

Revision as of 09:46, 29 May 2022 by Yug (talk | contribs)

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Twemoji12 1f3d7.svg

This page is a work in progress.


This sections gathers stand-alone project ideas we estimate suitable for Hackathons. The project scope can be smaller (MVP) or larger depending on the participants.

Human review system (Tinder-like)

  • Problem: LinguaLibre's near 1,000,000+ audios do have errors in. Review is required but we have no interface to do it conveniently.
  • Helpers: Help:SPARQL and Help:APIs provides url queries which allows a programmer to return a list of items to review, per language, speaker or else.
  • Requirements :
    • User can set the target data, per language or per speaker.
      • App fetch the list : items in target and without review tags for the given dimension.
    • User can set which aspect to review.
      • App creates a suitable error tag and approved tag.
    • User can browse per item, like tinder : swipe left = not ok ; swipe right = ok.
    • User can browse per list, inaccurate items can be "selected"
    • User closes the review.
    • App edits the selected items using the API.
  • Workload and objectives description :
    • If 2~3 days, junior web dev : Build a Tinder-like single page application to review. Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS.
    • If 5 days, intermediate devs, team work (2) : create a MediaWiki extension. Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP.

See also