage

Switching to other code ?

Changing the code would affect only those two parts of the process. If we switch from one language tag to an other, we would have to:

  • Add a new property BCP47 locally as you suggested (a bot can import them from Wikidata);
  • Rename all local lists (can be made by hand, we don't have many lists for now on);
  • Rename all existing Wikimedia Commons categories and move all the audio recordings (a bot there is required);

Other notable codes

Gwelout ivez

Lingua Libre Help pages
General help pages Help:InterfaceHelp:Your first recordHelp:Choosing a microphoneHelp:Configure your microphoneHelp:TranslateHelp:LangtagsLinguaLibre:Language codes systems used across LinguaLibreLinguaLibre:List of languages
Linguistic help pages Help:Add a new languageHelp:HomographsHelp:List translationHelp:Ethics
Lists help pages Help:Create your own listsHelp:How to create a frequency list?Help:Why wordlists matter?Help:Swadesh listsHelp:ListsHelp:Create a new generator
Events, Outreach Lingualibre:EventsLingualibre:RolesLingualibre:WorkshopsLingualibre:HackathonLingualibre:Interested communitiesLingualibre:Events/2022 Public Relations CampaignLingualibre:MailingLingualibre:JargonLingualibre:AppsLingualibre:CitationsService civique 2022-2023
Strategy Lingualibre 2022 Review (including outreach)2022-2023 Lingualibre wishlist • {{Wikimedia Language Diversity/Projects}} • Speakers map • Voices gender • StatsLingua Libre SignIt/2022 report • {{Grants}}