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Show new changes starting from 12:37, 5 December 2024
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5 December 2024

 N    04:10  pedhuwân (Q1419268) diffhist +3,270 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
      04:10  (Remote upload log) [GinormousBuildings‎ (2×); Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni‎ (10×); Eavq‎ (12×)]
04:10 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pedhuwân.wav
04:09 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peddhâl.wav
04:09 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peddhâng.wav
04:08 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pedhudhân.wav
04:08 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peddhâ.wav
04:08 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peddhit.wav
04:08 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peddhi.wav
04:07 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peddhem.wav
04:07 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peccot.wav
04:07 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pecco.wav
03:48 GinormousBuildings talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q9237 (msa)-GinormousBuildings-graduasi.wav
03:47 GinormousBuildings talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q9237 (msa)-GinormousBuildings-graduan.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-imaninki?.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-imanachkan?.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-imanay?.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-imaniy?.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-yanapay.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-quy.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-kutichiy.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-pukllakuy.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-tapuy.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-niy.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-churay.wav
02:53 Eavq talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q5218 (que)-Daniel (Eavq)-qhaway.wav
 N    04:09  peddhâl (Q1419267) diffhist +3,267 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    04:09  peddhâng (Q1419266) diffhist +3,270 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    04:08  pedhudhân (Q1419265) diffhist +3,275 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    04:08  peddhâ (Q1419264) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    04:08  peddhit (Q1419263) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    04:08  peddhi (Q1419262) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    04:08  peddhem (Q1419261) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    04:08  peccot (Q1419260) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    04:07  pecco (Q1419259) diffhist +3,258 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    03:48  graduasi (Q1419258) diffhist +3,252 GinormousBuildings talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    03:47  graduan (Q1419257) diffhist +3,249 GinormousBuildings talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  imaninki? (Q1419256) diffhist +3,226 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  imanachkan? (Q1419255) diffhist +3,234 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  imanay? (Q1419254) diffhist +3,220 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  imaniy? (Q1419253) diffhist +3,220 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  yanapay (Q1419252) diffhist +3,220 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  quy (Q1419251) diffhist +3,208 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  kutichiy (Q1419250) diffhist +3,223 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  pukllakuy (Q1419249) diffhist +3,226 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  tapuy (Q1419248) diffhist +3,214 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  niy (Q1419247) diffhist +3,208 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  churay (Q1419246) diffhist +3,217 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  qhaway (Q1419245) diffhist +3,217 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  rikuy (Q1419244) diffhist +3,214 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    02:53  uyariy (Q1419243) diffhist +3,217 Eavq talk contribs Created a new Item