
Difference between revisions of "SPARQL for maintenance"

SPARQL for maintenance gather some SPARQL queries which help to monitors errors and bring fix to our resources.

Line 352: Line 352:
} GROUP BY ?isoLabel
} GROUP BY ?isoLabel
# Helper: Chinese writing zho:Q130/wd:Q7850 ; Chinese mandarin cmn:Q113/wd:Q9192  
# Helper: Chinese writing zho:Q130/wd:Q7850 ; Chinese mandarin cmn:Q113/wd:Q9192  
=== ✅ Recordings  → With language `P4` as <code>Mossi</code> `Q170137` to change to <code>Mossi</code> `Q359` ===
:''✅ Users linguistic profile has been corrected into Q359. Erroneous recordings language (P4) on Lingualibre, while Commons use correct Wikidata language Qid.''
{| style="width:100%"
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|style="padding: 0 3em;width:60%"|
<syntaxhighlight lang="sparql">
SELECT ?lang
?audio ?audioLabel
(SUBSTR(STR(?speaker),32) AS ?SpeakerQid) ?speakerLabel
?url (SUBSTR(STR(?urlLabel),52) AS ?filename)
  ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q170137 .  # Filter: P4 language is Q170137 (redirect) ;
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .        # Filter: audios
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?audio prop:P5 ?speaker .
  ?audio prop:P3 ?url .
  # ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
} ORDER BY ASC(?audio)
# Helper: .
<query _pagination="5">
SELECT ?lang
?audio ?audioLabel
(SUBSTR(STR(?speaker),32) AS ?SpeakerQid)  ?speakerLabel
?url (SUBSTR(STR(?url),52) AS ?filename)
  ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q170137 .  # Filter: P4 language is Q170137 (redirect) ;
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .        # Filter: audios
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?audio prop:P5 ?speaker .
  ?audio prop:P3 ?url .
  # ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
} ORDER BY ASC(?audio)
# Helper: .
=== ✅ Recordings  → With language `P4` as <code>Duala</code> `Q52071` to change to <code>Duala</code> `Q73` ===
:''✅ Users linguistic profile has been corrected into Q73. Erroneous recordings language (P4) on Lingualibre, while Commons use correct Wikidata language Qid.''
{| style="width:100%"
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|style="padding: 0 3em;width:60%"|
<syntaxhighlight lang="sparql">
SELECT ?lang (SUBSTR(STR(?audio),32) AS ?Audio) ?audioLabel (SUBSTR(STR(?speaker),32) AS ?SpeakerQid)  ?speakerLabel
  ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q52071 .  # Filter: P4 language is Q52071 (redirect) ;
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .        # Filter: audios
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?audio prop:P5 ?speaker .
  # ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
} ORDER BY ASC(?Audio)
# Helper: .
<query _pagination="5">
SELECT ?lang (SUBSTR(STR(?audio),32) AS ?Audio) ?audioLabel (SUBSTR(STR(?speaker),32) AS ?SpeakerQid)  ?speakerLabel
  ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q52071 .  # Filter: P4 language is Q52071 (redirect) ;
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .        # Filter: audios
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?audio prop:P5 ?speaker .
  # ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
} ORDER BY ASC(?Audio)
# Helper: .

Revision as of 07:04, 3 October 2023


✅ Speakers → Username containing reserved sign `-`

See also T297635 : Lingualibre filename separator should be mass migrated from - to , without breaking usernames nor words.
  ?id prop:P2 entity:Q3 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
    ?id rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND (regex(STR(?name),"-") AS ?has_fields_separator_in_username)
ORDER BY DESC (?has_fields_separator_in_username)
... Loading ...
SELECT ?has_fields_separator_in_username (COUNT(?has_fields_separator_in_username) AS ?found)
  ?id prop:P2 entity:Q3 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
    ?id rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND (regex(STR(?name),"-") AS ?has_fields_separator_in_username)
  # filter( regex(?name, "-" ))
#ORDER BY DESC (?has_fields_separator_in_username)
GROUP BY (?has_fields_separator_in_username)
... Loading ...

✅ Recordings → Gascon `Q930` recordings containing reserved sign `-`

See also T297635 : Lingualibre filename separator should be mass migrated from - to , without breaking usernames nor words.
  ?id prop:P2 entity:Q2 .
  ?id prop:P4 entity:Q930 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
    ?id rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND (regex(STR(?name),"-") AS ?has_fields_separator_in_written_word)
ORDER BY DESC (?has_fields_separator_in_written_word)
... Loading ...
SELECT ?has_fields_separator_in_username (COUNT(?has_fields_separator_in_username) AS ?found)
  ?id prop:P2 entity:Q2 .
  ?id prop:P4 entity:Q930 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
    ?id rdfs:label ?name .
  BIND (regex(STR(?name),"-") AS ?has_fields_separator_in_written_word)
  # filter( regex(?name, "-" ))
#ORDER BY DESC (?has_fields_separator_in_written_word)
GROUP BY (?has_fields_separator_in_written_word)
... Loading ...

✅ Speakers → Speakers of `zho` to change to `cmn`

Should be maintained to 0.
SELECT ?langLabel ?isoLabel (SUBSTR(STR(?speaker),32) AS ?speaker) ?speakerLabel
  ?speaker prop:P2 entity:Q3 .   # Filter: speakers
  ?speaker prop:P4 entity:Q130 .   # Filter: P4 language is Q130 zho  ;
  ?speaker prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . } 
} ORDER BY ASC(?isoLabel)
# Helper: Chinese writing zho:Q130/wd:Q7850 ; Chinese mandarin cmn:Q113/wd:Q9192 .
... Loading ...

✅ Speakers → Undefined place of residence

The following may need precision. If stale, it mean none was found.
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?filledGenderLabel
  ?item prop:P2 entity:Q3 .   # Filter: is Q3 `speaker`
  ?item prop:P14  .   # Filter: missing P14 `place of residence`   <-------------------------------------
  # Add labels to each variable used.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
... Loading ...

✅ Speakers → Non-documented genders values

This query returns speakers who may have willfully declined to document a gender. See also list of genders.
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?filledGenderLabel
  ?item prop:P2 entity:Q3 .  
  { ?item prop:P8 entity:Q710460 . }    # Filter: 'gender' is 'not documented'
  ?item prop:P8 ?filledGender .
  # Add labels to each variable used.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
... Loading ...

✅ Speakers → missing gender value

This query returns speakers who have missing gender value. See also list of genders.
SELECT ?speaker ?speakerLabel ?gender ?languageLabel (COUNT(?audio) AS ?audio)
  ?speaker prop:P2 entity:Q3 .
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?speaker prop:P8 ?gender }
  ?audio prop:P5 ?speaker .   # Filter: P5 'speaker' is Q445757 'SangeetaRH‎'
  ?audio prop:P4 ?language .  # Filter: P4 'language' is Q34 'Marathi'
  # Add labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"} 
GROUP BY ?speaker ?speakerLabel ?genderLabel ?languageLabel  # Sorting first groups per language and speaker
ORDER BY DESC (?audio)
... Loading ...


✅ Recordings → With language `P4` as zho `Q130` to change to cmn `Q113`

SELECT ?langLabel ?isoLabel ?audio ?audioLabel
  ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q130 .   # Filter: P4 language is Q130 zho  ;
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .   # Filter: audios
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . } 
} ORDER BY ASC(?isoLabel)
# Helper: Chinese writing zho:Q130/wd:Q7850 ; Chinese mandarin cmn:Q113/wd:Q9192 .
... Loading ...

SELECT ?isoLabel (COUNT(?iso) AS ?found)
  ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q130 .   # Filter: P4 language is Q130 zho  ;
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .   # Filter: audios
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . } 
} GROUP BY ?isoLabel
# Helper: Chinese writing zho:Q130/wd:Q7850 ; Chinese mandarin cmn:Q113/wd:Q9192
... Loading ...

✅ Recordings → With language `P4` as Mossi `Q170137` to change to Mossi `Q359`

✅ Users linguistic profile has been corrected into Q359. Erroneous recordings language (P4) on Lingualibre, while Commons use correct Wikidata language Qid.
SELECT ?lang 
?audio ?audioLabel 
(SUBSTR(STR(?speaker),32) AS ?SpeakerQid) ?speakerLabel 
?url (SUBSTR(STR(?urlLabel),52) AS ?filename)
  ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q170137 .   # Filter: P4 language is Q170137 (redirect) ;
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .        # Filter: audios
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?audio prop:P5 ?speaker .
  ?audio prop:P3 ?url .
  # ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . } 
} ORDER BY ASC(?audio)
# Helper: .
... Loading ...

✅ Recordings → With language `P4` as Duala `Q52071` to change to Duala `Q73`

✅ Users linguistic profile has been corrected into Q73. Erroneous recordings language (P4) on Lingualibre, while Commons use correct Wikidata language Qid.
SELECT ?lang (SUBSTR(STR(?audio),32) AS ?Audio) ?audioLabel (SUBSTR(STR(?speaker),32) AS ?SpeakerQid)  ?speakerLabel
  ?audio prop:P4 entity:Q52071 .   # Filter: P4 language is Q52071 (redirect) ;
  ?audio prop:P2 entity:Q2 .        # Filter: audios
  ?audio prop:P4 ?lang .
  ?audio prop:P5 ?speaker .
  # ?lang  prop:P13 ?iso .
  # Add Labels
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . } 
} ORDER BY ASC(?Audio)
# Helper: .
... Loading ...


✅ Languages → duplicata by Wikidata ID

Duplicated languages can be merged. If stale, it mean none was found.
SELECT ?idWD (COUNT(?item) AS ?count) (GROUP_CONCAT(?item) AS ?items)
  ?item prop:P2 entity:Q4 ;
        prop:P12 ?idWD .
HAVING ( ?count > 1 )
... Loading ...

✅ Languages → list of values used including redirects

If some languageLabels display full uri, there is duplicata. Erroneous data should be corrected or deleted on both Commons and Lingualibre. (Q: which tool?)
(COUNT(DISTINCT ?record) AS ?records)
(COUNT(DISTINCT ?speaker) AS ?speakers)
  ?record prop:P2 entity:Q2 .
  # If all speakers P5 corrected, recordings still accounted for
  OPTIONAL { ?record prop:P5 ?speaker . } 
  ?record prop:P4 ?language .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

GROUP BY ?language ?languageLabel 
ORDER BY ?languageLabel
... Loading ...

See also

Sections above :

✅ Languages → languages by type (if it exists)

Note: query to improve.
SELECT ?language ?languageLabel ?code ?typeLabel
  ?language prop:P2 entity:Q4 .
  OPTIONAL { ?language prop:P13 ?code } .
    ?language rdfs:label ?languageLabel .
    FILTER( lang(?languageLabel) = "en" ) } .
  OPTIONAL { ?language prop:P24 ?type } .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
ORDER BY ?typeLabel
... Loading ...

✅ Languages → language with media type (P24) is video (Q88890)

SELECT ?id ?idLabel WHERE { 
  ?id prop:P2 entity:Q4 . 
  ?id prop:P24 entity:Q88890 . 
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,en". } 
... Loading ...

✅ Languages with media type video → written word (P7), url (P3) speakers (P5)

SELECT ?word ?filename ?speaker WHERE { 
  ?record prop:P4 entity:Q99628 . 
  ?record prop:P2 entity:Q2 . 
  ?record prop:P7 ?word . 
  ?record prop:P3 ?filename . 
  ?record prop:P5 ?speakerItem . 
  ?speakerItem rdfs:label 
  ?speaker filter ( lang( ?speaker ) = "en" ) . 
... Loading ...

✅ Languages iso from SignIt → relevant data

See Translatewiki:Translating:Lingua_Libre_SignIt.
# List from
# 2023.07.26
SELECT ?wdQid ?wikimediaCode ?i18nCode ?labelEN 
  (SAMPLE(?nativeLabel) as ?labelNative)
    # languages & scripts
    VALUES ?i18nCode { 
    "anp" "ar" "bn" "br" "de" "en" "es" "fa" "fi" "fr"
    "he" "hi" "ia" "id" "it" "ja" "kk-cyrl" "ko" "krc" "lmo"
    "mk" "ms" "nb" "pnb" "pt" "pt-br" "qqq" "ru" "scn" "sl"
    "sv" "sw" "tl" "tr" "uk" "zh-hans" "zh-hant" "mnw" "hu"
    "kk" "zh"
    # Scripts, not languages
    VALUES ?i18nScript { "kk-cyrl" "zh-hans" "zh-hant" }
    { ?langId wdt:P218 ?i18nCode. } # has for iso 639-1 code
    UNION {?langId wdt:P219 ?i18nCode. } # has for iso 639-2 code
    UNION {?langId wdt:P220 ?i18nCode. } # has for iso 639-3 code
    UNION {?langId wdt:P305 ?i18nCode. } # has for isoIETF code
  #  UNION {?langId wdt:P31 wd:Q1149626 ; # has for instance written language
  #                 wdt:P424 ?i18nScript ; # has for wikimedia code
  #                 rdfs:label ?labelEN . }

    # UNION { ?langId wdt:P424 ?i18nCode. }  # has for wikimedia code

    OPTIONAL { ?langId wdt:P424 ?wikimediaCode. }
    OPTIONAL { ?langId wdt:P1705 ?native. }
            # wdt:P10369 ?lingualibreQid ;
    ?langId rdfs:label ?labelEN .
  FILTER ( lang(?labelEN) = "en" )
  BIND(REPLACE(STR(?langId), ".*/Q", "Q") AS ?wdQid)
  BIND(CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTR(?native, 1 , 1 )), SUBSTR(?native, 2 )) AS ?nativeLabel)
GROUP BY ?wdQid ?wikimediaCode ?i18nCode ?labelEN
ORDER BY ASC(?i18nCode)
... Loading ...


All properties with their Wikidata equivalent (if it exists)

(SUBSTR(STR(?propLili),38) AS ?QidNum)
?propLiliClaimLabel ?propLili ?propWD
  # { ?propLili rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty } 
  # UNION 
  # { ?propLili rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty }
  OPTIONAL { ?propLiliClaim <> ?propLili ; prop:P12 ?propWD }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY xsd:integer(?QidNum)
... Loading ...

See also

Lingua Libre technical helps
Template {{Speakers category}} • {{Recommended lists}} • {{To iso 639-2}} • {{To iso 639-3}} • {{Userbox-records}} • {{Bot steps}}
Audio files How to create a frequency list?Convert files formatsDenoise files with SoXRename and mass rename
Bots Help:BotsLinguaLibre:BotHelp:Log in to Lingua Libre with PywikibotLingua Libre Bot (gh) • OlafbotPamputtBotDragons Bot (gh)
MediaWiki MediaWiki: Help:Documentation opérationelle MediawikiHelp:Database structureHelp:CSSHelp:RenameHelp:OAuthLinguaLibre:User rights (rate limit) • Module:Lingua Libre record & {{Lingua Libre record}}JS scripts: MediaWiki:Common.jsLastAudios.jsSoundLibrary.jsItemsSugar.jsLexemeQueriesGenerator.js (pad) • Sparql2data.js (pad) • LanguagesGallery.js (pad) • Gadgets: Gadget-LinguaImporter.jsGadget-Demo.jsGadget-RecentNonAudio.jsLiLiZip.js
Queries Help:APIsHelp:SPARQLSPARQL (intermediate) (stub) • SPARQL for lexemes (stub) • SPARQL for maintenanceLingualibre:Wikidata (stub) • Help:SPARQL (HAL)
Reuses Help:Download datasetsHelp:Embed audio in HTML
Unstable & tests Help:SPARQL/test
Categories Category:Technical reports