SPARQL (intermediate)
Revision as of 20:29, 8 January 2022 by Yug (talk | contribs) (→✅ Speakers → Largest number of languages recorded and known)
Help:SPARQL 2 will explore federated queries fetching data from both LinguaguaLibre and Wikidata's endpoints, then Wikidata Lexemes, an emerging source of lexicographic data. The duo can be a solid combo to provide lexicographic and multimedia (audio recordings and images) for either Wikimedia modules or web developers.
Revision as of 20:29, 8 January 2022 by Yug (talk | contribs) (→✅ Speakers → Largest number of languages recorded and known)
- Lexemes Queries Generator
✅ Language () → List of LL languages with wd speaker population
✅ Language (d:Q12107) → List of wd lexemes
Example : Q12107 breton.
✅ Language () → List of wd lexemes with LL audio
✅ Language () → List of wd lexemes with LL audio and wd translation (d:Q150)
✅ Language () → List of wd lexemes (d:Q150)
- Strange query from User:VIGNERON/common.js
SELECT DISTINCT ?lexemeLabel ?lexeme WITH { SELECT ?lexeme ?lexemeLabel ?lexical_category WHERE { ?lexeme a ontolex:LexicalEntry ; dct:language wd:Q12107 ; wikibase:lemma ?lexemeLabel . OPTIONAL { ?lexeme wikibase:lexicalCategory ?lexical_category . } } } AS %results WHERE { INCLUDE %results OPTIONAL { ?lexical_category rdfs:label ?lexical_categoryLabel . FILTER (LANG(?lexical_categoryLabel) = "en") } }
✅ Speakers → Largest number of languages recorded and known
#Title: Speakers with recordings largest number of languages and known languages
SELECT ?speaker ?speakerLabel ?count ?languages
# Get audios, language, speaker triplet
SELECT DISTINCT ?speaker ?language {
?audio prop:P4 ?language;
prop:P5 ?speaker.
} AS %speakers
# Get the count of languages per each speaker
SELECT ?speaker (COUNT(?speaker) AS ?count) {
INCLUDE %speakers.
GROUP BY ?speaker
} AS %countOfLanguagesRecordedPerSpeaker
# Get the maximum number of languages per each speaker
SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxNumberOfLanguagesRecorded) {
INCLUDE %countOfLanguagesRecordedPerSpeaker.
} AS %maxNumberOfLanguagesRecorded
# Get those speakers whose count equals the maximum number of languages
SELECT ?speaker ?count {
INCLUDE %countOfLanguagesRecordedPerSpeaker.
INCLUDE %maxNumberOfLanguagesRecorded.
FILTER(?count = ?maxNumberOfLanguagesRecorded).
} AS %speakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded
# Get the languages of those speakers that have recorded audios in the
# most number of languages
SELECT ?speaker (GROUP_CONCAT(?languageLabel; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?languages) {
INCLUDE %speakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded.
?speaker prop:P4 [
rdfs:label ?languageLabel
FILTER(LANG(?languageLabel) = "en").
GROUP BY ?speaker
} AS %languagesOfSpeakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded
INCLUDE %speakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded.
INCLUDE %languagesOfSpeakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded.
?speaker rdfs:label ?speakerLabel.
FILTER(LANG(?speakerLabel) = "en")