
SPARQL (intermediate)

(Redirected from Help:SPARQL 2)
Help:SPARQL 2 will explore federated queries fetching data from both LinguaguaLibre and Wikidata's endpoints. It allows to augent your data thank to Wikidata-provided languages population, status, countries, as well as speakers' geocoordinates, country of origin, etc.

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Twemoji12 1f3d7.svg

This page is a work in progress.


SPARQL to persitent data

Some SPARQL queries are meaningful but heavy and overly slow. This administrator tool stores or updates the response data on LinguaLibre, within a wikipage. Stored data can then be loaded in <0.1 second. Multiple data can also be merged via a common property if any.

Federated queries

  • To query Lingualibre from Wikidata, use SERVICE <>.
  • To query Wikidata from LinguaLibre, use SERVICE <>.
  • To query Commons from Lingualibre, use SERVICE <>.

Retrieve data of LinguaLibre from Wikidata

To run on WDQS.[1] It lists the existing levels in LinguaLibre.

PREFIX prop: <>
PREFIX entity: <>

  SERVICE <> {
      ?item prop:P2 entity:Q5.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
... Loading ...

From LinguaLibre Query service, retrieve Wikidata's data

To run on LLQS.[2]
Federate SPARQL query example to create.
# [Example to complete]

Notable elements

LinguaLibre endpoint Wikidata endpoint

For languages:

For countries:

For places:

  • `located in entity of level n` P:P131
    • `administrative territorial entity of a specific level` d:Q1799794
      • (0th level = country)
      • `1st-level administrative country subdivision d:Q10864048
      • `2nd-level administrative country subdivision` d:Q13220204
      • `3rd-level administrative country subdivision` d:Q13221722
      • `4th-level administrative country subdivision` d:Q14757767
      • `5th-level administrative country subdivision` d:Q15640612
      • `6th-level administrative country subdivision d:Q22927291


✅ Language (Q930 Gascon) → List of records in this language

To run on WDQS.[1]

PREFIX prop: <>
PREFIX entity: <>
SELECT ?writing WHERE {
  SERVICE <> {
    SELECT ?writing WHERE {
      ?record prop:P2 entity:Q2;
        prop:P4 entity:Q930, ?language;
        prop:P3 ?url;
        prop:P7 ?writing.
    # FILTER(CONTAINS(STR(?audio), "LL-Q35735")) # occitan
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
... Loading ...

✅ Language () → List of WD languages with speaker population >80M

To run on WDQS.[1]

  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
  ?item p:P1098 ?statement0.
  ?item p:P219 ?isolang.
  ?statement0 (psv:P1098/wikibase:quantityAmount) ?numericQuantity.
  FILTER(?numericQuantity > "80000000"^^xsd:decimal)
    ?item p:P31 ?statement1.
    ?statement1 (ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q25295.
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P218 ?ISO. }
... Loading ...

Language () → List of LL languages with wd speaker population

Query to create.

✅ Languages → List of Sign languages on wikidata

To run on WDQS.[1]

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel
  ?item p:P31 ?statement0.
  ?statement0 (ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q34228.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
... Loading ...

✅ Languages → List of whistled languages on wikidata

To run on WDQS.[1]

SELECT ?whistled_language ?whistled_languageLabel
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
  ?whistled_language wdt:P31 wd:Q2737212. # Is whistled language (Q2737212)
... Loading ...

✅ Languages → List of LL languages with wikidata dead or extinct status

To run on LLQS.[2]

# List Wikidata dead/extinct languages
  SELECT DISTINCT ?deadLanguage {
    SERVICE <> {
      { ?deadLanguage wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q45762. }
      { ?deadLanguage wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q38058796. }
} AS %deadLanguage
# Compare with LinguaLibre languages, keep when P12 `wikidata` matches
  SELECT ?deadLanguageLinguaLibre {
    INCLUDE %deadLanguage.
    BIND(REPLACE(STR(?deadLanguage), '.*/', '') AS ?deadLanguageQid)
      prop:P2 entity:Q4;
      prop:P12 ?deadLanguageQid.
} AS %deadLanguageLinguaLibre
# For those Lingualibre languages, count audios into ?audios
    (COUNT(?audio) AS ?audios)
    INCLUDE %deadLanguageLinguaLibre.
      prop:P2 entity:Q2;
      prop:P4 ?deadLanguageLinguaLibre.
  GROUP BY ?deadLanguageLinguaLibre
} AS %audios
# What is that ? Back to main scope ? :
  INCLUDE %deadLanguageLinguaLibre.
  OPTIONAL{ INCLUDE %audios. }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?audios)
... Loading ...

✅ Languages → List of LL languages with wikidata Endangered language status

To run on LLQS.[2]

# List Wikidata endangered languages
  SELECT DISTINCT ?endangeredLanguage {
    SERVICE <> {
      { ?endangeredLanguage wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q335214. }
      { ?endangeredLanguage wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q83365366. }
} AS %endangeredLanguage
# Compare with LinguaLibre languages, keep when P12 `wikidata` matches
  SELECT ?endangeredLanguageLinguaLibre {
    INCLUDE %endangeredLanguage.
    BIND(REPLACE(STR(?endangeredLanguage), '.*/', '') AS ?endangeredLanguageQid)
      prop:P2 entity:Q4;
      prop:P12 ?endangeredLanguageQid.
} AS %endangeredLanguageLinguaLibre
# For those Lingualibre languages, count audios into ?audios
    (COUNT(?audio) AS ?audios)
    INCLUDE %endangeredLanguageLinguaLibre.
      prop:P2 entity:Q2;
      prop:P4 ?endangeredLanguageLinguaLibre.
  GROUP BY ?endangeredLanguageLinguaLibre
} AS %audios
# What is that ? Back to main scope ? :
  INCLUDE %endangeredLanguageLinguaLibre.
  OPTIONAL{ INCLUDE %audios. }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?audios)
... Loading ...

✅ Languages → List of LL languages with wikidata Sign language status

To run on LLQS.[2]

# List Wikidata sign languages
  SELECT DISTINCT ?signLanguage {
    SERVICE <> {
      { ?signLanguage wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q34228. }
} AS %signLanguage
# Compare with LinguaLibre languages, keep when P12 `wikidata` matches
  SELECT ?signLanguageLinguaLibre {
    INCLUDE %signLanguage.
    BIND(REPLACE(STR(?signLanguage), '.*/', '') AS ?signLanguageQid)
      prop:P2 entity:Q4;
      prop:P12 ?signLanguageQid.
} AS %signLanguageLinguaLibre
# For those Lingualibre languages, count audios into ?audios
    (COUNT(?audio) AS ?audios)
    INCLUDE %signLanguageLinguaLibre.
      prop:P2 entity:Q2;
      prop:P4 ?signLanguageLinguaLibre.
  GROUP BY ?signLanguageLinguaLibre
} AS %audios
# What is that ? Back to main scope ? :
  INCLUDE %signLanguageLinguaLibre.
  OPTIONAL{ INCLUDE %audios. }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?audios)
... Loading ...

Language (Q34) → Item with Wikidata Qid(s), optional Geo-coordinates

To run on LLQS.[2]

PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX ll: <> 
PREFIX llt: <>
PREFIX lltn: <>

select distinct ?record ?transcription ?languageLabel ?wdQid (?wdLabel as ?wdLabelEN) ?coord
where {
  ?record llt:P2 ll:Q2 . # Filter: P2 'instance of' is Q2 'record'
  ?record llt:P4 ll:Q34 .          # Filter: record's P4 'language' is Q34 'Marathi'
  ?record llt:P4 ?language .       # Assign value: record's P4 'language' to variable ?language
  ?record llt:P7 ?transcription .  # Assign value: record's P7 'transcription' to variable ?transcription
  ?record lltn:P12 ?wdQid . # Assign value: record's P12 'wikidata id' to variable ?wdQid
  SERVICE <> {
    OPTIONAL { ?wdQid wdt:P625 ?coord . } # Assign value: wikidata item's wd:P625 'coordinates' to variable ?coord
      ?wdQid rdfs:label ?wdLabel . # Assign value: wikidata item's label to variable ?wikidataLabel
     FILTER (LANG(?wdLabel) = "en") . # Filter: default language, else English
  SERVICE wikibase:label { 
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
... Loading ...

✅ Languages → Languages with gender and recordings counts

To run on LLQS.[2]

SELECT ?languageLabel ?wikidata ?iso
  ?malesSpeakers ?malesRecords ?femalesSpeakers ?femalesRecords
  (ROUND(1000*?femalesRecords/(?femalesRecords+?malesRecords))/10 AS ?percent)
  SELECT ?language ?languageLabel ?wikidata ?iso {
      ?record prop:P2 entity:Q2 .     # Filter: P2 'instance of' is Q2 'record'
      ?record prop:P4 ?language .     # Assign value: P4 'language' into ?language
      ?language prop:P12 ?wikidata .   # Assign value: P12 'wikidata id' into ?wikidata
      OPTIONAL { ?language prop:P13 ?iso . } # Assign value: P13 'iso639-3' into ?iso
	GROUP BY ?language ?languageLabel ?wikidata ?iso
} AS %base
  SELECT ?language ?languageLabel ?iso ?genderLabel 
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?females) AS ?femalesSpeakers) 
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?record) AS ?femalesRecords) {
  INCLUDE %base
  ?record prop:P4 ?language ; # Filter
          prop:P5 ?females . # Assign value: P5 'speaker' into ?females
  ?females prop:P8 entity:Q17 ;  # Filter
          prop:P8 ?gender . # Assign value: P8 'gender' into ?gender
    } GROUP BY ?language ?languageLabel ?iso ?genderLabel
} AS %females

  SELECT ?language ?languageLabel ?iso ?genderLabel 
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?males) AS ?malesSpeakers)
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?record) AS ?malesRecords) {
  INCLUDE %base
  ?record prop:P4 ?language ;
          prop:P5 ?males . # Assign value: P5 'speaker' into variable ?speakerQid
  ?males prop:P8 entity:Q16 ; 
          prop:P8 ?gender .
    } GROUP BY ?language ?languageLabel ?iso ?genderLabel
} AS %males
  INCLUDE %base 
  INCLUDE %females
  INCLUDE %males
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
GROUP BY ?languageLabel ?wikidata ?iso ?malesSpeakers ?malesRecords ?femalesSpeakers ?femalesRecords
ORDER BY ASC(?languageLabel )
... Loading ...

[HEAVY] Languages → Languages with gender and recordings counts (2)

Section needs review.

To run on LLQS.[2]

SELECT ?iso 
  (?genderLabel as ?Gender)
  (COUNT(DISTINCT ?speakerQid) as ?Speakers) 
  (COUNT(DISTINCT ?record) as ?Records)
  ?record prop:P2 entity:Q2 .     # Filter: items where P2 'instance of' is Q2 'record'
  ?record prop:P4 ?language .    # Filter: items where P4 'language' is Q34 'Marathi'
  # OPTIONAL { ?language prop:P12 ?wikidata }  # Assign value: P12 'wikidata id' into variable ?WD
  OPTIONAL { ?language prop:P13 ?iso } # Assign value: P13 'iso639-3' into ?isoCode
  ?record prop:P5 ?speakerQid . # Assign value: P5 'speaker' into variable ?speakerQid
  ?speakerQid prop:P8 ?gender . #  Assign value: P8 'sex or gender'
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
GROUP BY ?iso ?genderLabel
... Loading ...


✅ Speakers → Largest number of languages recorded and known

To run on LLQS.[2]

#Title: Speakers with recordings largest number of languages and known languages
SELECT ?speaker ?speakerLabel ?count ?languages
# Get audios, language, speaker triplet
  SELECT DISTINCT ?speaker ?language {
    ?audio prop:P4 ?language;
           prop:P5 ?speaker.
} AS %speakers
# Get the count of languages per each speaker
  SELECT ?speaker (COUNT(?speaker) AS ?count) {
    INCLUDE %speakers.
  GROUP BY ?speaker
  ORDER BY DESC(?count)
} AS %countOfLanguagesRecordedPerSpeaker
# Get the maximum number of languages per each speaker
  SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxNumberOfLanguagesRecorded) {
    INCLUDE %countOfLanguagesRecordedPerSpeaker.
} AS %maxNumberOfLanguagesRecorded
# Get those speakers whose count equals the maximum number of languages
  SELECT ?speaker ?count {
    INCLUDE %countOfLanguagesRecordedPerSpeaker.
    INCLUDE %maxNumberOfLanguagesRecorded.
    FILTER(?count = ?maxNumberOfLanguagesRecorded).
} AS %speakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded
# Get the languages of those speakers that have recorded audios in the
# most number of languages
  SELECT ?speaker (GROUP_CONCAT(?languageLabel; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?languages) {
    INCLUDE %speakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded.
    ?speaker prop:P4 [
        rdfs:label ?languageLabel
    FILTER(LANG(?languageLabel) = "en").
  GROUP BY ?speaker
} AS %languagesOfSpeakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded
  INCLUDE %speakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded.
  INCLUDE %languagesOfSpeakersWithMostNumberOfLanguagesRecorded.
  ?speaker rdfs:label ?speakerLabel.
  FILTER(LANG(?speakerLabel) = "en")
... Loading ...

✅ Speakers → Countries with most speakers

To run on LLQS.[2]
Note: this queries collects declared speakers, and do not check for actual recordings.

SELECT ?country ?continentLabel ?ISO3 ?countryLabel (COUNT(?country) AS ?count)
  SELECT DISTINCT ?speaker {
    ?speaker prop:P2 entity:Q3;
} AS %speakers
    INCLUDE %speakers.
    ?speaker prop:P14 ?residence.
    # Avoids weird errors.
    FILTER(REGEX(?residence, "^Q[0-9]+$"))
    BIND(IRI(CONCAT('', ?residence)) AS ?residenceId)
    # Get country from wikidata
    SERVICE <> {
      ?residenceId wdt:P17 ?country.
      ?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel;
               wdt:P298 ?ISO3;
               wdt:P30 ?continent.
      ?continent rdfs:label ?continentLabel.
      FILTER(LANG(?countryLabel) = "en").
      FILTER(LANG(?continentLabel) = "en").
} AS %speakersWithCountries
  INCLUDE %speakersWithCountries.
GROUP BY ?country ?continentLabel ?ISO3 ?countryLabel
... Loading ...

Speakers → Map of speakers by place

To run on WDQS.[1]

PREFIX ll: <>
PREFIX llt: <>

  SELECT ?lLabel ?loc WHERE {
    SERVICE <> { 
      select DISTINCT ?lLabel ?loc { 
        SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
        ?l llt:P2 ll:Q3 ;
           llt:P14 ?loc . 
        ?record llt:P5 ?l.   
        FILTER (regex(?loc, '^Q')) 
} AS %i
  BIND (URI(CONCAT("", ?loc)) AS ?locURL)
  SERVICE <> { 
    select * { 
      ?locURL wdt:P625 ?coord . 
... Loading ...

Speakers → Map of speakers with recordings

To run on WDQS.[1]

# Same can apply to languages :
# Q3→Q4  : items speaker and language
# P14→P12 : items WD location and WD language
# P5→P4 : properties speaker and languages
# P625→P1098 : properties location and population

PREFIX ll: <>
PREFIX llt: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?itemLabel ?wikidata (?info AS ?coordinates) ?records (SAMPLE(?tag) AS ?layer)
# On Lingualibre, get item's info
    SERVICE <> {    # Commented on LLQS only
      SELECT DISTINCT ?itemLabel ?wikidata (COUNT(?record) AS ?records) 
        ?item llt:P2 ll:Q3 ;
                 rdfs:label ?itemLabel;
                 llt:P14 ?wikidata .
        ?record llt:P5 ?item .
        FILTER (LANG(?itemLabel)='en')
        FILTER (regex(?wikidata, '^Q'))
      } GROUP BY ?itemLabel ?wikidata
    }           # Commented on LLQS only
} AS %infoWikidataId
# On Wikidata, get the target info
  INCLUDE %infoWikidataId
  BIND (URI(CONCAT("", ?wikidata)) AS ?infoURL)
  SERVICE <> { 
    SELECT * { 
      ?infoURL wdt:P625 ?info .
    IF(?records < 10, "<10",
    IF(?records < 1000, "10-1,000",
    IF(?records < 5000, "1k-5k",
    IF(?records < 25000, "5k-25k",
    IF(?records < 50000, "25k-50k",
    AS ?tag) .
GROUP BY ?itemLabel ?wikidata ?info ?records
ORDER BY DESC (?records)
... Loading ...


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Endpoint Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) – run SPARQL Queries upon Wikidata. Run, test, download the data as json, csv or tsv. Has advanced user-friendly features such as : word hovering too see a term's meaning, code optimization, etc.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Endpoint LinguaLibre Query Service (LLQS) – run SPARQL Queries upon LinguaLibre. Run, test, download the data as json, csv or tsv.

See also

Lingua Libre technical helps
Template {{Speakers category}} • {{Recommended lists}} • {{To iso 639-2}} • {{To iso 639-3}} • {{Userbox-records}} • {{Bot steps}}
Audio files How to create a frequency list?Convert files formatsDenoise files with SoXRename and mass rename
Bots Help:BotsLinguaLibre:BotHelp:Log in to Lingua Libre with PywikibotLingua Libre Bot (gh) • OlafbotPamputtBotDragons Bot (gh)
MediaWiki MediaWiki: Help:Documentation opérationelle MediawikiHelp:Database structureHelp:CSSHelp:RenameHelp:OAuthLinguaLibre:User rights (rate limit) • Module:Lingua Libre record & {{Lingua Libre record}}JS scripts: MediaWiki:Common.jsLastAudios.jsSoundLibrary.jsItemsSugar.jsLexemeQueriesGenerator.js (pad) • Sparql2data.js (pad) • LanguagesGallery.js (pad) • Gadgets: Gadget-LinguaImporter.jsGadget-Demo.jsGadget-RecentNonAudio.jsLiLiZip.js
Queries Help:APIsHelp:SPARQLSPARQL (intermediate) (stub) • SPARQL for lexemes (stub) • SPARQL for maintenanceLingualibre:Wikidata (stub) • Help:SPARQL (HAL)
Reuses Help:Download datasetsHelp:Embed audio in HTML
Unstable & tests Help:SPARQL/test
Categories Category:Technical reports