
Teochew en generalTime 02

  1. gao3(5) da1, gao3(5) dan1 到今 [up until now]
  2. chik4(8) ja2 boih4(8) ja2 七早八早 [at the stroke of dawn, first thing in the morning]
  3. bai2 * [instance (a time that something occurred)]
  4. bang3 方 [instance (a time that something occurred)]
  5. bang3(5) mueh8 方物 [instance (a time that something occurred)]
  6. leng7 堎? [instance (a time that something occurred)]
  7. bai3 排? [each, every]
  8. ji2 hue5, ji2(6) hue5 只回 [this time]
  9. heu2 hue5, heu2(6) hue5 許回 [that time]
  10. doin6(7) ik4(8) hue5 第一回 [the first time]
  11. jion6(7) hue5 上回 [the last time (just happened)]
  12. e6(7) hue5 下回 [next time]
  13. bak8(4) hue5 別回 [another time]
  14. ji2 cheu3 只次 [this time]
  15. heu2 cheu3 許次 [that time]
  16. doin6(7) ik4(8) cheu3 第一 次 [the first time]
  17. jion6(7) cheu3 上次 [the last time (just happened)]
  18. e6(7) cheu3 下次 [next time]
  19. bak8(4) cheu3 別次 [another time]