Chat room
Welcome to the Chat room!
Place used to discuss any and all aspects of Lingua Libre: the project itself, discussions of the operations, policy and proposals, technical issues, etc. Other forums include for code-oriented issues, .
Feel free to participate in any language you want to.
Chatroom FAQ
- How to download all audios of one language ? By speaker ?
- Languages are there A short server-side script is auto-ran every 2 days, itself using lingua-libre/CommonsDownloadTool. For more, see Help:Download from LinguaLibre.
- How to add missing languages ?
- Administrators can add new languages, they do so within few days. For users, please provide your language's iso-639-3 code + link to the's article. Optional infos are the common English name and wikidata IQ. For more, see Help:Add a new language.
- How to archive sections which have been answered ?
- After reviewing the section, add `{{done}} -- can be closed ~~~~` to the top of the section. After some days to 2 weeks, move the sectin's code to LinguaLibre:Chat_room/Archives/2018.
- How to keep my wikimedia project up to date ?
- Contact User:0x010C, the botmaster of Lingua Libre Bot. For more, see Help:Bots.
- What IRL event.s are coming ? When ? Where ?
- Paris's Events/Hackathon_15-16_décembre_2018 just finished. More events to come. For more, see LinguaLibre:Events.
- How to translate LinguaLibre User Interface into a new language ?
- Go to, change the url part
into your language's ISO 639-2 code. For more, see Help:Translate.
- Go to, change the url part
Utiliser le Lingua Libre Bot dans l'incubator:shy
Est-ce que c'est possible de faire la même chose pour le wiktionnaire en Chaoui ? je veux dir est-il il possible d'utiliser votre bot sur notre wiktionnaire aussi ? je peux donner l'algorithme du wiki-test. Cordialement. -Reda Kerbouche (talk) 12:32, 8 July 2018 (UTC)
- Oui bien sur ! Avez-vous un bistro / village pump / ... pour en discuter là-bas ? — 0x010C ~talk~ 15:24, 8 July 2018 (UTC)
- Oui il y a un bistro vierge du wiktionnaire Chaoui que vous pouvez activer. Ou bien celui de l'incubator où en peut discuter avec des administrateurs à propos de l'autorisation du bot. Cordialement. -Reda Kerbouche (talk) 18:26, 8 July 2018 (UTC)
- Je suis en ce moment en chemin pour Wikimania, je vais n'avoir que très peu de temps jusque là, mais je lancerais la discussion à mon retour. Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 11:43, 11 July 2018 (UTC)
- Bon voyage.--Reda Kerbouche (talk) 21:48, 11 July 2018 (UTC)
- Je suis en ce moment en chemin pour Wikimania, je vais n'avoir que très peu de temps jusque là, mais je lancerais la discussion à mon retour. Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 11:43, 11 July 2018 (UTC)
- Oui il y a un bistro vierge du wiktionnaire Chaoui que vous pouvez activer. Ou bien celui de l'incubator où en peut discuter avec des administrateurs à propos de l'autorisation du bot. Cordialement. -Reda Kerbouche (talk) 18:26, 8 July 2018 (UTC)
0x010C J'espère que vous m'avez pas oublié =) Car en septembre on lance un concours pour le wiktionnaire en Chaoui, et si on peut enregistrer des mots qui vont passer directement sur incubateur, je fais la promo de Lingualibre en même temps que la promo du concours.--Reda Kerbouche (talk) 14:01, 16 August 2018 (UTC)
- Reda Kerbouche, 0x010C, Is this {done} ? --Yug (talk) 11:04, 15 December 2018 (UTC)
Liste sur le modèle de Petscan
Salut, est ce qu'il serait possible de faire une liste à la volée sur le modèle de ce qu'est capable de faire Petscan ? Ici, on a la liste de tous les lemmes du Wiktionnaire qui n'ont pas de catégorie « Prononciations audio en français » ce qui signifie qu'il n'ont pas le modèle « écouter » qui permet d'ajouter les entrées dans cette catégorie. Je trouve que la génération d'une telle liste serait vraiment sympa pour les Wiktionnaires. Pamputt (talk) 06:07, 12 July 2018 (UTC)
- L'idée est bonne en effet, cependant ça représente un gros boulot à intégrer sur Lingua Libre. Je pense qu'il serait intéressant d'en discuter un peu et d'établir un petit cahier des charges de ce que l'on veut pouvoir faire (tout dans petscan n'est pas utile ici). — 0x010C ~talk~ 22:00, 14 July 2018 (UTC)
- 0x010C, est ce que tu penses que l'exemple que j'ai donné ci-dessus (lemmes en français qui n'ont pas de prononciation) peut être implémenté à partir de MediaWiki:Gadget-Demo.js. Pamputt (talk) 14:23, 14 October 2018 (UTC)
- Oui c'est exactement ça, il faut passer par la création d'un nouveau générateur de mots. Dans mon début de réflexion plus haut, je réfléchissais à comment implémenter les fonctionnalités de petscan dans un générateur. Sauf que niveau performance et rapidité, on pourrait jamais faire quelque chose d'utilisateur avec des catégories aussi grosse que "Lemmes en français", je m'explique. Petscan fait son travail de recherche et de recoupement côté serveur, directement sur une copie de la base de donnée des wikis (il peut ainsi en un coup explorer tous les enregistrements). Or ici, nous n'avons pas d'accès à la base de donnée et les calculs doivent être fait côté client, en javascript. On dépend donc de l'API des wikis en question pour récupérer les données, API qui n'est pas du tout faite pour travailler sur des catégories très grosses (ne peut retourner que 500 membres par requête, etc).
- Bref, c'est pas possible. Cependant, on peut imaginer se reposer sur petscan pour faire le boulot chiant à notre place (ce générateur deviendrait complètement dépendant de cet outil externe, une panne de ce dernier bloquerait le fonctionnement du premier). Je vois trois options :
- le générateur reprend un certain nombre de champs de petscan, et va à partir des valeurs fournies générer une requête à petscan (complexe pour l'utilisateur lambda, flexible pour l'utilisateur expérimenté) ;
- le générateur propose à l'utilisateur de choisir parmi un certain nombre de requêtes petscan préparé à l'avance par nos soins (par exemple en cliquant sur "mots en français n'ayant pas de prononciation sur le wiktionnaire francophone", ta requête exposé plus haut serait utilisé), ou de coller l'URL / l'identifiant d'une requête qu'il a préparé / trouvé (plus simple à implémenter, nous oblige à créer pleins de requêtes pour supporter différentes langues, assez flexible) ;
- on fait un générateur spécialisé "mots dont la prononciation est manquante" où il va automatiquement forger la requête petscan pour faire comme dans ton exemple pour la langue sélectionnée (facile d'utilisation, très spécifique mais potentiellement très utile, nous obligerait à renseigner manuellement les catégories wiktionnaire correspondante car je ne vois aucun moyen de deviner le nom de la catégorie d'une langue à partir de son code ou son id wikidata...)
- Qu'en penses-tu ?
- — 0x010C ~talk~ 02:53, 16 October 2018 (UTC)
- La première proposition me semble trop usine à gaz et bien que puissante, je ne pense pas qu'elle s'adresse au public de Lingua Libre.Entre les propositions 2 et 3, j'ai une préférence pour la 2 car elle est simple d'utilisation au premier abord (on utilise des requêtes pré-forgées) tout en permettant une utilisation avancée (avantage de la solution 1). Et par rapport à la solution 3, ça évite de la maintenance pour déterminer la langue d'une catégorie donc c'est plus maintenable sur le long terme à mon avis. Pamputt (talk) 06:23, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
- @Pamputt: Entre deux avions, je viens de finir une première version du générateur petscan, activable via préférences > gadgets. Est-ce que tu peux y jetter un œil et me dire ce que tu en penses avant que je continue et que je l'annonce plus largement ?
- Merci — 0x010C ~talk~ 08:39, 22 October 2018 (UTC)
- 0x010C, j'ai activé le gadget et je vois bien PetScan dans la liste. J'ai fait quelques essais et ça fonctionne bien. J'ai essayé avec l'URL du premier message et ça fonctionne nickel. En revanche, j'ai essayé avec ça et ça m'indique "Petscan output something weired with this URL, check it and come back afterwards.". En revanche si j'ajoute le « &doit= » à la fin, ça fonctionne correctement (est-il vraiment nécessaire) ?
- Autre point, cest-ce qu'il est déjà possible de préparer des requêtes pré-faites (« mots en français n'ayant pas de prononciation sur le wiktionnaire francophone », ...) ou pas encore ? En l'état c'est déjà super cool. Pamputt (talk) 17:04, 22 October 2018 (UTC)
- J'avais oublié que cetaines URL pouvaient ne pas avoir l'auto-run, c'est fix. Je réfléchis actuellement à la meilleur façon de faire en fait. Ma problématique, c'est qu'une requête comme « mots en français n'ayant pas de prononciation sur le wiktionnaire francophone » n'intéressera que ceux qui font des enregitrements en français, si un germanophone dois scroller 25 requêtes qui le concerne pas (et qu'il ne comprend surement pas) avant d'en trouver une en allemand, c'est pas cool pour lui.
- De là, trois idées qui me viennent en écrivant ces lignes :
- Une page par langue, dans l'espace de nom list (List:fra ? List:fra-external ? List:fra-examples ? ...) qui regroupe via une liste à puce toutes les urls dispo pour une langue ;
- Une fois ce travail fait, ce n'est pas très compliqué de supporter d'autres outils externes qui peuvent être appelé via une URL et renvoyer le résultat en JSON ; je pense notamment à ;
- Et là, plus une réflexion, est-ce que ça serait pertinent une fois que ça sera stable de l'intégrer au générateur "listes" actuel (genre avoir deux onglets dedans, "listes statique", "listes dynamiques/externes/..." ?), ou l'intégrer comme un nouveau générateur à part entière dans le core du RecordWizard ? (et du coup comment le nommer dans ce cas ?)
- Un avis externe me serait bien utile pour trancher tout cela :) — 0x010C ~talk~ 19:52, 22 October 2018 (UTC)
- La première proposition me semble trop usine à gaz et bien que puissante, je ne pense pas qu'elle s'adresse au public de Lingua Libre.Entre les propositions 2 et 3, j'ai une préférence pour la 2 car elle est simple d'utilisation au premier abord (on utilise des requêtes pré-forgées) tout en permettant une utilisation avancée (avantage de la solution 1). Et par rapport à la solution 3, ça évite de la maintenance pour déterminer la langue d'une catégorie donc c'est plus maintenable sur le long terme à mon avis. Pamputt (talk) 06:23, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
- 0x010C, est ce que tu penses que l'exemple que j'ai donné ci-dessus (lemmes en français qui n'ont pas de prononciation) peut être implémenté à partir de MediaWiki:Gadget-Demo.js. Pamputt (talk) 14:23, 14 October 2018 (UTC)
Variations géographiques
Bravo pour ce projet très intéressant.
Je me pose une question à propos des prononciations. Je suis du sud de la France et contrairement à une bonne partie du reste de la France, nous usons beaucoup de l'accent tonique (influence italienne et espagnole, j'imagine). Du coup, la prononciation de certains mots, et surtout des locutions, ont une rythmique différente par chez moi.
Comment gérer ces variations de prononciation ? Ont-elles droit de cité ou comme les québécois doit-on privilégier un "Français international" neutre ?
Pour finir sur le sujet, la prononciation de certains mots sont différentes chez nous : lait, mas, moins (avec un s !), etc. Comment intégrer ça dans Wiktionnaire ou Wikipédia ?
Jpgibert (talk) 12:02, 13 July 2018 (UTC)
- Bonjour,
- Merci pour ton intérêt !
- Non, il ne faut surtout pas privilégier un français "neutre". Chaque variation / accent locale est intéressent. En fait, juste avant de commencer à enregistrer il t'es demandé de remplir ton profil de locuteur, dans lequel tu peux renseigner ton lieu d'habitation / d'apprentissage d'une langue.
- Lorsqu'un enregistrement est ajouté ensuite sur le Wiktionnaire par exemple, cette information y est inclu. Si plusieurs personnes ont enregistré les même mots, on pourra donc écouter les différences de prononciation de « lait » en Alsace, au Québec, en Occitanie, en Île de France, au Mali,... Et ça c'est cool :)
- Cela répond à tes questions ?
- Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 21:55, 14 July 2018 (UTC)
- Bonjour User:0x010C
- Merci pour la réponse. Je m'inquiétais de la chose parce que s'il existe un code linguistique pour les variations du français au Québec (fr-CA) ou de Belgique (fr-BE), en revanche l'accent n'est pas pris en compte.
- Content d'apprendre que malgré mon accent, je serai le bienvenu. Bon pour le moment, faut que j'achète un bon micro avant de faire quoi que ce soit, mais dès que j'aurai ça, je tenterai de partager mon accent méridional.
- Jpgibert (talk) 12:31, 23 July 2018 (UTC)
Durant la vidéo de présentation du projet par Lyokoï (LetsContribute6), j'ai appris qu'on pouvait générer des listes de mots à partir de catégories. Serait-il possible de faire le même genre de chose à partir d'un thésaurus ? Question subsidiaire, est-ce que ça à un intérêt ?
Jpgibert (talk) 12:39, 23 July 2018 (UTC)
- Ca pourrait effectivement être intéressant même si c'est plus compliqué à coder (j'imagine). Juste pour donner un exemple pour ceux qui ne voient pas ce dont il est question, on peut aller voir ici. Pamputt (talk) 21:30, 23 July 2018 (UTC)
General issues + issues with Odia and Asian writing systems
Done, all issue tracked on phabricator or explained below. Ready to archive. Yug (talk) 23:22, 23 December 2018 (UTC)
I loved the current version! Truly admire the changes you all have made over time. I have also done a few recordings in my own language Odia to check for any error. Below are a few:
- Tag already recorded items (T212580): When a word has already been recorded and has been uploaded on Commons, does is not make sense to show it as a flag instead of letting any user to upload it directly?
- Add custom commons categories (T201135): Also, different languages have different additional categories which Lingua Libre does not let one to add. For instance, I generally add a user category to know how many audio files I have uploaded. For the files recorded using Lingua Libre, I don't see an option to add that optional category.
- Remove duplicated words (in same session: explanation below ; across time: T212580): If I am adding a wordlist before recording, is that possible to keep only one word if the same word is used multiple times? This would save some time for the uploader.
- Monitor suspect cracking sound in audios (T201136): There is a bit of crackling sound that is heard while monitoring the recorded words. Any particular reason?
- Some words fails anyway (T212584): Even though I am correctly pronouncing every word, I see a lot of red-labelled words.
- Allow click-play-listen while recording (T212583): While recording, I cannot check how the recording sounds like. I can only choose to re-record after hearing the recorded sound. Otherwise even having that option is of no use.
- Remove underline (done): While recording each word is seen as a green button and during the recording the word is underlined. This works well for Latin-based scripts. However for my script, Odia, and even many other Asian languages, this is a problem as we have diacritics and accent marks below the character. It becomes too hard at times to read when underlined. Also, the light green color and a white background is not accessible to people with corrections or color blindness. Maybe black background with white text will create more contrast and make it easier to read.
- Last word cannot be re-recorded (explanation below): When you reach the last word of a batch and want to re-record that word, it doesn't allow you to click on the word button and re-record.
Also, requesting to add the Warang Citi (used for Ho language) and Ol Chiki (used for Santali language).
Thank you much again. I would really love to contribute more myself, and involve other community members. --Psubhashish (talk) 07:21, 26 July 2018 (UTC)
- Hi!
- First of all, thanks for your feedbacks, that's really helpful. Here are some details about your remarks:
- In my opinion, it is interesting to have several records of the same word by different users, the naming convention takes this into account to avoid records to be overridden by another user. But as I'm not sure I understood this point very well, don't hesitate to clarify it if my answer is mistaken.
- T201135
- If I have correctly understood your point, that's already the case. You can't add duplicate words in the same record batch (if you try to do so, the second one will be dismissed).
- It's just a small file-loading issue, it will be fixed soon, see T201136
- This is a major issue I'm already aware of. In some cases (~ 1 word out of 100), for some unknown reason, MediaWiki is mistaken in taking WAV files for executable files, so it refuses them...
- I'll try to add a way to listen the records while still in the recording studio.
- I wasn't aware of that particularities, I'll remove the underline. I'm not so fond of the white text on black, but I'll try to find something more accessible.
- Hum, this works well with me. When you have recorded the last word, the record automatically cuts off, did you click on the big red button to enable it again?
- I've imported the Ho language, which was missing from Lingua Libre, but the two writing system you've mentionned are part of Unicode and should works, am I wrong?
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 08:37, 3 August 2018 (UTC)
- +1 for point 7, the underline is also troublesome for Chinese. Yug (talk) 13:08, 6 August 2018 (UTC)
- Hi! Continuing the cleaning effort and tracking of issues, also to stay short and concise, I enhanced the initial post with title and status (phabricator issue). Sorry for that, just cleaner. Yug (talk) 11:33, 24 December 2018 (UTC)
- Note: I pointed out to Psubhashish the work on his former feedbacks. See positive discussion on EN. Yug (talk) 13:45, 9 January 2019 (UTC)
Première utilisation : quelques questionnements
Bonjour !
Tout d'abord, merci beaucoup pour ce super outil !
J'ai remarqué quelques difficultés à l'usage. Peut-être que c'est juste parce que je suis nouvelle et pas au courant de toutes les options, mais voilà ma liste :
- Sur une liste de 20 mots, il faut généralement que je reprenne l'enregistrement manuellement trois ou quatre fois parce que l'outil décide soudain de ne plus enregistrer. Quand je sélectionne un mot, même en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge, il y a à peu près une chance pour deux pour que l'enregistrement se lance.
- Mes mots sont très souvent coupés au début et à la fin (pour les noms propres en deux ou trois mots surtout) : peut-être qu'il serait pertinent d'avoir un petit bouton "next" pour marquer manuellement les fins de mots ? Sur 20 mots enregistrés, entre ceux que l'outil n'a pas envie de me laisser enregistrer (cf #1) et ceux qui sont coupés, m'en reste peu. Sur 3 listes d'une vingtaine de noms, j'en ai eu 2, 5 et 7 exploitables.
- Sur une page d'enregistrement comme Q44570, le lien vers la page Wikipédia met un + au lieu d'un _ entre les mots donc on arrive sur un lien rouge dans Wikipédia.
Si ça peut servir, je suis sur la dernière version en date de Firefox au 10/10/18 & Windows 10.
Pour le reste : c'est vraiment super, bravo pour tout ce travail ! Je vais continuer à faire joujou avec l'outil jusqu'à être bien familière avec.
Exilexi (talk) 06:22, 10 October 2018 (UTC)
- Les problèmes 1 et 2 sont en fait quasiment réglés avec un meilleur micro. Lingua Libre demande la permission pour un micro qui n'est pas mon micro par défaut, pour une raison inconnue.
- Nouveau souci avec l'upload : tous les mots sauf 1 sont bien téléversés. Le bouton Commons s'affiche en grisé et rien ne se passe si je clique sur la petite croix à côté d'un mot : apparemment, c'est tout ou rien pour mettre sur Commons, donc je viens de perdre 29 mots parce qu'un seul refusait de s'uploader. Exilexi (talk) 06:44, 10 October 2018 (UTC)
- J'en ajoute un : j'avais enregistré 20 mots "autour de moi". Là, je viens d'en lancer 20 autres... et c'est les mêmes. Il pourrait être intéressant d'ajouter une option pour éviter d'enregistrer plusieurs fois la même chose (mon accent ne change pas d'un jour à l'autre). Exilexi (talk) 05:36, 11 October 2018 (UTC)
Salut Exilexi, quelques remarques ou éléments de réponse à tes commentaires
- Lorsque tu décris que l'outil stoppe l'enregistrement, je pense que le problème vient de la qualité du micro. C'est ce que tu sembles avoir conclu également.
- Lingua Libre découpe les mots automatiquement dès qu'il détecte un blanc. Pour les noms à rallonge, on pourrait envisager d'ajouter un bouton pour passer manuellement au mot suivant. Cela étant dit, ça perd un peu de l'intérêt de l'outil car ça devient beaucoup plus lent.
- concernant le lien vers Wikipédia (avec un « + »), ça semble en effet un bogue. J'ai ouvert un ticket sur Phabricator.
- pour les problèmes d'upload, quand un téléversement échoue, un ticket existe déjà sur ce sujet.
- pour les listes de mots, il est possible d'en créer soi-même. Il en existe déjà plusieurs en français (quelques dizaines) et moins dans les autres langues. Il est expliquer ici sur la façon de procéder. Si tu as besoin d'aide, fais-nous signe. Pamputt (talk) 20:13, 11 October 2018 (UTC)
Formosan languages workshop
Hi there, I had an email exchange with Vicky, the NCCU language researcher involved in Formosan languages protection. Some of her questions are beyond my skills :
1. I couldn't find ais(Sakizaya), ami(Amis), trv(Truku) in the language list. Please add, thanks! 2. Can I add the dialect information in the speaker file? Because there are 42 dialects under 16 aboriginal languages, I had record Squliq dialect not C’uli’ dialect of Atayal language today. 3. I had add the Chinese translation after the aboriginal languages, is that ok for lingua libre? Or I only can type in aboriginal languages?
I broke the questions in several subsections so a quick discussion may occurs for each. Please take notes that Vicky workshop is coming this week, so it would be cool to forward her practical solutions early. Yug (talk) 09:38, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
1) Requesting languages additions
- Amis_language (iso: ami; wikidata: Q35132).
- Sakizaya has no iso639, from my understanding. Sakizaya_language (iso: none, wikidata: Q718269), Nataoran_language (iso: ais, wikidata: Q42508148).
- Truku (no iso no wikidata) : is described in Wikipedia as the main component of Seediq language (iso: trv, wikidata: Q716686), already in LinguaLibre. Taiwanese linguist, the most experienced in the matter, are making a distinction.
If I understand well, LL only requires wikidata ID. If so, I would recommend to add Q35132 (amis), Q718269 (Sakizaya). Q42508148 (Nataorans) and Q716686 (Seediq) are already in I think. Truku may require a wikidata item creation, then integration in LL. Yug (talk) 09:38, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
- The four languages have been imported here: Q51311 Seediq, Q51870 Amis, Q51871 Sakizaya and Q51872 Nataoran and can be used for recording. Pamputt (talk) 04:15, 30 November 2018 (UTC)
2) "There are 42 dialects under 16 aboriginal languages".
We previously added 15 or 16 of these recognized languages into LinguaLibre (thanks x0 and Pamputt). Again, Taiwanese linguists are the experts on the matter, so what can we (LL) recommend for these 42 variants ? Two ideas came to me.
- Add the information in he speaker name or place of learning. By example for : Paul Martin (Breton north) ; Paul Martin (Breton south).
- Add the Wikidata items following Taiwanese linguists recommendations, while no wikipedia articles nor iso639 exists.
What do you think ? Yug (talk) 09:38, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
- As far as I uundertand, if no Wikidata item exists for a given language, we have two options: create it on Wikidata (whether it is notable) and import here after or create it by hand directly here. So for dialect, I would say they are enough notable to be created on Wikidata but I have no time to do it by myself before the end of the year (I have no regular Internet connection for now). Pamputt (talk) 04:18, 30 November 2018 (UTC)
- In fact, the second option mentionned above by Pamputt won't work. For a language to be recognised by the RecordWizard, it has to have a wikidata ID. The right way to do it imho is (as also suggested by Pamputt) to create the corresponding item on wikidata, and then ask for an import here. — 0x010C ~talk~ 14:46, 3 December 2018 (UTC)
3) "Is it ok to use mhway su (谢谢)
?" (target word + translation)
- Technically, both aboriginal languages and Chinese, de factor the target word together with its closest macro-language's translation, here, Chinese.
- Keep extremely consistent in your practice, so to ease later usages (learning apps). If the rule is
stick to it, and avoid round brackets in other places of your element. Early consistency makes later usages easier. Yug (talk) 09:38, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
- @x0, devs, there again we have the questions of wordlists with translations. I previously suggested that words lists support a iso639 syntaxe or wikidata id syntax so to push the translation into a different metadata field. Example of list :
- mhway su [cmn:谢谢,eng:Thank]
- Then "mhway su" is the target recorded word. "谢谢" is the translation in the meta data "cmn" (Chinese). "Thank" is the translation in the meta data "eng" (English). I guess I should open a ticket on Phabricator. Yug (talk) 10:19, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
Thésaurus (2)
J'ai archivé le coeur de la discussion de Benoit & 0x010C, mais cet autre sujet mérite une section:
- "Rien à voir. Je pensais qu'un petit outil de génération de liste depuis un thésaurus fr.wikt ce serait top. Au lieu de choisir une catégorie d'un wikiprojet, on choisirait un thésaurus. Une idée comme ça. --Benoît 21:36, 20 December 2018 (UTC)"
--Yug (talk) 10:41, 24 December 2018 (UTC)
- J'ai fait ce modeste outil externe qui génère la liste des mots d'un thésaurus, à coller dans l'interface de LL.
- Benoît Prieur (talk) 00:32, 29 January 2019 (UTC)
Feature request: ask to reuse existing identical audio if available
I waste a lot of time because Lingua Libre Bot has to have new audio for every lexeme forms. For example this audio I had to record 10 times ( A lot of forms in Polish language is duplicated in different cases. It would be great if in word generator (+ExternalTools) in Record Wizard could be question to ask if duplicate should be recorded (identical speaker, language and lexeme), and Lingua Libre Bot propagate existing audio. It could save time. KaMan (talk) 14:28, 25 December 2018 (UTC)
- KaMan, where does your wordlist(s?) come from ? how is it created ? You use LinguaLibre word generator ? Yug (talk) 00:12, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- If I understand well, you eventually have the same issue as raised in Warn the user when they try to record a file that they already made. Namely, you meet again and again words that you already recorded. If this is correct, then we started to look for technical solutions (T212580). As of now, for long series, it is important to stick to large frequency list, so to not re-record similar words multiple times. Yug (talk) 00:17, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- I took a look online for available frequency lists in polish.
- So Hermit Dave's data would do. We have tutorials on how to clean up frequency lists,how to split such long file, other tricks, and how to create a list on LinguaLibre to help.
- Some command will need minor changes if your input differs. If you have some basic shell skills, you can do it and learn the exact commands needed quickly. Yug (talk) 01:30, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- No Yug. He's talking about word lists generated with a SPARQL query from Lexemes on Wikidata, and from the fact that Lingua Libre Bot only associate audio recordings on the Lexeme when there is a direct link, causing him to re-record many times homograph words that are also homonym.
- But the main issue I pointed out in T212580 apply here too, I don't have any idea of easy and effective implementation right now.
- (and no Yug, it is not "important to stick to large frequency list", we have other —more simple— solutions yet as Wikimedia categories or external tools imports).
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 11:10, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- 0x010C is right. It's not problem of wrong list, list of words is correct. If there is no easy solution to it I can work with it as is but I admit I feel pain ;) before recording of 14 identical forms of :) KaMan (talk) 13:22, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- "Who doesnt try cannot be wrong." It really needs to read between lines to find the Wikidata reference. "Lexeme" is lexicology term before being a Wikidata item type. The current SPARQL query doesnt seems time savy.
- And yes, generally speaking frequency list of unique words save our speakers energy. First, each form is recorded only once : this is why human speakers are for, and they shouldn't have to record multiple times a same form. Second, in natural language, words frequency follow the Zipf's law. Thus, the 135 most frequent English items represent 50% coverage of written text. On the opposite side, recording Wikipedia categories is not representative of human language and thus not time efficient. One volunteer can audio record 2000 categories it will still barely account for 1% of this human language. This only has internal value, by wikipedians for wikipedians, which is positive but sub-optimal.
- As of KaMan's case, I would still recommend using frequency list : it would save valuable human time. A later bot could dispatch the audios upon the various wikidata items of this language and form. So I just used Hermit Dave CC-by-sa data to create Polish language frequency lists on LinguaLibre for the first 20k words, they are now availale to in the Record Studio > Details step : Local list > "pol". Yug (talk) 13:51, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- Yug, it's not a problem of frequency list but feature of language. I record all FORMS of words. Every noun in Polish has at least 14 forms, every adjective has 30-80 forms, same for verbs. Every form has entry in Wikidata and needs recording. But many of these forms are identical so in the end I have to record the same audio several times. It is independent from the fact the word is from frequency list. In other words word from frequency list has the same problem in Wikidata. BTW: I already follow frequency list in creating lexemes in Wikidata, but thanks :) KaMan (talk) 16:27, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- 0x010C is right. It's not problem of wrong list, list of words is correct. If there is no easy solution to it I can work with it as is but I admit I feel pain ;) before recording of 14 identical forms of :) KaMan (talk) 13:22, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
How homonyms are treated? Will they be overwritten with new recordings? Infovarius (talk) 17:42, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- Yes, if a new word has the same transcription, the same language and the same speaker as an old one, it will be override. If you want to record two homonym words that have a different pronunciation, you can add a small qualifier into brakets just after the word when you type it in the 3rd step of the RecordWizard. Everything that is inside brackets will be put aside, like on this record File:LL-Q150 (fra)-0x010C-fils (enfant).wav. — 0x010C ~talk~ 21:26, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- It is good that this is possible in principle. But how can I know that I am recording a homonym of something already recorded? Infovarius (talk) 21:51, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
How can I automatically add some categories to new Commons uploads (like "Russian pronunciation" and others)? Infovarius (talk) 17:44, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
- Currently this is not possible but it is a planned feature, see task T201135 on phabricator. — 0x010C ~talk~ 21:46, 27 December 2018 (UTC)
How to properly credit lists
Done : no built in solution as of now, issue opened (T212671), current hack: put source in talk page. Yug (talk) 10:53, 31 December 2018 (UTC)
(T212671) I attempted this List:Pol/words-by-frequency-2001-to-4000#Source, but loading the list in the Record Studio keeps the source section as a word to record. Is there a known trick to hide this source section in the Record Studio ? Yug (talk) 16:56, 28 December 2018 (UTC)
Erreur de téléversements
Salut, je rencontre un problème assez curieux. Lorsque j'ai fini de m'enregistrer, je choisis de publier sur Commons et là, une partie de mes enregistrements sont publiés et puis ça se met à planter. Après quoi, je ne peux plus en ré-upload pour une certaine période de temps. Que dois-je faire ? Lepticed7 (talk) 21:17, 29 December 2018 (UTC)
- Salut,
- Désolé du délai de réponse, j'étais loin de mon ordinateur pour les fêtes.
- Est-ce que ça t'es arrivé de nouveau depuis le 29 ? Si oui je vois deux possibilité : soit tu t'es fait déconnecté de Lingua Libre en plein milieu du versement, soit un filtre sur Commons bloque les uploads pour toi pour une raison mystérieuse. Si ça arrive de nouveau, peux-tu essayer d'ouvrir lingualibre dans un nouvel onglet, et vérifier dans cet autre onglet si tu es bien connecté ? Si le problème est là (mais ça devrait plus arriver normalement), une simple reconnexion dans l'onglet d'à côté suffit pour pouvoir ensuire reprendre le versement des enregistrements échoués.
- — 0x010C ~talk~ 15:36, 2 January 2019 (UTC)
- Bonjour Lepticed7 et 0x010C. Hier soir nous avons vécu la même situation : à partir d'un certains nombre de versements, une erreur de versement s'affiche à côté des fichier. En fait, je crois que la limitation vient de Commons. Après avoir constaté l'erreur dans Lingua Libre, l'utilisatrice a voulu téléverser un fichier directement dans Commons, et un bandeau indiquait que pour des raisons de sécurité, le versement de fichiers a été bloqué pour quelques temps. Voir cette explication plus complète : [1]
- Cordialement, Benoit Rochon (talk) 15:34, 25 January 2019 (UTC)
Menu and naming
- See also MediaWiki:Sidebar
Hello the team, from start I've been confused by the name "Record Wizard". A wizard for me is a man doing positive magic in middle age. Recording Studio or Recording Room would seems more expected and readable. Yug (talk) 16:33, 1 January 2019 (UTC)
- There is everything fine with word "wizard" in this context, it has more than one meaning. See : "A computer program or script used to simplify complex operations" Wizard for me fits better than Studio or Room in my opinion. KaMan (talk) 16:58, 1 January 2019 (UTC)
- It's a technolect, a word known by a minor community, aka "geeks" ^^. Yug (talk) 18:41, 1 January 2019 (UTC)
- No, it's not technolect of geeks, it's well established element of user interfaces representing step-by-step process. Just google for "wizard user interface". I don't know why you don't know this term, but it is well known in English when it comes to describing user interfaces in computing. As you can read at the term is used by Microsoft for about 28 years and Microsoft definetly is not for geeks but for everyone. KaMan (talk) 08:21, 2 January 2019 (UTC)
- We have to consider organizers and speakers with low English literacy, and we do have them. For Atayal, speaker have 0 English literacy, marginal Chinese literacy, organizer has basic English literacy, full Chinese literacy. Most very local languages ("dialects") are or will be in such case. Let's be honest with ourselves, the UI won't be translate in all these very local languages. They will likely use ur UI in one of the 8 Macro languages (cn, es, en, fr, ru, pt, hi, ar). Our UI language is a barrier.
wizard: 5806th
English word by frequency, including all its meaning such 'magician', 'Software UI', see from SUBTLEXus: WORD FREQUENCY AMERICAN ENGLISH. Above rank 5000th it is in the range of vocabulary mastered by nearly fluent learners (C1). I report my feeling that "wizard" is confusing, as it have been foor myself. IMHO our UI should be in Basic English to be readable to all users, same for other 8 macro languages, so to be friendly with basic literacy people in these Macro languages. Yug (talk) 11:15, 2 January 2019 (UTC)- I don't agree with you, UI should follow established UI guidelines. If all other software names step-by-step process by word "wizard" then we should do it as well. From the two words proposed by you "Room" is completly not recognizable in computing as name for wizard-like creator, and "Studio" is reserved for big, complex products like Visual Studio. Our "Record Wizard" is lightweight step-by-step creator and as such should be named like similar processes in similar software. Here are some examples to prove that word "wizard" is used for such step-by-step creators:
- Wizard:
- Wizard:
- Wizard:
- Wizard:
- Wizard:
- Wizard:
- Wizard:
- Wizard:
- KaMan (talk) 13:14, 2 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hi!
- On this point I totally agree with KaMan. Using an other word will maybe (or maybe not) help some people, but it will fur sure confuse every english-speaking person. That's why the interface is fully translatable, to let people understand it in their own language.
- And by the way, I can add to the list the Upload Wizard on Commons, used daily by thousands of people around the world.
- — 0x010C ~talk~ 15:29, 2 January 2019 (UTC)
- [Back from travel]
- Your statements may be corrects (many start ups use this word), and mine too:
"wizard: 5806th
English word by frequency, including [first meaning] 'magician', [and rarer meaning] 'Software UI', see from SUBTLEXus: WORD FREQUENCY AMERICAN ENGLISH. Above rank 5000th it is in the range of vocabulary mastered by nearly fluent learners (C1)."
Therefore, not Basic English nor inclusive of low English proficiency users.
You are right to list dozens of English-speaking companies using it, still the statement about this word's low readability stay true. Yug (talk) 11:58, 7 January 2019 (UTC)
- I don't agree with you, UI should follow established UI guidelines. If all other software names step-by-step process by word "wizard" then we should do it as well. From the two words proposed by you "Room" is completly not recognizable in computing as name for wizard-like creator, and "Studio" is reserved for big, complex products like Visual Studio. Our "Record Wizard" is lightweight step-by-step creator and as such should be named like similar processes in similar software. Here are some examples to prove that word "wizard" is used for such step-by-step creators:
- No, it's not technolect of geeks, it's well established element of user interfaces representing step-by-step process. Just google for "wizard user interface". I don't know why you don't know this term, but it is well known in English when it comes to describing user interfaces in computing. As you can read at the term is used by Microsoft for about 28 years and Microsoft definetly is not for geeks but for everyone. KaMan (talk) 08:21, 2 January 2019 (UTC)
- It's a technolect, a word known by a minor community, aka "geeks" ^^. Yug (talk) 18:41, 1 January 2019 (UTC)
2019 Prague Wikimedia Hackathon and scholarship (*bourse*)
- Event: 2019 Prague Wikimedia Hackathon
- Place: Prague, Czech Republic
- Date: 17-19 May, 2019
- Objective: push wikimedia dev projects forward, via coding, networking, documentation.
- Scholarship : possible ! Please apply before January 8th included. Please send info to potential candidate.
- Link:
Please spread the word around the world ! Yug (talk) 20:21, 4 January 2019 (UTC)
Word frequencies for prioritizing, UNILEX and licence
Would it make sense to prioritize the data entry, so that users would start recording the most frequent words of a language, and then proceed to the less important words? If you’d like to do this, here’s the word frequencies for 1000+ languages, mostly from crawled corpora. Language codes are IETF BCP47. — Sascha (talk) 08:56, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- This would be indeed useful. To be available on Lingua Libre, we have to create manually (or using bots) lists with these words. I will try to find some time to do it. Pamputt (talk) 12:04, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- Lol. Sascha is in computational lexicology since 1993 ^^ #Boss Yug (talk) 16:14, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- Welcome Sascha, Happy to have your inputs,
We do encourage frequency lists usages (see Help:Why wordlists matter ?). LinguaLibre is still in it's open beta infancy. - Process and quality : We started to add some frequency list (Polish) by hand based on Hermite Dave project (50k list, github, wordpress announcement). Hermite's free data is helpful yet quite raw, namely: polluted by foreign languages. So when available, we use cleaner list from academic research. Ex: Chinese is planed via Subtlex-ch. These raw text lists are then copy-pasted into LL wikipages, so one of these lists is then loaded in the record wizard to provide a list of words for the speaker to read aloud. There is no interactive sorting, it's just loading the list as a text.
- Licence : The other issue we have is that half of frequency lists around have weird semi-free licenses not or unclearly compatible with Wikimedia projects. UNILEX's licence is the UNICODE licence.
@LL team : Any idea how we handle data and license asking :
provided that either (a) this copyright and permission notice appear with all copies of the Data Files or Software, or (b) this copyright and permission notice appear in associated documentation.
- We copy it to the talkpage as well ? --Yug (talk) 16:48, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- Good point about the license. Theoretically I could ask the Unicode Consortium to change the license for Unilex to CC0; but like any relicensing discussion, this would take forever. As the person who started the Unilex project at Unicode, I currently have the impression that Wikidata Lexemes is going to be the better (more scalable, faster progressing, eventually higher quality) approach for collecting lexical data about the world’s languages. So, instead of starting a painful relicensing debate, I think it’ll be easier to simply run corpus crawler to build these word lists from scratch. I’ve written that crawler a while ago to get started with the Unilex project; the Unilex word frequencies were built by running 1000 crawls (one for each language), and then segmenting their plaintext output with ICU word break iterators. I’ve now placed a link to the Corpus Crawler sources on Help:How_to_create_a_frequency_list, in case someone here wants to give it a try. If anything’s broken there, or to support additional languages in the crawler beyond the current 1000, just send a pull request via GitHub. You can also fork the crawler project if you want; the source code is a pretty dull Python script with a regular Apache-2.0 license. — Sascha (talk) 17:02, 14 January 2019 (UTC)
Enable all human languages in bulk?
Would it be possible to support all existing human languages at once? Currently, one needs to file a request for each and every language. It’s not very clear how to do this (which of the admins to contact, and how exactly to contact them?). Also, the LinguaLibre admins surely can make better use of their time than by handling single language requests... For a list of all languages, see the IANA language subtag registry for IETF BCP47. There’s only a few thousand languages, so it might be easy to do this in one single bulk, and then be done. If it helps, I’ll gladly generate a list of (IETF-BCP47-Code, Wikidata-ID) with the mapping, or any other information you’d need for this; feel free to contact me. — Sascha (talk) 09:32, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- +1. I think there is some techical issues for search fields... anyway to go forward ? Yug (talk) 17:07, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Sascha,
- For now on, I only imported languages with an iso639-2 tag, to test Lingua Libre's software with a smaller set of languages for its start (Lingua Libre is still in beta). Importing every languages in the world is planned, but not on the short term, because I still have to check if the database and the software is able to manage smoothly thousend and thousend of languages.
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 18:24, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
Use IETF BCP47 instead of ISO 639?
Currently, LinguaLibre seems to use ISO 639 language codes internally. Consider switching to IETF BCP47; all modern computing standards such as HTML, XML or PDF have moved from ISO 639 to IETF BCP47. For example, BCP47 syntax supports regional variants such as Canadian French fr-CA; language variants such as Sursilvan Romansh rm-sursilv; regional subdivisions such as the Berne variant of Swiss German gsw-u-sd-chbe; and other fine-grained distinctions. See this article for an introduction, and the IANA registry of valid subtags for the complete list. Specifically, the proposal would be to add property IETF BCP47 language tag (Q1059900) to LinguaLibre’s copy of the Wikidata schema, and to use that property instead of ISO 639-3 code (Q56217712). — Sascha (talk) 10:40, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Sascha!
- In fact, Lingua Libre uses nor ISO 639-3 nor BCP47 but Wikidata Qids as internal identifier for a language. Currently, and if I remember correctly, ISO639-3 codes are used in two cases:
- For the name of pages containing lists in the list namespace (in the format [[List:ISO/List name]], with ISO the iso6369-3 code);
- To forge Wikimedia Commons's category names
- Changing the code would affect only those two parts of the process. If we switch from one language tag to an other, we would have to:
- Add a new property BCP47 locally as you suggested (a bot can import them from Wikidata);
- Rename all local lists (can be made by hand, we don't have many lists for now on);
- Rename all existing Wikimedia Commons categories and move all the audio recordings (a bot there is required);
- I have personnaly no opinion on this question, but if several person agree that it would be a good move, I'll add it to the development todo-list :).
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 18:19, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- Cool! I wasn’t aware that you’re internally using Wikidata IDs. This is great, because (other than ISO 639-3) it can model arbitrary languages and dialects.
- Regarding the lists, would it perhaps be an option to key them by Wikidata ID? Then, arbitrary languages/dialects could be queried, and also regional variants such as Australian English. I don’t know how your server is implemented, but perhaps you could map language codes to Wikidata IDs in your frontend server, so it would not even have to be a user-visible change (apart from supporting more languages).
- Regarding the names of categories on Wikimedia Commons, what would you think of the proposal to use IETF language codes instead of “other”?
- Best, — Sascha (talk)
- Cool! I wasn’t aware that you’re internally using Wikidata IDs. This is great, because (other than ISO 639-3) it can model arbitrary languages and dialects.
— Sascha (talk) 06:14, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Documenting langtag usages on LL
- See Help:Langtags and Wikipedia Language code#Common_schemes
In our Help:Main, we surely could have a page Help:Langtags (Languages codes and LinguaLibre) to expose our current / planned approaches on the matter. Yug (talk) 13:23, 9 January 2019 (UTC)
- Help:Langtags (Languages codes and LinguaLibre) have been initiated. So, for now we are based on LL Qid, ok. Then,
- Should these local LL pages contain ISO 639-3 and BCP47 properties, or should they go into the Wikidata page ONLY ? Or both.
- Audios files could contains all these as metadata tags. Should they ?
- If someone could forge a SPARQL query which list all our active languages on LL, with English name, LL-qid, WD-qid, ISO 639-3, BCP47, it could be an helpful conversion table. Yug (talk) 13:50, 9 January 2019 (UTC)
- Yug here is you query :
select ?languageLabel ?language ?WD ?isoCode (COUNT(?record) AS ?count) where { ?record prop:P2 entity:Q2 . ?record prop:P4 ?language . ?language prop:P12 ?WD . ?language prop:P13 ?isoCode . SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .} } GROUP BY ?languageLabel ?language ?WD ?isoCode ORDER BY DESC(?count)
- As far as I can tell, there is no BCP47 property on LL and I added the number of records in these languages. And I don't know how to share a direct link to the query on ). Cheers, VIGNERON (talk) 09:47, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Support variants of Romansh
Done -- can be closed Sascha (talk) 20:31, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Would it be possible to add support for the various variants of the Romansh language?
In the IETF BCP47 language subtag registry, rm-rumgr is the language code for Rumantsch Grischun; rm-surmiran for Rumantsch Surmiran; rm-sutsilv for Rumantsch Sutsilvan; rm-sursilv for Rumantsch Sursilvan; rm-vallader for Rumantsch Vallader; rm-puter for Rumantsch Puter.
In Wikidata, rm-rumgr is Q688873; rm-surmiran is Q690216; rm-sutsilv is Q688272; rm-sursilv is Q688348; rm-vallader is Q690226; rm-puter is Q688309.
In Wikimedia commons, the category tags are subtags of Category:Romansh_pronunciation but they are not very organized; I’ll gladly create new categories if needed.
I’m currently uploading a couple thousand Sursilvan pronunciations, such as “acceptar ezatgei”. It would be great to use LinguaLibre for recording additional variants of the Romansh language, and for recording the missing Sursilvan words. Your toolchain is so much nicer than my bot, so I’d love to switch over. :-)
See also Phabricator ticket T210293 for a related request to support them for monolingual text in Wikidata, which isn’t really related to LinguaLibre but might be interesting as context.
— Sascha (talk) 20:18, 9 January 2019 (UTC)
- @Sascha it's done!
- Note that the Wikidata Qid is enough, we have a script that extract automatically every other needed informations from Wikidata :).
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 09:26, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- For easy access:
- wikidata:Q688309 : Q74907: Putèr : rm-puter
- wikidata:Q690226 : Q74906: Vallader : rm-vallader
- wikidata:Q688348 : Q74905: Sursilvan : rm-sursilv
- wikidata:Q688272 : Q74904: Sutsilvan : rm-sutsilv
- wikidata:Q690216 : Q74903: Surmiran : rm-surmiran
- wikidata:Q688873 : Q74902: Rumantsch Grischun : rm-rumgr
- So from this live import of pointers~examples I understand how we are rolling : most properties are in wikidata only ;) (It answer my question 1. in section above)
- Thanks to 0x010C ! Yug (talk) 12:57, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- Thank you! — Sascha (talk) 14:59, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- For easy access:
I’ve tried to add support for the Chakma language by adding My Chakma contact (Bivuti Chakma, was able to record Chakma pronunciations, but he reports that the final step (uploading the files to Wikimedia servers) has failed. Probably it’s my fault; I should have asked you instead of trying to do this myself... Apologies for the nuisance, and thanks for your help. — Sascha (talk) 14:52, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hi I am Bivuti Chakma from Bangladesh. I am working on my language to implement in technology over the globe.
- In you site I have recorded some audio, it's not publish accurately, why?
- In this regard I include screenshot of audio.
- Thanks, Bivuti
- It is not clear to me now, but it seems that creating language "by hand" does not work. So I imported Help:Add_a_new_language should be updated. Bivuti, could you try again on few words and copy here any error message you get. Pamputt (talk) 06:42, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Thanks Pamputt
When I try to audio recording. The site shows me like this screenshot:
- Hi Bivuti!
- Thanks for your participation.
- I've fixed the language-import thing, which was causing the "Unable to contact the server" error.
- Concerning the publishing issue: this question may be odd, but did you actually clicked on the big blue "Publish on Wikimedia Commons" button?
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 04:41, 12 January 2019 (UTC
Hi Yes I have clicked on Publish on Wikimedia Commons" button. After clicking on the button it shows publish failed, try again.
Compress audio?
Should LinguaLibre upload its pronunciations in FLAC format instead of uncompressed Wave files? FLAC is a lossless compression, so it would save space (and bandwidth for users) without losing quality. The only downside is that LinguaLibre’s server would use a bit more CPU, but that’s probably a very minor issue since it’s only needed once per file. To convert to FLAC in maximal compression, you can use something `ffmpeg -i input.wav -compression_level 12 output.flac`. Wikimedia Commons automatically transcodes FLAC to Vorbis and to MP3; see example for an uploaded FLAC file. Just a thought. — Sascha (talk) 15:09, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- Sascha, could you open a Phabricator ticket to track this proposal? Pamputt (talk) 06:50, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Category “Lingua Libre pronunciation-other”
In this test, LinguaLibre has assigned a Commons category Lingua Libre pronunciation-other. Instead of “other”, could it use the IETF language tag (if present in Wikidata)? To get it, retrieve property P305 from the Wikidata record for the language. And perhaps fall back to the Wikidata ID for languages that don’t have an IETF code. Then, the recordings from unrelated languages wouldn’t get conflated. — Sascha (talk) 15:17, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- Indeed, this point has to improved on Lingua Libre. See T208641 on Phabricator. About IETF codes, the problem is they do not cover all the languages/dialects spoken on earth. So the problem remains for languages that do not have IETF code. Pamputt (talk) 06:47, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Normalize loudness
Should LinguaLibre normalize the loudness of recordings to EBU R 128, so that pronunciations are perceived equally loud irrespective of user microphones? ffmpeg can do this, either if you call it directly (rather painful), or via the ffmpeg-normalize wrapper script. It’s also possible to embed metadata with measured loudness, which some (but not all) players recognize; but in the context of LinguaLibre, it might be best to normalize loudness on the server and resample the signal accordingly. — Sascha (talk) 16:53, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- I would like this normalization for my usages as well, language learning.
Note @Sascha : relevant normalize loudness, denoising , fading-in-and-out cleanups commands to document in Help:Main#Download,_clean,_web_use > Help:SoX (to rename?). Denoise, fading not used serverside so far. 0x010C coded the recorder js and can give specifics. I'am of the opinion that such clean up scripts would sooner (server side) or later (after dataset download) come handy. Yug (talk) 18:33, 10 January 2019 (UTC)- Google:EBU R128 Loudness Normalisation ffmpeg > Audio Loudness Normalization With FFmpeg, Answer: How can I normalize audio using ffmpeg?. Yug (talk) 18:38, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- If normalization was done before uploading to Wikimedia Commons, all Wikipedia users would benefit (eg. when someone clicks on pronunciation icon on Wikipedia, they’d hear the recording in uniform loudness, denoised, etc.). If normalization is done in utility scripts called by end users, the set of people who benefit from this will be much smaller. The trade-off is that the recordings wouldn’t get preserved in their original form, but that’s probably not much an issue for LinguaLibre? — Sascha (talk) 06:24, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
- Sascha, could you open a Phabricator ticket to track this proposal? Pamputt (talk) 06:49, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
- Sure, filed T213535. — Sascha (talk) 11:17, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
- Phabricator starts to have a load of server side developments to do. Not sure volunteers and opensource model will be productive enough. Maybe should we ask for a funding for 2 months dev work. In France it's about 6~8k€. Any lead ? Wikimedia france ? Grants ? Yug (talk) 16:00, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
- Sure, filed T213535. — Sascha (talk) 11:17, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
- Sascha, could you open a Phabricator ticket to track this proposal? Pamputt (talk) 06:49, 11 January 2019 (UTC)
Request for Comment: Moving from ISO 639-3 language codes to IETF BCP47
Hi Lingua Libre users,
Sascha suggested several times that Lingua Libre should switch from ISO 639-3 language codes to IETF BCP47 language tags. If we do that, it will be a major change in the Lingua Libre code-base. I will summarize here the different usages, pros & cons of such a switch.
Please share your opinion on this bellow!
Thank you all for your participation. — 0x010C ~talk~ 16:59, 12 January 2019 (UTC)
Lingua Libre uses Wikidata Qids as internal identifier of a language. So the proposed change will not affect the core of the Record Wizard. Currently, ISO639-3 codes are used in four cases:
- For the name of pages containing lists in the list namespace (in the format [[List:ISO/List name]], with ISO the iso6369-3 code);
- In the name of the datasets archives;
- In the description of the local item of each audio recording;
- To forge Wikimedia Commons's category names;
- To forge each file name that is uploaded on Wikimedia Commons;
- Technical considerations
If we switch from one language tag to an other, to be consistent and use the new language tag everywhere, we would have to:
- Create a new property BCP47, and add it to every language items localy, for the Record Wizard to be able to use them (a bot can import them from Wikidata);
- Rename all local word lists (can be made by hand, we don't have many lists for now on);
- Make a quick adaptation in the script that generates the datasets;
- Rename all existing Wikimedia Commons categories and move all the audio recordings (a bot there is required);
- Update the description of the item of every audio recording in our database (a bot can do it);
- Change the way the Record Wizard manages the recording of duplicate words in two different recording sessions: it currently check if a file has already the forged name on Wikimedia Commons, but as the format of the name would change, we won't be able to rely on it anymore.
- Pros
- BCP47 is widely used in computing standards;
- It has codes for way more languages and dialects;
- It will solve the categorization issue we have currently on Wikimedia Commons (see T208641);
- We will have a language code to display for way more languages and dialects (we only show the Wikidata Qid in file names for small languages curently, which is not very user-friendly, e.g. File:LL-Q36759-Assassas77-歡喜.wav);
- Allow to have word lists working as expected for small languages / dialects;
- Some Wiktionaries (like the French Wiktionary) use this standard to refer to a language in their templates; this is also the case of Wikibase (and so Wikidata) for the language of labels and description.
- Cons
- As we cannot rename 60.000+ files on Wikimedia Commons, two different file format will have to coexist (but this is not an issue if you use the SPARQL endpoint to extract the metadatas);
- As of today, only 3003 languages have their IETF language tag filled on Wikidata (we have currently 8028 languages with an ISO 639-3 code listed);
- Once the changes made to the Record Wizard and the migration scripts ready to run, we would have to turn off the Record Wizard for one or several days, while the different bots are running to avoid unsynchronized items and conflicts.
— 0x010C ~talk~ 16:59, 12 January 2019 (UTC)
- Support: This will be a hard change but if it has to be done, it's better to do it now rather than in several years. — 0x010C ~talk~ 16:59, 12 January 2019 (UTC)
- Contre : French wiktionnary don't use IETF code. Sorry I continue in french : L'IETF fait n'importe quoi avec les langues régionales, c'est pire que ISO 639-3. Nous n'utilisons pas les code IETF, jamais à aucun moment. Soit on prend le code ISO, ce qui marche pour 5000 langues environ, soit on prend le nom de la langue en français, ou en anglais si absent. Aujourd'hui, les contributeurs du Wiktionnaire tendent à s'affranchir de plus en plus des codes et de passer sur les noms de langues en tant que clés primaires. La seule organisation qui fassent l'unanimité sur les langues parce que gérée uniquement par des linguistes, c'est Glottolog, à la limite, on peut se caler dessus, ce sont les plus neutres. Lyokoï (talk) 17:46, 12 January 2019 (UTC)
- Oppose (weakly) IETF looks to assign a code to more languages than ISO 639-3 codes. Yet, it does not solve all the issue because I guess it is possible to find language/dialect that do not have either ISO 639-3 or IETF code. In such case, all the issues we have with ISO 639-3 remain the same. If we have to switch to another code system, I has to solve some issues, not only to postpone them. From now, the only code that is flexible and can desribe all language/dialect is the Wikidata code but there are probably other issues if we decide to use them. But since I do not precisely IETF code, I may be wrong so that I do not want to oppose strongly. Pamputt (talk) 19:37, 12 January 2019 (UTC)
- Oppose per Pamputt: if it not covers all the dialects then we still have the same problem. Also I don't feel comfortable with two systems in filenames in Commons. I have lots of homonims in Polish and I afraid I would have two files for the same pronounciation from Lingua Libre for one transcription. That would be nightmare for bot operators adding audio files to wiktionaries. KaMan (talk) 09:00, 13 January 2019 (UTC)
- Support: There’s a couple misunderstandings here. IETF BCP47 is actually not yet another random codelist that would be different from ISO codes. Rather, BCP47 is a standardized system (and very widely used, eg. in HTML, XML and HTTP) that combinines subtags from other standards. For languages, subtags are taken from ISO 639; for countries, from ISO 3166-1; for provinces/states, from ISO 3166-2; etc. Also, you can add custom information into BCP47 tags without breaking the syntax; this could be used for embedding Wikidata IDs. Here’s a few examples: `en` for English (from ISO 639-1); `haw` for Hawaiian (from ISO 639-3, because Hawaiian has no two-letter code in ISO 639-1); `fr-CA` for Canadian French (language + country); `pt-AO` for Angolan Portuguese; `es-419` for Latin American Spanish (419 is the United Nations M.49 code for Latin America). There is a registry for standardized variants, for example the BCP47 code `rm-sursilv` stands for the Sursilvan variant of Romansh. When a language does not fit into the scheme, you can always append (short) pieces of “private” data after `-x-`. For example, you could encode Verlan (which doesn’t have an ISO language code) as an IETF BCP47 language tag `mis-x-Q1429662` or so. Admittedly, the Wikipedia article about BCP47 is not very helpful at the moment, and the standard itself is very technical. — Sascha (talk) 20:10, 13 January 2019 (UTC)
- As I said, I do not know a lot about IETF BCP47 so I may be wrong. Yet, from the examples you give, you say that the language code comes from ISO 639, so actually if a language do not have ISO 639 code, then BCP47 will not have either. The only advantage I see, compared to ISO 639, is it can represent dialect and regional language (Canada French for example). Youwrite that if a language do not have ISO 639 code, then we can use something like `mis-x-Q1429662`. I do not see what is the advantage compared to simply use Wikidata ID (Q1429662 instead of mis-x-Q1429662). Pamputt (talk) 22:21, 13 January 2019 (UTC)
- In names of dataset archives, names of uploaded pronunciation files, and in the other places where Lingua Libre currently uses ISO 639-3 codes, a BCP 47 tag would be easier to understand than just the Wikidata ID alone. For example, an IETF BCP 47 tag nan-x-Q36759 would identify Teochew as a variant of Southern Min (ISO 639-3: nan) while still pointing to Wikidata Q36759 for the exact identification. — Sascha (talk) 07:03, 14 January 2019 (UTC)
- As I said, I do not know a lot about IETF BCP47 so I may be wrong. Yet, from the examples you give, you say that the language code comes from ISO 639, so actually if a language do not have ISO 639 code, then BCP47 will not have either. The only advantage I see, compared to ISO 639, is it can represent dialect and regional language (Canada French for example). Youwrite that if a language do not have ISO 639 code, then we can use something like `mis-x-Q1429662`. I do not see what is the advantage compared to simply use Wikidata ID (Q1429662 instead of mis-x-Q1429662). Pamputt (talk) 22:21, 13 January 2019 (UTC)
- Support: I already have problems due to the impossibility to distinct variants in occitan. For instance, if a gascon occitan want to record words from a predefinite list (because he has no idea of which words to record), he can't search for a list in its variant. He will click randomly on lists names, until he got one in his variant (which can takes long and cause him to give up).
- Second, on Commons, it will be easier for people who doesn't know Wikidata (for instance a teacher who wants to download words in a variety to have his pupils listening them) to get the variety of the word, directly in the results of the search page (with the filenames).
- Third, for the compatibility with developpers programs. At Lo Congrès, we work with RFC5646 (we needed a way to indicate variants). If we make a program which queries Lingua Libre, we need to add a query via Wikidata to get the variety code compatible with our programs. It slows the page and make the work longer.
- I work every day on a language with variants, and for the sort of work I (and others) do, it would be a real improvement. So maybe IETF is theoretically problematic for his language classement, but ISO 639-3 is pragmatically problematic. As a developer, I prefer a usable system that doesn't fit exactly the reality than a system teoretically right that can't be used without a lot of difficulties. — Unuaiga (talk) 16:21, 14 January 2019 (UTC)
- Support (for human friendly filenames): I was slow to answer because it's indeed a tricky issue. For all recordings, the value of their langtags −Qids, ISO639-3, BCP47−, exist or can be created. Qids are always new creations assigned when creating the language on LL's wiki, whereas ISO639-3 and BCP47 can exist OR be extended. Each langtag family can covers +5000 languages and do the job we need them for up to 2025~ 2030, with custom extensions when required easier for Qid (still normal creation) and BCP47 (custom extension). Then, the equivalences between these 3 or more langtags can be found by wikimedia editors or outsiders via the Qid or Wikidata pages and few clicks. Afterwhat each langtag and its value can find its way back into the filename via some replacement script. So for me these Qids, ISO639-3, BCP47 langtags are technically equivalents : they each can do the work and be quite interchangeable.
The question is on HUMAN USAGES. Three groups of humans will manages these files and filenames : 1) LL speakers, organizers and editors ; 2) wikimedia users ; 3) outsiders like android app developers and non-recording linguists. Who is more important ? To who do we want to make access, readability and work easier ? What is their spontaneous knowledge ?- The current way: opaque Qid-based filename online, post-download processing to make them readable. We have filename with unreadable Qids, with the actual human-friendly value on LinguaLibre Qid's page. So for us LL editors and maintainers, if we find out our language definition is obsolete, we just update the LL Qid's page, and new people coming there for reference will see the corrected values. For end users on wikimedia cannot directly recognize the language. After files or datasets download, batch renaming commands documented on LL can help end users to renames files as they wish.
- Datasets and filenames should be human-readable pre-downnload. If so, then the ISO 639-3-based IETF BCP-47 can cover 99% of our easy usages, and BCP-47 has native flexibility to create code for the 1% weird cases. Wikimedia users and outside-wikimedia users will appreciate. If we make mistakes, the vitality of open data spread wrongly name files and will get us troubles.
- We will need better LinguaLibre-Commons maintenance bots and more bots masters, so we don't always rely on 0x010C, who thereby become our bottleneck. We also need way to massively rename or remove files from Commons.
- I personally think we have to ease readability to outsiders, app developers and linguists who won't find their way through LL documentations. Also, I'am supporting a move toward human-friendly filenames, from LL website down to wikimedia sites and post-download outsiders' desktops computers. Yug (talk) 21:18, 14 January 2019 (UTC) -note: I have a cold so my English seems worse than usual, my apologize.
Implications Approach For LL editors Wikimedia editors Outsiders Custom Qid codes,
created as needed,
(LinguaLibre Qids)Correcting language scope/definition : easy, only change value of fields IETF BCP-47.
Existing files with this Qid, wherever they are, implicitly follow the corrected value.Opaque filenames, not editable because by convention.
Readable value to find on LinguaLibre.
Commons page can have a def and links.Opaque filenames.
Value on LinguaLibre's Qid page
Post-download: commands to rename batch of files, documented in Help:Main.Existing codes,
(ex:ISO 639-3-based IETF BCP-47)Correcting language scope/definition : Hard, only new recording affected.
Existing files with this code will each require correction.Readable filenames, no need to rename. Readable filenames.
Ready to go.
Tricky example
Let's take a concrete example, what would be the code for the Gudjal language, a Pama-Nyungan language spoken in Australia? This language has neither ISO 639 code nor BCP47 code. It has a Glottolog, AUSTLANG and identifiers. So if we decide to switch to BCP47, what would be the advantage compared to the existing one (ISO 639) because there is no code in both systems? We simply delay the discussion on the problem of languages or dialects without code. Pamputt (talk) 12:20, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
- Since Gudjal is a dialect/variant of Warrungu whose BCP47 code is wrg, the BCP47 code for Gudjal would be wrg-x-Q60610865. To find the prefix for arbitrary languages in Wikidata, it looks like we’ll have to clean up Wikidata a bit. For example, currently there’s no statement in Wikidata linking Verlan to French; we’d need that to come up with the code fr-x-Q1429662 for Verlan. — Sascha (talk) 19:23, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
- Indeed, wrong example because some work say this "language" is actually a dialect of the Warrungu language.
- So let us consider the Bunwurrung language, another Pama-Nyungan language spoken in Australia. This one does not seem to be (yet?) a dialect of another language. So, what would be its BCP47 code? The same for Bwenelang language, a Austronesian language spoken in Vanuatu. Pamputt (talk) 20:11, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
- In the short term, their codes would be mis-x-Q4997965 and mis-x-Q56261010. In the long term, it would be good to assign ISO 639-3 codes to these languages. This is actually quite easy (if there’s references about the language). See FAQ, or this example registration request. Requests are reviewed once per year. All changes to ISO 639-3 also go into the registry for BCP 47. — Sascha (talk) 11:23, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
- Thanks for the examples. In my opinion, "mis-x-Q4997965" is more cryptic than only "Q4997965". If a language has a ISO 639-3 code, then the BCP47 code is indeed easier to understand than a Qid. So, as I already said, the advantage is to make clearer the code for the dialects but it does not solve all the problems (such as these two languages. Since such code change will not be done every month, I would prefer to have a better solution (more universal) before breaking/changing everything. Pamputt (talk) 17:42, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
- I find
less crypting : as soon as you know the naming scheme you can assumemis-x-*
is a rare language. If 98% of our languages get clearer with BCP47, and 2% are such asmis-x-Q4997965
, it's a net improvement of 98%, let's go for it. Let's not force to the throat of our end users a 15th new standard. Yug (talk) 17:04, 26 January 2019 (UTC)
- I find
- Thanks for the examples. In my opinion, "mis-x-Q4997965" is more cryptic than only "Q4997965". If a language has a ISO 639-3 code, then the BCP47 code is indeed easier to understand than a Qid. So, as I already said, the advantage is to make clearer the code for the dialects but it does not solve all the problems (such as these two languages. Since such code change will not be done every month, I would prefer to have a better solution (more universal) before breaking/changing everything. Pamputt (talk) 17:42, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
- In the short term, their codes would be mis-x-Q4997965 and mis-x-Q56261010. In the long term, it would be good to assign ISO 639-3 codes to these languages. This is actually quite easy (if there’s references about the language). See FAQ, or this example registration request. Requests are reviewed once per year. All changes to ISO 639-3 also go into the registry for BCP 47. — Sascha (talk) 11:23, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
Encoding Wikidata IDs into BCP47
By the way, in a BCP47 language tag such as wrg-x-Q60610865, anyone can stuff anything after -x- which is flexible but not ideal for an identification scheme. I’m now preparing a formal proposal for encoding Wikidata IDs into BCP47 language tags. BCP47 already draws subtags from many other registries such as ISO 639, ISO 3166, UN M.49 and others; so why not treating Wikidata as yet another “registration authority”. If the proposal gets accepted, the official syntax would be something different than -x-. Just for your information; I’ve no idea if the proposal gets accepted, and it usually takes a long time to make changes. — Sascha (talk) 12:20, 16 January 2019 (UTC)
Ne pas proposer les termes pour lesquels on a déjà téléversé un enregistrement
Tout est dans le titre : si je reprends les termes d’une liste déjà partiellement enregistrée, LinguaLibre me propose d’en réenregistrer tout les membres, ce qui ne me semble guère pertinent. Il devrait plutôt ne proposer que des termes pour lesquels je n’ai encore rien enregistré.
Cordialement. Penegal (talk) 17:36, 20 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hello Penegal ! This feature has been requested before. We have a phabricator task on it (T212580),defining the problem and storing on the LinguaLibre developers' dashboard. Previous discussion have concluded that this feature isn't easy to provide. We call for volunteer developer.s with required skills to jump in and develop a script providing this service.
- Which word lists do you work with ? You could compare the lists before work, using comm (
comm -13 recorded.txt nextlist.txt
). An alternative is to progress not via thematic lists or extracts from texts as of now on FRA, but with method, more specifically by recording words from the most frequent to the lesser ones. We currently don't have large frequency list for FRA. If this would satisfy your needs, please message me. Yug (talk) 22:12, 20 January 2019 (UTC)- I could use that, but how would you extract the list of already recorded items? Starting from my contributions list doesn't seem very scriptable. Is there an API or something that could give me a parseable output? Penegal (talk) 17:31, 21 January 2019 (UTC)
- I definitively need a list of your previous recordings to use it as reference for comparison via comm. I guessed you used lists from Special:PrefixIndex/List:Fra and could tell me which ones you previously used ? Now I pray :D Yug (talk) 18:24, 21 January 2019 (UTC)
- Oh, all good. I have something I can work with. Yug (talk) 18:29, 21 January 2019 (UTC)
- After 1040x2 deletions, it's clean : List:Fra/Penegal-temp. Give me one evening to come with your next wordlists. Yug (talk) 18:39, 21 January 2019 (UTC)
- You mean you'll have to update this list for me each time? I hope not; I can't ask you to be my bot, it will be a pain in the ass to you. Penegal (talk) 18:18, 22 January 2019 (UTC)
- I use's fr corpus of 106.8M (3.5Gb) sentences to create a reliable oral french frequency list. I will subtract from it the list of your recorded words, so the next words you do are new. I'am on it right now, working smooth, having fun, ready soon. Few more hours of work needed. The shell commands i use will be shared so other members can do it as well for most of the 60+ other languages. Yug (talk) 20:51, 22 January 2019 (UTC)
- You mean you'll have to update this list for me each time? I hope not; I can't ask you to be my bot, it will be a pain in the ass to you. Penegal (talk) 18:18, 22 January 2019 (UTC)
- I could use that, but how would you extract the list of already recorded items? Starting from my contributions list doesn't seem very scriptable. Is there an API or something that could give me a parseable output? Penegal (talk) 17:31, 21 January 2019 (UTC)
- Umh, based on OpenSubtitle's corpus[1] and my current shell commands, there is what I get : Special:PrefixIndex/List:Fra/subtlex-for-user-Penegal, from 0001 to 8000th for now. More if you need. It's a solid frequency list. Yet I'am not satisfied : there is quite some noise.
- Noise: Lot of characters names, a bunch of basic English words. I review and cleaned up the 6000 to 8000th list: out of 2000 items, I had to edit 206 modifications (10%) and make 82 deletions (4%) (diff, open view-source: and search for "diff-deletedline" and "diff-addedline").
- Script improvements: as we review anc correct these files, I will keep track of the edits we do and integrate them to my script to generate better list, with or without English words and with or without names. Another direction would be to compare this list to Lexique3's items, since they already made this verification.
- Immediate priority: I will review and edit-clean up these files by hand to 1) remove *pure* English words, 2) recapitalize names. It takes about 20 by page. Help welcome (adopt a file ici). I'am also and must continue to improve and document these commands. Yug (talk) 23:05, 26 January 2019 (UTC)
- Wow, you lost me. What are you trying to do? Penegal (talk) 09:15, 28 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hahahaha. I try to create a good, open license, systematic frequency list so FRA speakers may record French words following an efficient recording path. Efficiency being measured as lexical coverage of spoken French corpus compared to recording effort. It makes more sense to record frequently occurring words first. Then go down the road. (But there is some noise in my frequency list, see 26 January 2019's message XD)
- Then, on this list, I subtracted your previous 1000+ records, so the lists and words in Special:PrefixIndex/List:Fra/subtlex-for-user-Penegal are all new to you AND statistically the most frequent on spoken French corpus from
- It makes sense from a computational linguistic point of view, I'am not sure I satisfy your former request tho. But it was fun to do ^^ Yug (talk) 10:49, 28 January 2019 (UTC)
Requête Wikidata pour la création d'une liste de mots
Bonjour !
Quand j'essaie de créer une liste de mots à partir d'une requête Wikidata, j'obtiens toujours la même erreur. Voilà l'URL que j'utilise.
L'erreur indiquée est "Result must contain both "id" and "label" field.". Est-ce que j'ai raté quelque chose ? :) Exilexi (talk) 17:16, 29 January 2019 (UTC)
- Salut Exilexi, est-ce que tu peux essayer avec cette requête ? Pamputt (talk) 20:48, 29 January 2019 (UTC)
- Salut Exilexi,
- Cette requête va fonctionner : [2].
- En fait, l'analyseur de résultats est assez simpliste pour le moment, il faut forcément que le Qid (ou Lid) de ton item soit dans une colonne nommé ?id et que le label associé dans une colonne nommé ?label. Quand j'en aurais le temps, je pourrais améliorer cela, mais ce n'est malheureusement pas encore pour tout de suite... :/
- Bons enregistrements ! — 0x010C ~talk~ 23:32, 19 February 2019 (UTC)
Mauvais code langue
Bonjour, Un de mes locuteur n'a pas choisi le bon code langue lors de l'enregistrement de la liste Oci/cosina , est-il possible de corriger les noms de fichiers (Ex : LL-Q150 (oci)-Ives (Guilhelma)-adobar.wav au lieu de LL-Q150 (fra)-Ives (Guilhelma)-adobar.wav ?
- Salut Guilhelma,
- J'ai commencé il y a quelques semaines à développer un script pour effectuer des corrections à grande échelle. En attendant, j'ai listé les enregistrements en question sur LinguaLibre:Misleading items en mémo, comme ça dès que j'aurais fini hop je corrigerais tout d'un coup :).
- Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 08:40, 9 February 2019 (UTC)
- Merci Guilhelma
For your information (langtag)
Google Speech documents its languages support using ... Yug (talk) 18:21, 13 February 2019 (UTC)
Je serais très intéressé de savoir comment vous avez paramétré le lecteur TimedMediaHandler.
En effet, je souhaiterais que les utilisateurs puissent rapidement différencier les sons en rapport avec le mot lui-même de sa prononciation, si possible avec un lecteur plus compact pour la prononciation. Surtout que nous n'avons pas besoin de la barre de navigation dans le fichier pour des fichiers autant courts. Vous trouverez un exemple de mon "problème" ici.
Merci ! DSwissK (talk) 21:42, 20 February 2019 (UTC)
- Bonjour DSwissK,
- Les lecteurs audio présent dans le RecordWizard et sur les pages de la sonothèque ont été créé spécialement pour Lingua Libre, et n'ont rien à voir avec l'extension TimedMediaHandler. C'est le bout de javascript suivant qui en est responsable :
function playButton( audioUrl ) { var button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { framed: false, icon: 'play', title: 'play' } ); button.on( 'click', function() { var audio = new Audio( audioUrl );; } ); return button.$element; }
- Lorsqu'un le RecordWizard ou la sonothèque récupère l'url d'un media audio, ils le passent à cette fonction qui en retour renvoie un element JQuery qu'il suffit d'insérer à l'endroit désiré dans la page.
- Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 21:59, 20 February 2019 (UTC)
Lien direct vers fichier .ogg
Je remarque que les fichiers envoyés au format WAV sont automatiquement transcodés en MP3 et OGG.
Est-il dès lors possible d'utiliser directement ces fichiers avec un lien direct ?
Pour le fichier , j'ai tenté de faire lire, avec html5player, mais sans succès (en plus de l'URL compliquée...)
DSwissK (talk) 12:53, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- Salut DSwissk,
- Tu as du faire une erreur autre part, car cela fonctionne très bien. Le player Kaltura, qui est le lecteur multimédia utilisé sur les wikis Wikimedia, tape d'ailleurs sur cette même version transcodé en OGG ;). Tu peux le tester tout simplement avec une balise audio
<audio src="" controls>
(par contre, oui, l'url est longue et reloue...). - Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 13:53, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- Merci pour ta réponse rapide, 0x010C. J'ai effectivement réussi en insérant le code suivant dans le modèle "
" - Le problème : chaque fichier à un répertoire de transcodage différent. C'est donc impossible de faire un lien direct depuis un modèle vers le bon endroit, n'est-ce pas ?
- Merci et belle fin de journée. DSwissK (talk) 15:28, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- Je ne connais pas ce player html5media, mais la façon la plus propre ça serait plutôt que ce soit lui qui forger la bonne url (comme le fait Kaltura sur les wikis Wikimedia), si tu tiens à avoir de l'ogg et non du wav. Sinon, t'as toujours la solution de calculer à la volée le nom du répertoire dans lequel se trouve le fichier. C'est en fait les deux premiers caractères du hash md5 du nom du fichier (cf doc), que tu peux facilement calculer avec la fonction
mw.hash.hashValue( 'md5', nomDuFichier )
en lua si l'extension Scribunto est installé. - Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 22:44, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- Merci de ta réponse. Je n'ai pas installé l'extension Scribunto (et je me sens bien incapable de coder en Lua) mais il me semble que TimedMediaHandler (qui est, lui, installé sur le wiki) utilise Kaltura. Saurais-tu comment lui demander de forger la bonne URL (ou alors le forcer à s'afficher en mode "audio") ? DSwissK (talk) 13:48, 23 February 2019 (UTC)
- Je ne connais pas ce player html5media, mais la façon la plus propre ça serait plutôt que ce soit lui qui forger la bonne url (comme le fait Kaltura sur les wikis Wikimedia), si tu tiens à avoir de l'ogg et non du wav. Sinon, t'as toujours la solution de calculer à la volée le nom du répertoire dans lequel se trouve le fichier. C'est en fait les deux premiers caractères du hash md5 du nom du fichier (cf doc), que tu peux facilement calculer avec la fonction
- Merci pour ta réponse rapide, 0x010C. J'ai effectivement réussi en insérant le code suivant dans le modèle "
Some bugs
Lingua Libre is awesome! Thank you for developing it! I found some issues:
- After setting my Name in the preferences to "Michael Schönitzer" (with ö) all uploads fail:
- The record more files on the "Publish" page does not work
- When deleting a recording in the "Publish"-page there is no possibility to record it again it.
- Words I already recorded show up again when using one of the generators.
Hope those bugs can be fixed! I use Firefox 65 on Linux. -- MichaelSchoenitzer (talk) 23:34, 28 February 2019 (UTC)
- Concerning the name that uses UTF8 characters, I opened T218373
- Concerning the not working "record more files", I opened a bug report about it: T218371
- Concerning the second point (When deleting a recording in the "Publish"-page there is no possibility to record it again), I do not think there is any bug report on it. Feel free to open one.
- Concerning recording again words you have already recorded, see T212580
- Thanks for reporting these bugs. Pamputt (talk) 23:20, 14 March 2019 (UTC)
Hackathon Bordeaux, May 2019
- More info LinguaLibre:Events
Hi everyone, Edouard and myself will gather in early may to lead a one day, 10am-6pm hackathon in Bordeaux city, France. Please follow the dedicated page and add your name if your are interested to join in and keep informed. Best regards ! Yug (talk) 11:45, 28 March 2019 (UTC)
New languages (Bikol languages is a macro language)
Hi! I am an editor in Wikipedia and I would like to contribute in these languages but I could find the following:
- Buhi’non Bikol [ubl] -> see Q115106
- Central Bikol [bcl] -> see Q115107
- Libon Bikol [lbl] -> see Q115108
- Miraya Bikol [rbl] -> see Q115109
- Northern Catanduanes Bikol [cts] -> see Q115110
- Rinconada Bikol [bto] -> see Q115111
- Southern Catanduanes Bikol [bln] -> see Q115112
- West Albay Bikol [fbl] -> see Q115113
Please add these languages. Thanks!
Filipinayzd (talk) 06:16, 29 March 2019 (UTC)
- Dear Filipinayzd, welcome on Lingua Libre. I created all the languages you asked for. You can now start to record some words in these languages. Good luck. Pamputt (talk) 06:49, 29 March 2019 (UTC)
Stats History
Hi there, As we get closer to the 100,000 audios milestone I would like to see the quantitative evolution of LinguaLibre these past 8 months. Are we speeding up or slowing down ? This kind of things. Does anyone know how we could get the number of audio we had the 1st day of each month since August 2018 ? Ideally by editing a bit the first query of the stats page.
So far I hand-collected this :
Date </translate> | Items | Speakers | Languages | Comment |
2018.08 | ? | ~10 | 5 | Alpha release; Mainly tests. |
2018.12 | ? | ? | ? | Beta release. |
2019.04.01 | 93173 | 128 | 46 |
Yug (talk) 08:57, 1 April 2019 (UTC)
- I've just added a new section to the Stats page :)
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 01:14, 2 April 2019 (UTC)
- Would it be possible to add a sum of the records over the months (and not only for a given month), so that we can see the evolution of the number of records as a function of the time? Pamputt (talk) 19:11, 2 April 2019 (UTC)
Euh... les stats sont figées depuis quelques jours, y'a un soucis avec la base ? Lyokoï (talk) 22:50, 18 April 2019 (UTC)
A tool to add our files quickly to wikidata
I would like a way to push my contributions quickly on wikidata (so they are out there helping people asap).
Currently, I
- Look on my contributions in wikicommons
- find one that is unused
- search for the word I created in wikidata
- if it doesn't have a pronunciation
- click on the item
- choose add
- type "audio pronunciation"
- paste in my filename
- add "language of work or name" as "British English"
Now this to me sounds like work a bot should be doing, or at least be a one-click action from our contribution page, is there any work being done to make something like this happen? Back ache (talk) 00:36, 21 April 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Back ache, Lingua Libre Bot automatically adds the new pronunciation on both items and lexemes on Wikidata. It does every night. Pamputt (talk) 14:42, 21 April 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Pamputt it doesn't seem to be working for my entries, I am having to do them manually :-( it'd be great if it were to do them automatically as I find adding them repetitive. Back ache (talk) 19:55, 21 April 2019 (UTC)
Hello every one, 0x010C ask to say that the Endpoint is out due to a script crash, linguaLibreBot is out too. He is actually in moutains and we need to wait 3 days before the repairing. Thanks for waiting. Lyokoï (talk) 22:45, 23 April 2019 (UTC)
- Sorry for the delay. I've just restarted the script that update Lingua Libre's Sparql endpoint, it should take approximately 2h to catch up. Lingua Libre Bot, as it uses the endpoint to get the new audio recordings, will also catch up and everything should be back around 06h (UTC). Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 01:01, 29 April 2019 (UTC)
Bonjour à Tous, j'ai reçu un message de 0x010C indiquant que le endpoint n'est plus alimenté car le script a dû crasher. LinguaLIbreBot est tombé aussi. Actuellement 0x010C est en montagne et ne récupèrera une connexion valable que dans 3 jours. Nous vous demandons de patientez jusque là pour qu'un rétablissement soit fait. Merci d'avance et désolé. Lyokoï (talk) 22:45, 23 April 2019 (UTC)
- Désolé pour le temps de réaction. Je viens de relancer le script qui alimente l'endpoint Sparql de Lingua Libre, il devrait mettre environ 2h à ratraper le retard des jours passés. Une fois fait, Lingua Libre Bot (qui utilise l'endpoint comme source et qui donc ne pouvait fonctionner) repassera sur tous les enregistrements manquants. D'ici 06h (UTC) tout devrait être rentré dans l'ordre. Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 01:01, 29 April 2019 (UTC)
Add language category's
When uploading files, could it use the metadata to also add categories so as to help organise mediawiki for example, taking the metadata that says I am "British English" and adding "Category:British English pronunciation" to each of the files I upload? Back ache (talk) 22:08, 27 April 2019 (UTC)
- The easiest way I see to achieve that is to say that you speak "British English" and not simply "English". I created Q123270 so you can use it. Pamputt (talk) 21:50, 28 April 2019 (UTC)
100 000
A little less than a year after the launch of the beta version, we have done it. The goal of 100,000 audio recordings has been reached with cybernétique of the user Lepticed7.
Well done, and congratulations to all! — 0x010C ~talk~ 05:10, 2 May 2019 (UTC)
- I took the opportunity to generate a bonus stat: 74% of files are used on at least one page of a Wikimedia project and 99,000 pages include at least one audio recording of Lingua Libre. — 0x010C ~talk~ 05:33, 2 May 2019 (UTC)
Un peu moins d'un an après le lancement de la béta, nous y sommes. La barre des 100 000 enregistrements vient d'être franchi ce matin avec cybernétique de Lepticed7.
Félicitation, et bravo à tous ! — 0x010C ~talk~ 05:10, 2 May 2019 (UTC)
- J'en ai profité pour générer une stat bonus : 74% des fichiers sont utilisés sur au moins une page d'un projet Wikimedia et 99 000 pages tous wikis confondus incluent au moins un enregistrement de Lingua Libre. — 0x010C ~talk~ 05:33, 2 May 2019 (UTC)
J'ai écrit un court message à diffuser : Lingualibre:Chat room/Annonce 100 000 si vous pouvez passer derrière pour le traduire ce sera top ! Lyokoï (talk) 13:48, 8 May 2019 (UTC)
Update lists of suggested words
Are the suggested lists are updated somehow? I recorded some word twice before a recognized that there is no marker or warning for words that have a soundfile already. What can I do? --Sebastian Wallroth (talk) 09:47, 4 May 2019 (UTC)
- This is a well-known request. That is why I created this task on Phabricator. Pamputt (talk) 18:08, 5 May 2019 (UTC)
- Thank you, Pamputt. --Sebastian Wallroth (talk) 17:59, 9 May 2019 (UTC)
Feature request: Adding DEFAULTSORT
First: Lingua Libre is a great tool! Many thanks to the developers!
I have a proposal:
When a new audio-file is exported to Commons, it was great if this new file had a line with a DEFAULTSORT with the same content as the already existant parameter "transcription".
gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 14:29, 8 May 2019 (UTC)
- Thankyou! gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 18:51, 8 May 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Frank C. Müller and Pamputt,
- In fact, the Template:Lingua Libre record on Commons (which is used by all the files uploaded using Lingua Libre) already add the transcription as a sortkey to the Category:Lingua Libre pronunciation-XXX. If you take a category like Category:Lingua Libre pronunciation-fra, you can see that it is already sorted by alphabetical order of the transcription.
- Best regards, — 0x010C ~talk~ 07:43, 9 May 2019 (UTC)
- Thankyou! gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 18:51, 8 May 2019 (UTC)
- Ok, but if I take another Commons-category, e.g. Sounds by Frank C. Müller, then all the LL-files without a "DEFAULTSORT" are listed under "LL". gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 09:56, 9 May 2019 (UTC)
- Ok, I got your point. I've just edited the template on Commons so now all the audio recordings have a defaultsort :).
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 02:39, 13 May 2019 (UTC)
- Ok, but if I take another Commons-category, e.g. Sounds by Frank C. Müller, then all the LL-files without a "DEFAULTSORT" are listed under "LL". gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 09:56, 9 May 2019 (UTC)
- Dear 0x010C, thanks a lot for your change! But e.g. in Commons:File:LL-Q188 (deu)-Frank C. Müller--ales.wav and Commons:File:LL-Q188 (deu)-Frank C. Müller-Abduktor.wav I can see no DEFAULTSORT and in Commons:Category:Sounds by Frank C. Müller they are still not sorted adequately under "-a" and "A" but under "LL". gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 12:27, 13 May 2019 (UTC)
- The defautsort will not be displayed in the wikicode of the file as it is included through the template. When you have checked just several hour after my edit you faced a common problem on wikis: it takes a lot of time for the server to refresh all pages after a heavily used templates like the Template:Lingua Libre record is edited. If you check it now, you can see that its working fine :).
- Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 01:55, 16 May 2019 (UTC)
- Dear 0x010C, thanks a lot for your change! But e.g. in Commons:File:LL-Q188 (deu)-Frank C. Müller--ales.wav and Commons:File:LL-Q188 (deu)-Frank C. Müller-Abduktor.wav I can see no DEFAULTSORT and in Commons:Category:Sounds by Frank C. Müller they are still not sorted adequately under "-a" and "A" but under "LL". gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 12:27, 13 May 2019 (UTC)
- Hi 0x010C, thanks for your explanations!
- LL-Q188 (deu)-Frank C. Müller--ab.wav now is adequately sorted and in the Page information the Default sort key is indicated correctly as "-ab".
- But right now e.g. LL-Q188 (deu)-Frank C. Müller--isier.wav and LL-Q188 (deu)-Frank C. Müller-Abdeckmaterial.wav both are sorted under "LL" and their Default sort key in the Page information is still wrong.
- So I shall wait another day and then have a look once more.
- gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 08:24, 16 May 2019 (UTC)
- So, now I got them all. Thanks a lot! gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (talk) 10:00, 17 May 2019 (UTC)
Technical news - May 2019
Hi all,
This is the first edition of the technical news, a newsletter posted here on the Chat Room each month starting today to keep you informed of what's going on on the tech side.
- Recent changes
A new version of the RecordWizard has just been released. Among new translations and a bunch of small code rewriting, a new major feature has appeared. It is now possible to exclude automatically all words you have already recorded when you prepare a list of words for a recording session. To do so, a new option has appeared inside each word list generator to enable (by default) or disable the feature, see screenshot. A button bellow the list do the same job for words typed manually. It definitely was the number 1 requested feature, you can test it right now and give me some feedbacks!
- Future changes
- A module that allows Lingua Libre Bot to add the audio recordings made with Lingua Libre to the English Wiktionary is at it's final step of development and will be tested in the coming weeks.
- Thanks to a financial support from Wikimedia France, a new video recording studio will soon appear to record sign languages!
- A new gadget will allow administrator to mass edit items of audio recordings (to fix a mistake for example).
Best regards — 0x010C ~talk~ 10:41, 16 May 2019 (UTC)
- Thank you 0x010C for these nice new features, especially the one that allows not to record again a word that we have already recorded. About the "module to connect Lingua Libre Bot to the English Wiktionary", I do not understand what does it mean. What is the goal of this module? Pamputt (talk) 13:23, 16 May 2019 (UTC)
- It will allow Lingua Libre Bot to add the audio recordings made with Lingua Libre on the English Wiktionary, as it does on the French or Occitan one. ;). — 0x010C ~talk~ 20:56, 16 May 2019 (UTC)
- Thank you 0x010C. I love the feature to avoid duplicate recordings! --Sebastian Wallroth (talk) 06:42, 18 May 2019 (UTC)
- I really love the new option, it works great! It made things a lot easier. Would it be possible to allow to also exclude all words spoken by any editor? So that it's easier to work in a team on a project with the aim to have spoken all words in some area collectively. -- MichaelSchoenitzer (talk) 14:42, 17 June 2019 (UTC)
- @MichaelSchoenitzer, could you give an example of which words do you want do exclude and for which reason? It would make easier to understand your request because I do not understand it for now. Pamputt (talk) 16:42, 17 June 2019 (UTC)
- If I understood correctly, he wants a new option to be able to exclude all words that have already been recorded, in complement of the actual option that allow a user to exclude all words that he/she has already recorded.
- For example, I've recorded the word kayak in French, so with the current excluding setting this word wont show up anymore to me, but it can show up to you as you haven't recorded it.
- As I see it, it could help increase the number of distinct words recorded in languages with a small number of speakers, by avoiding concentrating the small number of volunteers on words already recorded.
- This is totally doable (and pretty easy now), the only concern I have is about the UI part. I have no idea on how to add this option without the interface becoming too messy... If someone has a good idea, a mookup would help me a lot to create this feature.
- — 0x010C ~talk~ 02:29, 18 June 2019 (UTC)
- Thanks for the exaplanation. It makes sense. About the UI, it is indeed tricky. What about adding a "Lingua Libre" tab in Special:Preferences that allow to set all the main preferences (this one and others)? Pamputt (talk) 05:52, 18 June 2019 (UTC)
- @MichaelSchoenitzer, could you give an example of which words do you want do exclude and for which reason? It would make easier to understand your request because I do not understand it for now. Pamputt (talk) 16:42, 17 June 2019 (UTC)
Actualités technique - mai 2019
Bonjour à tous,
Ceci est la première édition des actualités technique de Lingua Libre, une infolettre mensuelle pour vous tenir informé régulièrement sur ce qu'il se passe dans l'arrière boutique. Bonne lecture.
- Nouveautés du moi
Une nouvelle version du RecordWizard vient juste d'être publié. Outre de nouvelles traductions et une séries de petites réécriture de code (pour préparer des changements futurs), une fonctionnalité majeure à été introduite. C'est la possibilité d'exclure automatiquement tous les mots que vous avez déjà enregistrés par le passé lorsque vous préparer une liste de mots. Pour ce faire, une nouvelle option est apparue dans chaque générateur de liste pour activer ou désactiver cette fonctionnalité, cf. la capture d'écran ci-contre. Un bouton sous la liste permet de faire de même pour les mots ajoutés manuellement.
C'était la fonctionnalité la plus demandée depuis le lancement de Lingua Libre, vous pouvez à présent la tester et me partager vos retours à son sujet !
- Changements à venir
- un module permettant à Lingua Libre Bot d'ajouter les enregistrements audio produits ici sur le Wiktionnaire anglophone est en phase finale de développement et sera testé dans les semaines à venir.
- Grace au soutient de Wikimédia France, un nouveau studio d'enregistrement vidéo va bientôt apparaître dans le RecordWizard pour enregistrer des langues des signes !
- un nouveau gadget permettra bientôt aux administrateur d'éditer les items d'enregistrement audio en masse (pour corriger des erreurs par exemple).
Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 00:44, 17 May 2019 (UTC)
- Merci pour ces actus ! C'est une superbe fonctionnalité que de pouvoir exclure les mots déjà enregistrés. Pressé de voir ce que ça donnera pour la LDS ! GrandCelinien (talk) 07:32, 31 May 2019 (UTC)
Feature request: ask to reuse existing identical audio if available (part 2)
Lingua Libre bot seems to work like that: getting all forms of a lexeme, delete duplicate entries, add recorded file to one of the duplicates.
Example: There is a recording for the German word "Bildung": File:LL-Q188 (deu)-Sebastian Wallroth-Bildung.wav. Lingua Libre bot added the file to the lexeme form L11818-F4. But it would also fit to L11818-F1, L11818-F2, L11818-F3.
I would suggest not to delete the duplicates, but to add the recorded file to all of them.
P. S. I tried a workaround by adding the files to the other lexeme forms with Quick Statements, but Quick Statements cannot access lexeme forms yet. --Sebastian Wallroth (talk) 06:20, 24 May 2019 (UTC)
Feature request: add language qualifier to lexeme form pronunciation audio statement
Let Lingua Libre bot in Wikidata add the qualifier P407 (language of work or name) to the statement P443 (pronunciation audio).
Example: In the lexeme form box of there is a question mark sign indicating a problem. The popup message claims: "This pronunciation audio statement is missing a qualifier language of work or name."
--Sebastian Wallroth (talk) 06:20, 24 May 2019 (UTC)
- I created T224312 to track this request (I opened only one ticket for both feature requests). Pamputt (talk) 19:46, 24 May 2019 (UTC)
Import Shtooka audios ?
fr:Shtooka, le parent direct de LinguaLibre, dispose d'une collection de 120,000+ audios (
). Is there a plan to import these 120,000+ audios into LinguaLibre ? Since it is a non trivial migration (cf meta data), I'am considering to apply for a microfi or grants in order to pay a dev to do it. Do we have anyone with experience with this task ? Yug (talk) 08:05, 6 June 2019 (UTC)
- Elle a déjà été importée sur commons, non ? Lyokoï (talk) 21:26, 8 June 2019 (UTC)
- Tout ? Au même format que LL ? En tout cas on ne les voit pas dans, c'est domage. Yug (talk) 17:44, 10 June 2019 (UTC)
- Il nous faut ces jeux de données dans le datasets, et manipulable par les bots LinguaLibre. Yug (talk) 17:54, 10 June 2019 (UTC)
- Sûrement pas ! Mais les fichiers sons sont là depuis longtemps par contre il me semble. Il faut faire matcher les deux jeux de données. Template:Clin Lyokoï (talk) 19:42, 11 June 2019 (UTC)
- Bonsoir Yug,
- Attends deux secondes, tu brûle quelques étapes là. Avant de faire un micro-fi ou de recruter quelqu'un, il y a des questions à se poser, genre : "Est-ce pertinent ?" ; "Est-ce souhaitable ?" "Est-ce que les serveurs supporteront un quasi doublement en peu de temps ?" ; "Est-ce vraiment prioritaire actuellement ?" ; "Quitte à chercher des sous, est-ce qu'ils ne seraient pas mieux utilisés à développer autre chose ?" ; "Est-ce pertinent ?".
- Tu dis, je cite, qu'« Il nous faut ces jeux de données ». Ok mais, tu pourrais développer un peu ? Car en vrai, je ne vois personnellement aucune raison à l'heure actuelle (si ce n'est d’accroître artificiellement le compteurs d'enregistrements et plomber pour de bon l'endpoint Sparql) de faire un tel import. Les fichiers sont déjà sur Commons pour la plupart, importé là-bas et utilisé sur de nombreux projets depuis des années.
- Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 12:06, 12 June 2019 (UTC)
- Sûrement pas ! Mais les fichiers sons sont là depuis longtemps par contre il me semble. Il faut faire matcher les deux jeux de données. Template:Clin Lyokoï (talk) 19:42, 11 June 2019 (UTC)
Actualités technique - juin 2019
(an English translation will come soon)
Bonjour à tous,
- Nouveautés du mois
- Le gros changement de ce début juin, c'est le support des langues des signes sur Lingua Libre. Dorénavant, celles-ci peuvent être sélectionné comme n'importe quel autre langue, auquel cas vous accéderez au nouveau studio d'enregistrement vidéo. Celui-ci fonctionne sensiblement de la même façon que l'enregistreur audio, au détail près que la découpe des enregistrements se fait au bout d'une durée prédéfini.
- Attention, une limitation technique issue de MediaWiki limite actuellement la prévisualisation aux vidéos de 4s ou moins, ceci sera changé dans le futur (cf T97539).
- L'interface de la dernière étape du RecordWizard a changé pour éviter de devoir faire défiller longuement la page. C'est un premier pas qui sera suivi d'autres modifications dans le futur. Si vous avez des propositions, n'hésitez pas à me les faire parvenir !
- Une nouvelle option permet de limiter le nombre de mots récupérés en utilisant le générateur Catéggories Wikimédia. Cela permet de travailler avec certaines catégories du Wiktionnaire qui peuvent contenir plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'entrées.
- Un bug faisait que Lingua Libre Bot supprimait des caractères de retour à la ligne dans certains rare cas sur le Wiktionnaire francophone. Cela a été fixé.
- Les enregistrements sur Commons sont dorénavent catégorisé par utilisateur, en plus de la catégorisation par langue. Vous pouvez toutes les retrouver dans la catégorie mère Category:Lingua Libre pronunciation by user.
- Changements à venir
- Il sera bientôt possible de modifier les paramètres internes du studio d'enregistrement audio, par exemple la durée d'un silence entre deux mots.
- Les changements annoncé le mois passé ont pris du retard mais sont toujours en développement.
- Merci beaucoup 0x010C pour tous ces nouveaux développements, en particulier pour la possibilité d'ajouter des mots en langue des signes. Ca fait vraiment plaisir à voir. Pamputt (talk) 04:59, 22 June 2019 (UTC)
Replace “Place of residence” with something more relevant, or don't automatically import on Wiktionary?
Hi! Great project!
A little suggestion: I’m French, and after 25+ years of living in France, I happen to have been living in Copenhagen for the past two years, which is completely irrelevant concerning the variant of the French language I use. Still, when LinguaLibre asked me for my “Place of residence”, I said “Denmark”. I recorded one word as a test a few days ago. Now the recording has been automatically added to its corresponding Wiktionary entry with the label “Royaume du Danemark (Danemark)”, which is quite absurd and is giving a confusing information to the readers of Wiktionary. I would suggest removing “Place of residence”, or replacing it with “Home country” or “Place where you mainly learned your language” or something similar (that said, none of these two fit everyone’s life story either).
In addition, I wonder if the automatic upload to Wiktionary should happen. What if I record some words in English? (my browser is set in English so I was automatically going to record words in English before I realised it didn’t make much sense). I’m not sure entries from ”English for France” are that relevant on Wiktionary. Maybe it should only automatically upload clips from the countries that have this particular language as an official language (from Wikidata information)? On top of that, my recording was not that great (I have to set up my microphone better or remove the noise in post-prod), so I wonder if uploading many mediocre clips without listening to them “manually” first might diminish the quality of the dictionary.
Nclm (talk) 14:36, 18 June 2019 (UTC)
- Salut Nclm. I opened a Phabricator ticket in order to track your request. To me, it makes sense that "Place of residence" is probably not the best wording. So it is needed to think about that. Pamputt (talk) 22:26, 13 July 2019 (UTC)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
Bonjour, Lorsque je souhaite importer une liste de mot depuis une catégorie du Wiktionnaire, ce message d'erreur d'affiche et m'empêche d'importer la liste.
Savez-vous à quoi c'est dû et comment le régler ?
Hello, When I want to import a list of words from a category of the French Wiktionnary, this error message pops and prevents me from to import the list.
Do you know where it comes from, and how to work it out ?
WikiLucas00 (talk) 22:42, 2 July 2019 (UTC)
- Bonjour WikiLucas00, je n'arrive pas à reproduire. Quelle catégorie essaies-tu d'importer ? Quel est ton navigateur ainsi que sa version ? Pamputt (talk) 06:12, 3 July 2019 (UTC)
Dans le Wikimag publié demain, la section “Coups de Coeurs” présente le projet. Vous pouvez y apporter les modifications que vous souhaitez.
Cordialement, AirSThib (talk), le 16:34, 7 July 2019 (UTC).
Enquête annuelle de Wikimédia France
Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Chaque année, Wikimédia France souhaite donner la parole à l'ensemble de la communauté sur les grandes orientations choisies par l'association. De même, si vous avez des idées, des projets contributifs et que vous souhaitez ou avez besoin du soutien de Wikimédia France, n'hésitez pas à remplir ce formulaire, nous vous recontacterons.
L'ensemble de l'équipe salariée est à votre disposition,
Je vous souhaite un bel été,
Rémy Gerbet WMFr (talk) 14:17, 17 July 2019 (UTC)
Some issues with the Record Wizard
Upon recently recording a few words, I noticed some issues with the Record Wizard:
- The "Enregistrer plus de mots" (fr) button works erratically. It would sometimes bring you back to the expected step of the Record Wizard, yet most of the time it'll do nothing.
- Upon verifying the records that were just made (right before smashing that "upload" button :D), going to the previous step would make the "mic" button ineffective. In order to re-record the same word, you need to go back to the word list and re-add the word.
These issues make the UX quite frustrating, although they are not preventing any further work with the website.
--Poslovitch (talk) 19:05, 20 July 2019 (UTC)
- Bonjour Poslovitch, concernant le premier probleme, il y a deja un ticket ouvert sur Phabricator. Si 0x010C passe dans le coin, est ce que tu pourrais nous dire ce qu'on pourrait faire (debogueur firefox ou autre ?) pour tenter d'apporter de sinformations utiles a la resolution de ce probleme ?
- Pour le deuxieme soucis, je ne crois pas qu'il y ait encore de ticket pour suivre ce soucis. J'ouvrirai un ticket un peu plus tard (si tu ne le fais pas avant). Pamputt (talk) 08:49, 21 July 2019 (UTC)
- A propos du probleme de micro, j'ai cree T229299. Pamputt (talk) 02:40, 30 July 2019 (UTC)
- Salut Poslovitch, salut Pamputt,
- Merci à vous deux pour ces retours. Il n'y a pas besoin d'autres infos, celles déjà présentes permettent de reproduire facilement ces deux bugs. Cependant (vous l'aurez sans doutes déjà remarqué), je ne suis pas des plus disponible ces temps-ci à cause de mon travail saisonnier, un fix de ma part n'est pas pour demain :/.
- Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 06:01, 29 July 2019 (UTC)
Proposition d'ajout de fonctionnalité
L'option "Exclure les mots que vous avez déjà enregistrés" est très utile et permet d'économiser beaucoup de temps et d'énergie.
Serait-il possible d'inclure une option similaire dans la prochaine version, qui permettrait d'exclure les mots déjà enregistrés par un autre contributeur LinguaLibre ?
Il est évidemment intéressant d'avoir pour un même mot plusieurs enregistrements de locuteurs différents (et c'est même le but final). Cependant, on peut aussi se pencher sur la possibilité de prioriser dans un premier temps les entrées n'ayant encore aucun enregistrement, ce qui permettrait de fournir au moins un enregistrement audio sur un maximum d'entrées du Wiktionnaire, et d'éviter aux contributeurs de se concentrer sur les mêmes mots que les autres. Cela donnerait la possibilité de travailler "en équipe" plutôt que chacun dans son coin ; si l'on décide par exemple de s'attaquer à la "Catégorie:Verbes en français" (34 399 pages), on peut fournir à tous les termes un enregistrement très rapidement en évitant d'enregistrer les mêmes entrées que les autres contributeurs. Une fois qu'une majorité d'entrées possède au moins un enregistrement, on peut continuer à enregistrer des mots sans regarder s'ils ont déjà été prononcés.
Évidemment, il ne s'agirait que d'une option pour les contributeurs intéressés par ce mode de travail, et personne ne serait obligé de l'utiliser.
Qu'en pensez-vous ? prévenez-moi si je ne suis pas clair!
WikiLucas00 (talk) 15:28, 13 August 2019 (UTC)
- Salut WikiLucas00, je viens d'ouvrir un ticket sur Phabricator pour garder une trace de ta proposition. Pamputt (talk) 14:38, 29 August 2019 (UTC)
- Salut Pamputt, merci beaucoup ! WikiLucas00 (talk) 23:20, 11 September 2019 (UTC)
Nouveau point de contact pour Lingua Libre
[English below]
Bonjour à tous,
Je m'appelle Emma, je suis étudiante et depuis août 2019, je travaille à Wikimédia France sur le projet Lingua Libre dans le cadre d'un service civique.
Si vous avez des questions, suggestions, projets à proposer, ou si souhaitez simplement discuter de Lingua Libre, votre expérience avec l'outil et comment vous souhaiteriez qu'il évolue à l'avenir, n'hésitez surtout pas à m'écrire. Mon adresse mail est emma[point]vadillo[at]wikimedia[point]fr
Pour ceux qui seront présents à la WikiConvention francophone la semaine prochaine, ce sera certainement une première occasion pour nous rencontrer et peut-être organiser une réunion de discussion ou un atelier d'enregistrement au cours des périodes de contribution libre.
A bientôt!
Hello everyone,
My name is Emma, I am a student and work for Wikimedia France since August 2019 on the Lingua Libre project.
If you have questions, ideas, projects to suggest, or wish simply to discuss about Lingua Libre, your experience with the tool and how you would like it to evolve in the future, do not hesitate to write to me on emma[point]vadillo[at]wikimedia[point]fr
- Bonjour Emma, tout d'abord bienvenue à Wikimedia France et dans le monde merveilleux de Lingua Libre. Est ce que tu peux nous en dire davantage sur ton rôle dans le cadre de cette mission ; quel sera ton travail au jour le jour ? Au plaisir de te croiser à la wikiconvention :) Pamputt (talk) 14:34, 29 August 2019 (UTC)
- [English below]
- Bonjour Pamputt, déjà merci à toi et Mahuton pour la présentation de Lingua Libre à la wikiconvention francophone :)
- Et merci à tout le monde présent ici pour faire grandir ce projet!
- Je suis en charge de la stratégie de Lingua Libre. Wikimédia France réfléchit à la direction que peut prendre Lingua Libre dans l'objectif d'oraliser les projets Wikimedia. Personnellement je suis très attachée à la diversité culturelle et linguistique et je pense que wikimedia peut participer à la préserver dans l'espace numérique à travers Lingua Libre.
- Pour cette raison, ça m'aiderait beaucoup si vous remplissiez cette enquête (10 questions) sur votre utilisation de Lingua Libre: merci d'avance!
- J'aimerais aussi avoir les retours plus détaillés de celles et ceux d'entre vous qui pourraient me faire part plus longuement de leur expérience avec l'outil afin de le développer et l'améliorer :) Des intéressé(e)(s)?
- PS is there a need for English translation?
- Hello Pamputt, thank you and Mahuton for the Lingua Libre presentation at the wikiconvention francophone
- And thank you to everyone having made this project grow!
- I am in charge of the strategy for Lingua Libre. Wikimedia France is reflecting on the role Lingua Libre could play in the attempt to make wikimedia projects oral. Personally I care a great deal about cultural and linguistic diversity and I think that Wikimedia can take part in preserving it on the web through Lingua Libre.
- Therefore, it would be very helpful if you would fill in this survey (10 questions) on your use of Lingua Libre: thank you in advance!
- I'm also looking to have more detailed feedback from those of you willing to share more at length their experience on Lingua Libre with me in order to improve it :) Anyone interested?
- eavqwiki (eavqwiki) 11:30, 27 September 2019 (UTC)
- Hi eavqwiki, yes I think you should translate this message into English because we have "a lot" of non-French speaking people contributing to Lingua Libre. Yet, your survey is only in French for now, so I let you see. Pamputt (talk) 12:54, 27 September 2019 (UTC)
- [English below] C'est noté j'ai traduit le questionnaire qui est disponible toujours sur le même lien.
- Sure, the survey is now translated into English and available on the same link.
- eavqwiki (eavqwiki) 12:10, 30 September 2019 (UTC)
- Hi eavqwiki, yes I think you should translate this message into English because we have "a lot" of non-French speaking people contributing to Lingua Libre. Yet, your survey is only in French for now, so I let you see. Pamputt (talk) 12:54, 27 September 2019 (UTC)
Adding sounds to the pronunciation claim in Wikidata
Recently ru-wiktionary was mass-ported to Wikidata Lexemes (nouns only for now). As part of that massive effort, the community established a hopefully better way to store pronunciations in lexemes - pronunciation property (P7243) (~100,000 usages). See talk page for docs, and a great discussion (where Pamputt has raised a number of good points).
Could this tool be adapted to create such pronunciations?
The tool would look for any forms with pronunciation claim, but without a sound file, and offer to record it. Here's a Russian word showing how pronunciation is stored:
Thank you for such an awesome tool! --Yurik (talk) 03:01, 13 October 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Yurik. There is already a Phabricator task asking to improve the LinguaLibre code for Wikidata. I only add a link to this post in order to keep track. Anyway, if you have time, you may send a pull request to apply this change; all the code is available on Github. Pamputt (talk) 15:36, 13 October 2019 (UTC)
Vote for a new logo and interface for Lingua Libre
(English below) Bonjour, Vous pouvez voir les propositions de logo et maquettes graphiques pour Lingua Libre ici : T240552 Donnez-nous vos retours et votez pour garder le logo ou adopter la proposition #1, #2 ou #3 ici :
Hello, You can view the proposals for a new logo and interface for Lingua Libre here: T240552 Please give feedback and vote whether you prefer keeping the logo, or adopting the proposal #1, #2 or #3 here: -- eavqwiki (eavqwiki) 10:19, 12 December 2019 (UTC)
- (English below) Mise à jour des maquettes : n'hésitez pas à aller refaire un tour sur Phabricator et donner votre avis sur les dernières propositions - surtout le record wizard et le logo !
- The proposals were updated : don't hesitate to visit Phabricator once more and give your opinion on the last suggestions - especially the record wizard and the logo!
- -- eavqwiki (eavqwiki) 04:03, 30 December 2019 (UTC)
Erreur de langue d'enregistrement
Je viens de m'apercevoir d'une erreur de ma part concernant la langue de mes 1111 derniers enregistrements (en français mais annoncés comme du finnois): [3].
Pouvez-vous m'aider à réparer ça s'il vous plaît ? Merci beaucoup !
I made a mistake which I just noticed, related to the language code of my last 1111 recordings ([4]). They are recorded in French, but I chose a wrong language (Finnish) in the Record Wizard. Can you help me to fix them?
Thank you very much!
— WikiLucas (🖋️) 12:02, 21 December 2019 (UTC)
- Salut Wikilucas,
- Tu peux les lister sur cette page LinguaLibre:Misleading_items, je les corrigerais en masse une fois que j'aurais fini l'outil d'édition en masse (promis il arrivera un jour).
- — 0x010C ~talk~ 23:43, 30 December 2019 (UTC)
- Salut 0x010C,
- J'ai également parlé du problème sur commons ([5]), on m'a dit de changer le code de langue sur chaque fichier via un gadget (done), et qu'ils changeraient les noms des fichiers problématiques par bot (ça pose quand même un problème pour les enregistrements qui n'étaient pas inédits mais une nouvelle version d'un enregistrement existant).
- J'ai plusieurs questions : comment lister les 1111 items sur la page que tu m'as indiquée sans avoir à les entrer un par un ? Y a-t-il un moyen d'extraire en wikitexte mes imports récents ?
- Même si les changements sont effectifs sur commons, faudra-t-il aussi changer les infos des fichiers ici ?
- Pour mes fichiers problématiques (qui ont été enregistrés en finnois), sera-t-il possible de récupérer l'information relative au français (mon origine lyonnaise) ?
- Merci pour ton travail et ton temps, bon réveillon !
- — WikiLucas (🖋️) 12:30, 31 December 2019 (UTC)
Custom Commons filename
Sorry if this is obvious.
How can I upload files to Commons with my preferred file name?
For example File:LL-Q1860 (eng)-Commander Keane-phonate.wav should ideally be named File:En-au-phonate.ogg. Regards --Commander Keane (talk) 05:37, 21 January 2020 (UTC)
- Hi, the file are named this way to allow several people to record the same word. Thus, it is possible to have several recordings for "phonate" from differents places in Australia (and other countries) and also to have different prononciations from the same location (gender, age, ...). A way to avoid to use the ame file name is to use the username in the filename. Pamputt (talk) 06:58, 21 January 2020 (UTC)
- Is it possible to have my dialect (AU) specified on the Commons file description page?--Commander Keane (talk) 03:54, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
Have your say on Lingua Libre's 2020-2021 strategy and more
Dear all,
I hope you are all doing fine in these difficult times.
For those of you who couldn't take part in the volunteer meeting, you can find the key points that were addressed here :
Following the discussions we had during this meeting and the vote of the budget by the association last Saturday, here are some elements that I would like to open up for discussion :
- with regards to the logo : given that the graphic redesign in process is finishing soon and that the search for a new logo has not been successful, I suggest that we adapt the current logo to the new colour and keep it until further notice.
- with regards to the strategy : several of you manifested the need to make the Lingua Libre community bigger and more international, I therefore suggest that we work on this aspect in the September 2020-June 2021 timeframe with :
1) the integration of a more ergonomic and mutilingual discussion space inviting for discussion and collaboration notably for newcomers on the website
2) the development of Say It, an audio variant of the Sign It extension that would display instead of the word in sign language, its pronunciation from the LL audio in a pop-up window when highlighting the word in any webpage, this would allow for a more concrete and immediate impact for a broader range of web users, not only wikimedians
3) the organisation of a series of hackatons destined to develop Lingua Libre bots towards other wiktionaries - these could make Lingua Libre more known rapidly and efficiently
4) once the graphic redesign complete, a series of editathons for the renewal and development of the website contents : the improvement of tutorial pages aiding contribution in particular, but also the writing of project pages exemplifying what certain communites achieved and are working on with Lingua Libre, and the translation in as many languages necessary and possible
For those who wish to take part in the development of Lingua Libre in the long term, I suggest that we schedule a remote meeting to discuss the execution of the 4 points above (or their revision!) before the official beginning of the 2020-2021 year in June.
In order to ensure the stability and coherence of the project, we could also discuss on this occasion the constitution of a strategic volunteer committee to supervise the phases of development of Lingua Libre along the semesters.
Thank you for taking the time to vote for the future of the logo here :
and write down your availabilities for a meeeting in April-May 2020 if interested :
you can also give us your feedback on the 4 points above on this pad :
Thank you in advance for your replies, apologies for the length of this email, and good luck for the lockdown...
One last thing: do not hesitate to forward this email to all those who you suspect may not be on the mailing list but would be interested to join, or to post this message below in various discussion pages (to be polished at will).
Hi! In case you have ever contributed to Lingua Libre but are not on the mailing list, please consider signing up here : to receive updates and take part in the discussions around the project :)
Best regards, Emma Vadillo Quesada
concours #Wikicheznous sur les projets wikimedia
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Wikimédia France lance le concours #wikicheznous pendant le confinement : du 8 avril au 6 mai, vous êtes invité⋅e⋅s à contribuer sur les projets wikimédia ainsi que sur lingua libre et vikidia. Sur lingua libre, ce sont les contributions en langues autres qu'Anglais et Français qui pourront concourir. Il suffit de vous inscrire sur le dashboard pour que vos contributions soient comptabilisées via commons. Alors à vos micros ! et n'hésitez pas à aller faire un tour du côté des autres projets wikimedia.
Pour plus de renseignements, rendez-vous ici :
Bon courage et amusez-vous bien.
--Adélaïde Calais WMFr (talk) 12:00, 8 April 2020 (UTC)
Record Wizard translation
Hi, can someone please merge the translation at I translated Record Wizard into Japanese several weeks ago. Thanks in advance. Higa4 (talk) 14:31, 9 April 2020 (UTC)
- Hi Higa4 and thank you for the translations in Japanese. I do not know how often Lingua Libre get the new translations from Translate Wiki. 0x010C certainly knows. Pamputt (talk) 14:33, 12 April 2020 (UTC)
Premier essai
J'ai fait un premier essai d'enregistrement ! Je trouve l'ensemble assez sympa. J'ai enregistré plus de 50 mots, je suis fier ! Voir
Les innévitables questions :
- Comment ça se passe ensuite pour que ces mots aillent sur le wiktionnaire ?
- J'ai remarqué que la catégorie "Lingua Libre pronunciation by Touam" sur Commons restait en lien rouge... Pourquoi ? Qu'est-ce qu'il faut faire pour qu'elle passe en bleu, ou du moins en quelque chose de consultable ?
- Y a-t-il des projets pour autre chose que des mots ?
En tous cas cet outil me séduit bien. je vais essayer de continuer. --Touam (talk) 20:20, 23 April 2020 (UTC)
- Bonjour Touam et bienvenue sur Lingua Libre. Tout d'abord, félicitations pour ces premiers enregistrements. En espérant que ça sera le début d'une très longue série. Concernant tes questions
- Comment ça se passe ensuite pour que ces mots aillent sur le wiktionnaire ?
- C'est ajouté automatiquement chaque nuit par Lingua Libre Bot.
- J'ai remarqué que la catégorie "Lingua Libre pronunciation by Touam" sur Commons restait en lien rouge... Pourquoi ? Qu'est-ce qu'il faut faire pour qu'elle passe en bleu, ou du moins en quelque chose de consultable ?
- Oui, je crois qu'il faut créer cette catégorie manuellement. Tu peux t'inspirer de la catégorie me concernant.
- Y a-t-il des projets pour autre chose que des mots ?
- Tu penses à quoi en particulier ? Il est possible d'enregistrer des vidéos pour des mots en langue des signes. Pour le reste, n'hésite pas à indiquer quels seraient tes souhaits.
- Pamputt (talk) 19:54, 27 April 2020 (UTC)
- Merci Pamputt pour ton aide, je voudrais bien continuer, mais les téléchargements vers Commons ne fonctionnent plus ? --Touam (talk) 13:01, 29 April 2020 (UTC)
- Etrange, ça fonctionne pour d'autres. Tu peux réessayer ? Pamputt (talk) 09:56, 30 April 2020 (UTC)
- Je viens de re-éssayer et ça ne veut toujours pas télécharger vers Commons. J'ai enregistré "acronymie" et "anonymie". Ça me dit juste "Aucun téléversement n'a réussi" et ça me met un point d'exclamation rouge au niveau de chaque mot dans le record wizard. J'utilise firefox sous Linux Mint. Voilà tu sais tout je crois. Et je suis bien logué, comme tu peux le voir à ma signature. (qui d'ailleurs, n'est pas dans les boutons de l'éditeur de wikicode ?? ). --Touam (talk) 20:01, 30 April 2020 (UTC)
- Re-essayé ce matin avec "je" "tu" "il" - je racourcis mes mots de plus en plus - toujours pareil. Je suis en plein désespoir. --Touam (talk) 06:14, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
- Il s'agit donc de la dernière étape, là où Lingua Libre essaie d'envoyer les enregistrements sur Wikimedia Commons. Ca m'arrive parfois sur quelques enregistrements. Est-ce que tu peux essayer sur un autre navigateur juste pour voir si ça se passe mieux ? Pamputt (talk) 11:04, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
- Re-essayé ce matin avec "je" "tu" "il" - je racourcis mes mots de plus en plus - toujours pareil. Je suis en plein désespoir. --Touam (talk) 06:14, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
- Je viens de re-éssayer et ça ne veut toujours pas télécharger vers Commons. J'ai enregistré "acronymie" et "anonymie". Ça me dit juste "Aucun téléversement n'a réussi" et ça me met un point d'exclamation rouge au niveau de chaque mot dans le record wizard. J'utilise firefox sous Linux Mint. Voilà tu sais tout je crois. Et je suis bien logué, comme tu peux le voir à ma signature. (qui d'ailleurs, n'est pas dans les boutons de l'éditeur de wikicode ?? ). --Touam (talk) 20:01, 30 April 2020 (UTC)
- Etrange, ça fonctionne pour d'autres. Tu peux réessayer ? Pamputt (talk) 09:56, 30 April 2020 (UTC)
- Merci Pamputt pour ton aide, je voudrais bien continuer, mais les téléchargements vers Commons ne fonctionnent plus ? --Touam (talk) 13:01, 29 April 2020 (UTC)
- Bonjour,
- Un Stewart a bloqué une grosse plage d'IP sur tous les projets Wikimedia. Le blocage du serveur de Lingua Libre a été un dégât collatéral et accidentel. Thibaut, un administrateur de Commons, vient de lever le blocage sur Commons pour résoudre le problème, merci à lui.
- Cordialement, — 0x010C ~talk~ 15:49, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
- Oui, merci à tous deux, j'ai pu enfin enregistrer "je" "tu" "il" ! Je vais m'engager à enregistrer des mots plus complexes, maintenant... Si vous avez des conseils à me donner... --Touam (talk) 16:59, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
- Nickel, pour les listes de mots, ça dépend de tes envies. Si tu veux tu peux enregistrer les noms des villages autour de chez toi ou de ton département. Tu peux importer des listes de mots en récupérant directement le contenu d'une catégorie du dictionnaire (verbe, nom de métiers, animaux, vocabulaire technique, etc). Bref il y a le choix. Pamputt (talk) 19:02, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
- Voilà je viens de faire un peu plus de 100 mots, tout s'est bien passé. J'ai observé que, sur le wiktionnaire, il ne m'ajoute pas les mots dans ma liste de suivi, alors que sur Commons il me les rajoute bien. Bug or Feature ? (it’s not a bug, it’s a feature sur le wiktionnaire). Perso je préfèrerais ajouter ces mots dans ma liste de suivi wiktionnaire. --Touam (talk) 12:50, 2 May 2020 (UTC)
- Pour la liste de suivi, c'est facile à faire sur Commons car tu es le créateur du fichier en tant qu'uploadeur. Sur le Wiktionnaire, c'est Lingua Libre Bot qui ajoute les prononciations audio dans les pages donc je ne sais pas s'il est possible techniquement d'ajouter une page dans la liste de suivi de quelqu'un d'autres (j'aurais tendance à penser que non). Pamputt (talk) 08:47, 3 May 2020 (UTC)
- Voilà je viens de faire un peu plus de 100 mots, tout s'est bien passé. J'ai observé que, sur le wiktionnaire, il ne m'ajoute pas les mots dans ma liste de suivi, alors que sur Commons il me les rajoute bien. Bug or Feature ? (it’s not a bug, it’s a feature sur le wiktionnaire). Perso je préfèrerais ajouter ces mots dans ma liste de suivi wiktionnaire. --Touam (talk) 12:50, 2 May 2020 (UTC)
- Nickel, pour les listes de mots, ça dépend de tes envies. Si tu veux tu peux enregistrer les noms des villages autour de chez toi ou de ton département. Tu peux importer des listes de mots en récupérant directement le contenu d'une catégorie du dictionnaire (verbe, nom de métiers, animaux, vocabulaire technique, etc). Bref il y a le choix. Pamputt (talk) 19:02, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
- Oui, merci à tous deux, j'ai pu enfin enregistrer "je" "tu" "il" ! Je vais m'engager à enregistrer des mots plus complexes, maintenant... Si vous avez des conseils à me donner... --Touam (talk) 16:59, 1 May 2020 (UTC)
Compilation de textes
Y a-t-il un outil qui permet de soumettre un texte, et il compilera automatiquement les enregistrements de mots ?
AirSThib (talk) 13:11, 2 May 2020 (UTC).
- Bonjour AirSThib, juste pour être sûr de bien comprendre ce que tu veux ; tu voudrais copier coller un long texte dans la fenêtre d'ajout de mots et que Lingua Libre « découpe » automatiquement les mots pour que tu puisses ensuite les enregistrer un par un. C'est bien ça ? Pamputt (talk) 08:48, 3 May 2020 (UTC)
- Bonjour @Pamputt En fait c'est plutôt l'inverse, je voudrais que j'entre un texte et que Lingua Libre compile les mots, les ajoute bout à bout pour créer un texte enregistré. AirSThib (talk), le 08:46, 4 May 2020 (UTC).
- Non, ce n'est pas encore possible d'enregistrer un texte, un poème ou n'importe quoi d'autres de long. Pour le moment Lingua Libre détecte les blancs et passe au mot suivant ; c'est son seul mode de fonctionnement. Mais ta demande revient régulièrement donc j'ai ouvert un ticket sur Phabricator pour en garder trace. Pamputt (talk) 10:23, 5 May 2020 (UTC)
- Bonjour @Pamputt En fait c'est plutôt l'inverse, je voudrais que j'entre un texte et que Lingua Libre compile les mots, les ajoute bout à bout pour créer un texte enregistré. AirSThib (talk), le 08:46, 4 May 2020 (UTC).
One word, one language, one page
The most important change I think to attract people to the project is to make it super user-friendly to browse existing content. That should be done by having a separate page per word per language. When people can browse and listen to the existing content easily, they will be motivated to add content themselves. Compare a site like Forvo which has 9535 NL speakers contributing, whereas LinguaLibre has only 1 NL speaker.
A possible structure would be:
- /fr/ would be the home page for French words
- /fr/word/chien would be the page for the French word "chien"
- /fr/audio/joe-bloggs would be the page listing the links to all the recordings from Joe Bloggs
A more sophisticated URL scheme could be:
- /fr/word/chien-12345 would be the page for the French word "chien" with unique id 12345
- /en/fr/word/dog-12345 would be the EN URL for the french word "chien" with unique id 12345
The current "Browsing the sound library" is extremely user-unfriendly. It is really only a "track down the zip which you then have to download and unzip" feature. The "Browsing the sound library" page which then takes you to which then spends forever loading is a complete turn-off to all but the most dedicated visitors.
Some may say that the content will be used by other sites (such as Wiktionary or Wikidata), so it is not necessary, but Lingua Libre will only be able to do a good job of feeding these other sites if it does a good job itself of being a fantastic browsing tool for the source recordings.
In future, it would be great if all power users could use an API to go directly to a particular page and get the recording(s), e.g. /lingua-libre/fr/chien would give me the recording of that particular word in that particular language.
Examples from other sites
Shtooka used to be like this, that you could simply browse to the page for a particular recording. This was great. Lingua Libre has lost a lot of this simplicity, and so has taken a large step backwards in terms of easily attracting people to the concept.
My own site, has one word per language per page, e.g. although I think in some ways it makes more sense to use the word in the language on the URL. Notice too how I have a page per audio author, e.g. and a page listing all audio authors (per language)
Forvo gives a good example of one way this can be organised, but also of just how much people go mad to help. The gives an excellent overview of what languages are well supported. Each language has it's own home page, e.g. for Dutch where you see a link stating the number of pronounced words. shows you all the pronunciations, by word. Any individual word has its own page like Forvo though thinks of the pronunciation of a word first, and then language second, for example "main" means very different things in English and French, but Forvo puts them both on the same page even though separated by language. I would not propose Lingua Libre to go that far, but rather link to words spelt the same in other languages, so the Ligua Libre pages would be "English" -> "main" with a link to the "French" -> "main" page.
Pixabay is not a recording site at all, but it has a very well thought-out structure for its URLs. Each image has its own page, but the interesting thing is that each image page can be accessed in different languages. For example, the EN image also has an FR URL and an NL version etc. -- Rugops
- Hi Rugops. Thank you for this very interesting feedback. For sure, Lingua Libre needs to be improved to become more "user-friendly". Browsing audio recording may be one way to do it. Find a way to propose list of words to record more easily would be another. I open a a Phabricator ticket to think more about your ideas. Pamputt (talk) 07:16, 10 May 2020 (UTC)
- Agree. More could be done for browzability and maintenance (verify audio, request re-recording to speakers), etc.
- It should also be noted that LinguaLibre is the DIRECT CHILD of Shtooka. Nicolas Vion who created Shtooka and myself who was PhD student at INALCO and volunteer at Wikimedia looked for way to move Shtooka from a C++ desktop based recorder toward an online HTML5-based recording apps. We then connected to Wikimedia, Lyokoi, Remy Gerbet so Nicolas was hired as freelance by Wikimédia France and got a month or two dedicated to create LinguaLibre v1.0 which was PHP-based.
- One core issue is that 2000s' Nicolas moved from being a young and passionate developer in his 20s to new life priorities and developments, aka the classical open source project's evolution and Benevolent dictator's drifting away for new adventures and transmitting the project to a new generation. Software development is since mainly done by sprints, via a talented developer as well, but integrating the project into the Wikimedia and MediaWiki galaxy has naturally absorbed a lot of dev energy (second issue). Overall, all strength of Shtooka haven't been moved to LinguaLibre, while LinguaLibre also has strengths that Shtooka never had.
- As of today (May 29), a new UI have been unrolled showing Wikimedia France will to improve the project. But more should be done in term of sound-specific UX and features. Feature requests must collected here or better on phabricator, and WM France must be notified of the users' requests :) Yug (talk) 15:53, 30 May 2020 (UTC)
TypeError: this.pastRecords is undefined
Bonjour, tout le monde.
Quand j’essaye de sélectionner des mots à enregistrer à partir d’une catégorie du Wiktionnaire français en excluant les termes déjà enregistrés, je reçois une erreur TypeError: this.pastRecords is undefined. Décocher l’option éliminant les termes déjà enregistrés résout le problème, mais je n’ai pas vraiment envie de réenregistrer des mots déjà traités. Ça sent le bug ; quelqu’un pourrait corriger ?
LoquaxFR (talk) 08:59, 12 May 2020 (UTC)
- Bonjour,
- Je vais regarder ça, mais pas sur d'avoir le temps de corriger ça rapidement car je prépare le déploiement de la nouvelle grosse version de Lingua Libre et du RecordWizard actuellement (je pense début de semaine prochaine environ). En attendant celle-ci (qui n'a pas ce bug), tu peux désélectionner l'option dans le générateur, et retirer les mots une fois dans la liste principale en cliquant sur le bouton Retirer les mots déjà enregistré.
- Désolé pour le problème :/.
- Cordialement — 0x010C ~talk~ 12:44, 12 May 2020 (UTC)
Hello, step by step we are spreading Lingua Libre among the community in Wikimedia Spain and two questions have arisen; on the one hand, would it be possible for a bot to automatically add the audios from Wikidata to the different Wiktionaries? On the other hand, can different accents from the same language be added to the audio statement in Wikidata?. Thanks. Rodelar (talk) 12:09, 22 May 2020 (UTC)
- Hello Rodelar, thanks for adding Spanish pronunciations.
- About Wikidata, I added your request on this Phabricator ticket in order to remember it.
- To add audio pronunctions to the Wiktionary pages, there are at least two options
- the current method is to write a bot that add them. We code is available here. Lingua Libre Bot is already running for fr and oc Wiktionaries. You can have a look to the code about oc Wiktionary and try to adapt it for eswiktionary. If so, you can send a pull request to be added in the Lingua Libre Bot code. Then, the bot will add the new audio pronunciations (in any language) on the Spanish Wiktionary. It has to be done one by one by for each Wiktionary because the page structure is different from one Wiktionary version to another. And here comes the second "solution".
- the other method is to get the pronunciation data (and other data) directly from Wikidata and to display them in the Spanish Wiktionary. Wikipedia already does that (with the infobox for example). This requires that the access to the lexicographical data be enabled. The T212843 ticket follows progress on that but it is currently not yet possible to access them.
- Cheers Pamputt (talk) 06:29, 23 May 2020 (UTC)
speedy et / ou delete
Il peut arriver qu'un Élément Qs ne sert plus (enregistrement impropre, page WM différente, titrage incorrect, etc). On peut l'effacer de Commons, mais il subsiste ici. Pour commencer, je propose la création d'une page dédiée à la suppression, avec un/des template/s speedy et/ou delete.
Une de mes créations ne me convenait pas, alors j'ai effacé le fichier sur Commons pour le remplacer par un autre avec mes propres outils pour remettre tout en ordre sur LL. Bref le temps de la nouvelle création, Q309179 avait disparu. Pour speedy et delete, qu'en dites-vous ? Des commentaires ? —Eihel (talk) 17:35, 29 May 2020 (UTC) ps. J'ai déjà ajouté un template. Voir LinguaLibre:Administrators' noticeboard