

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Configure your microphone and the translation is 32% complete.
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2013-365-310 Speak! (10728076475).jpg


  • 减少周遭的噪音来源——关上窗户,移动到安静的房间,关闭任何可能有风扇的设备。
  • 试试看不同的麦克风——您电脑的内建麦克风、耳机甚至手机的麦克风。
  • If you are using a computer and you encounter white noise on your recordings, use a headset. Even a simple pair of headphones with mic will significantly reduce parasites.
  • If you are already using a headset on your computer and encounter white noise, go to the sound parameters of your computer and lower the level of your microphone.

Side Note: make sure that the chosen microphone is the headset one. To do so, go to sound parameters, sound entry, and click "analogic" or "headset".

Basics to check

Always check the following elements before starting any recording session on Lingua Libre:

  • Your microphone is switched on and plugged in to your computer (if you use an external microphone)
  • Your browser has access to your microphone
  • You did allow Lingua Libre to access your microphone via your browser
  • Your operating system's audio settings are correct

Open the sound parameters on your computer

Make sure the microphone you want to use is the one selected in your audio settings


Go to Settings > System > Sound Check that the correct option is selected in the "input" section. You can also briefly test the microphone with the tester offered on Windows 10. You can try clicking on the "repair" button in case the microphone does not seem to be working, or select "manage audio devices".

Linux - Ubuntu

Click on the microphone icon in the upper right corner of your screen - next to battery information and time. You may play on the volume of your microphone from this small console. To get more options, click on the "sound parameters" bar at the bottom of the window. It will open a new window comprising 4 tabs: out / in / soud effects / applications. The only tabs you need to go through while setting up your computer for lingua libre contribution are the first two: in / out.


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