

Revision as of 22:44, 12 November 2022 by EdoAug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "For å kunne spille inn trenger du en mikrofon som er koblet til eller innebygd i din datamaskin eller mobil. Lyden må ikke være for høy eller for lav.")

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Opprett en brukerkonto og gjør klart

1. trinn: Opprett en brukerkonto

Lydene som er innspilt på Lingua Libre blir lastet opp på Wikimedia Commons. Om du ikke har en enda, må du først opprette en brukerkonto på Wikimedia Commons gjennom siden Special:CreateAccount.

2. trinn: Tilkoble

For å spille inn på Lingua Libre må du være tilkoblet til Wikimedia Commons-brukerkontoen din, slik at innspillene kan bli lastet opp. For å gjøre dette på Lingua Libre, må du logge inn med din Wikimedia Commons-brukerkonto. Trykk på figuren oppe i høyre hjørnet av siden, så på «Logg inn på Wikimedia Commons». Om du ikke er koblet til Wikimedia Commons enda, vil du nå en side hvor du kan logge inn med brukernavn og passord.

Skjermbilde av innloggingsmenyen på Lingua Libre gjennom Wikimedia Commons. Når Lingua Libre spør om din tillatelse til å laste opp på Wikimedia Commons på ditt vegne, godkjenn.

Skjermbilde av dialogboksen som tillater Lingua Libre å laste opp på ditt vegne til Wikimedia Commons

3. trinn: Sjekk dine ressurser

For å kunne spille inn trenger du en mikrofon som er koblet til eller innebygd i din datamaskin eller mobil. Lyden må ikke være for høy eller for lav.

Recording session

Step 4: Access to the Record Wizard

Click on « Get involved » then on « Record Wizard » to access the recording studio.

Screenshot of the menu to access the record wizard. A windows opens, which asks you to allow the use of your microphone. If you have many of them, you need to chose the right one. Then you have to click on « Allow ».

Screenshot of the dialogue box to allow Lingua Libre to use your microphone.

Step 5: Test the microphone

You first need to pass a little test to check if your material is working well. If you've just recorded something on Lingua Libre, you can ignore this step and click on "Next".

Step 6: Create a speaker

You can record your own voice or record someone else. But for every one (yourself or someone else), you need to create a speaker the first time you record him/her.

On the top of the "speaker" page, you have a drop-down menu with the name of the actual selected speaker. It allows you to change the speaker and create new speakers.

Screenshot of the dialogue box to create a speaker on Lingua Libre When you create a new speaker, you must enter:

  • His/her name (you don't have to put the whole name, but you can't have two speaker with the same name)
  • His/her gender
  • The languages he/she speaks: click on the field "Spoken languages", start to pick the language name and click on the right one among the propositions. In the window that opens, indicate the the language level and the place of learning (city, department, region...). It's useful for people who study the geographical variation of a language pronunciation.
  • The place he/she lives (city, department, region...). It's useful for people who study the geographical variation of a language pronunciation.

Screenshot of the dialogue box to create a speaker language on Lingua Libre Click on « Next ».

Step 7: Get ready to record

If the speaker you choose speak many languages, you have to choose the right one in the field "You record words in:".

To record only one word, pick it in the field with the label "Type here the word to record" then press "Enter". If you want to record more than one word, just repeat the previous step.

Screenshot of many words to record on Lingua Libre To record a list, you need to click on the button "Local list". On the windows that opens, enter the language code ("eng" for english), then a slash (/), then the name of the list you want to record. When you have selected the right list, click on "Done".

Screenshot of the dialogue box to choose a list to record on Lingua Libre You can remove words of the words to record with clicking on the trashbin icon that appears on the right of a word that you hover with your mouse.

If you feel a little bit at ease with Lingua Libre, you can try to create your own lists. A help page explains you how to do this: Help:Create_your_own_lists.

It's a right thing to do to click on the "Shuffle list" before recording, especially if the list is long and if you're not sure to record it all. So everybody won't record the same words at the beginning of the list.

If you have properly configured everything, click on "Next".

Step 8: Record

You are taken to a page with the words to record on blue squares. The big red button is used to record. It's brighter when you are recording, lighter when the recording is stopped.

When you're ready, click on the record button. The words are displayed one by one. The recording automatically move up to the following word.

Screenshot of a word recording on Lingua Libre If you made a mistake, you can click on a word to record it again.

When you're done, click on "Next".

Step 9: Check the records

You can then listen to the records you've done before publishing them. To listen to a record, click on the "play" button on its left.

If a record doesn't suit you, you can remove it of the sounds to publish in clicking on the cross on its right.

Screenshot of records to check on Lingua Libre When you're satisfied, click on "Publish on Wikimedia Commons". Wait for the publications to be completed (a green icon with a "v" will appear beside every sound). And it's done! You can now find your records on Lingua Libre, but also on the file bank Wikimedia Commons!