
Difference between revisions of "Sitenotice"

(remove sitenotice (after almost 30 days -- 3 times longer than the duration of the incident))
Tag: Blanking
(45 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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<!-- <div style="width: 100%; background-color:rgb(240, 240, 180); padding: 4px 15px 2px 15px; text-align:center;">
{{#switch: {{int: lang}}
| fr = <div style{{=}}"text-align: right;">
[ <span class{{=}}"mw-ui-button mw-ui-neutral" role{{=}}"button" aria-disabled{{=}}"false" style{{=}}"margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 11px;">Discord</span>] LinguaLibre est en phase de reprise. Nous encourageons à contribuer à rythme modéré, à vérifier par une écoute vos audios et à [[LinguaLibre:Chat_room#Samples|rapporter]] les parasites éventuels.
| #default = LinguaLibre is in recovery and testing phase. Some side effects are possible. Please contribute moderately, check-listen your audios and [[LinguaLibre:Chat_room#Samples|report]] possible artifacts if any.
</div> -->

Latest revision as of 18:21, 11 June 2024