User talk


Revision as of 02:03, 16 October 2020 by Titodutta (talk | contribs) (→‎Re: Speeding bug: new section)


Salut Yug,
Petit rappel que pour faire des tests, il y a l'instance de développement sur laquelle tu peux faire tous les essais que tu veux, à n'appliquer ici qu'une fois que c'est fin prèt. Ça évitera à des gens de tomber sur des trucs bizarre en chargeant le site au mauvais moment ;).
Bisous — 0x010C ~talk~ 15:45, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
PS : et ne laisse pas traîner des pages inutiles (MediaWiki:Recordwizard) ; en l'occurence ça bloque notamment d'éventuelles futur changements et traductions poussés par translatewiki.

Piouf! T'es vraiment tombé dessus !!! *0* !!! J'ai fais aussi vite que possible !!!! Merci pour ta vigilance, tout me semblait bien restoré, sauf si j'étais aveuglé par du cache !... Ah! v2 c'est vrai ! Tu peux me mettre admin ??? je voudrais tester le support d'images dans ! Yug (talk) 20:09, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
PS: Je ne comprends pas bien ces questions / pages / balises de traductions... Yug (talk) 20:10, 26 December 2018 (UTC)
Je t'ai envoyé un mail avec le mot de passe du compte de test admin. — 0x010C ~talk~ 21:59, 26 December 2018 (UTC)


Ton intro et l'historique sont bien sur LinguaLibre:About, mais j'ai viré ce qui n'a rien à faire sur cette page (histoire que ça soit un minimum pro / propre / efficace). Tu peux retrouver le contenu sur la version historisé. — 0x010C ~talk~ 21:59, 26 December 2018 (UTC)

Ok, cool! J'ai recupéré ca de github, j'y fais du nettoyage. J'ai pas encore décider ou mettre ces truc sur LinguaLibre... Je te tiens au jus.
Sur github, le repository listes est supprimable ! Yug (talk) 18:08, 28 December 2018 (UTC)

Ongoing work

Get your data :

$git clone

Then, save into the following in the root of your directory:

# RUN:
# make -f iso2=pl iso3=pol processing    # to do the work
# make -f iso2=pl iso3=pol all           # to do the work AND print few messages

all: processing messages
	sed -E 's/ [0-9]+$$//g' $(iso2)_50k.txt | sed -E 's/^/# /g' > $(iso2)-words-LL.txt
	split -d -l 2000  --additional-suffix=".txt" $(iso2)-words-LL.txt "$(iso3)-words-by-frequency-" 

	head -n 5 $(iso2)_50k.txt
	head -n 5 $(iso2)-words-LL.txt
	head -n 5 "$(iso3)-words-by-frequency-00.txt"
	head -n 5 "$(iso3)-words-by-frequency-01.txt"
	wc -l $(iso2)-words-LL.txt
	wc -l "$(iso3)-words-by-frequency-01.txt"

Then, find your {iso2}_50k.txt file. Put both in the same folder, and run the command below with your needed iso2 and iso3 values :

make -f iso2=pl iso3=pol processing

Yug (talk) 18:17, 28 December 2018 (UTC)


iconv -f "GB18030" -t "UTF-8" SUBTLEX-CH-WF.csv -o $iso2-words.txt
sed -E 's/(,[0-9]+.?[0-9]*)+//g' $iso2-words.txt | tail -n+4 | head -n 20000 | sed -E 's/^/# /g' > $iso2-words-LL.txt
split -d -l 2000  --additional-suffix=".txt" $iso2-words-LL.txt "$iso3-words-by-frequency-"

Feature idea : table tacking existing languages on


I have difficulties to keep track all the languages I helped to add to LinguaLibre. Taiwan has 16 languages and 42 locals variations. Maybe it already exists... If not, It would be a positive have a sortable table such as below :

Wikidata qid LinguaLibre qid English name Language group Active ? Numb. or recordings
Q715766 Q51302 Atayal Taiwanese Low 4
Q718269 Q51871 Sakizaya Taiwanese Low 6
... ... .... ... ... ...

Yug (talk) 12:16, 31 December 2018 (UTC)

I'am finding out how LinguaLibre:Stats is coded, maybe I will be able to produce something :D Yug (talk) 12:59, 31 December 2018 (UTC)

WP query and frequency

Helper :

curl '' | tr '\040' '\012' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1,1 -n -r > output.txt


Clean up corpus

find -iname 'fra-opus-100k.txt' -exec cat {} \; | grep -o '\w*' | sed -e "s/^c$/ce/gi" -e "s/^d$/du/gi" -e "s/^j$/je/gi" -e "s/^m$/moi/gi" -e "s/^n$/ne/gi" -e "s/^qu$/que/gi" -e "s/^s$/se/gi" -e "s/^t$/toi/gi" -e "/^[0-9]*$/d" | awk '/^[[:upper:]][^[:upper:]]*$/{$1=tolower(substr($1,1,1)) substr($1,2)}1' | awk '{a[$1]++}END{for(k in a)print a[k],k}' | sort -n -r -t' ' -k1,1 > fra-subtlex.txt

cat userlist.txt | sed -e 's/^# //g' | tr "\n" "\|" | tr "\^" "\(" | sed -e "s/^/\\\(/" -e "s/|$/\\\)/g" 

Lingua Libre Story for September 2020

This is not an official story or newsletter. This is an attempt by a user to share some updates about the program. There might be more stories which I have missed.

September 2020 was an eventful month and we have seen a lot of activities of uploading new content and also around project-related discussion. Here are some of the best stories from September 2020.

  • 300,000 files: On 10 September 2020 we completed 300,000 pronunciation uploads. After the launch in August 2018, the first 100,000 files were uploaded in April 2019, and the milestone of 200,000 files was reached on January 2020. As of 30 September 2020 there are 366 speakers at this project working in 92 languages.
  • Maximum number of pronunciations in a month: In September 2020, 23,209 files were uploaded. This is the maximum number of files uploaded ever in a particular calendar month (earlier it was 22,963 files in June 2020, and 22,293 files in May 2019).
  • Indian language in top 3 list: This month Bengali language came into the top three languages by the number of files uploaded using Lingua Libre. This is possibly the first time a non-European/Indian language came into the top three most-uploaded languages on the project.
  • Project chat: Several discussion started on the Chat room, such as Bug testing (you may help), Technical preparations etc.

That's it. Have a good time. --টিটো দত্ত (Titodutta) (কথা) 13:35, 1 October 2020 (UTC)
This post is under CC0 license, feel to free share with anyone, anywhere, without any restriction

Re: Speeding bug

Bonjour/নমস্কার, I have been following the thread for sometime. However I did not understand it. It describes the bug as "nasty", by do you mean, after recording the audio speed is becoming much faster? Yes, that happens. That's speeding up. If you mean while previewing the audio suddenly stops in between and try to load, that also happens, that's speeding down (and thankfully does not change the end result, so you can upload). Most probably you are talking about speeding up. I can add my opinion/view (and possibly ask you another question also). Regards. --টিটো দত্ত (Titodutta) (কথা) 02:03, 16 October 2020 (UTC)