

Revision as of 19:25, 24 September 2021 by WikiLucas00 (talk | contribs) (+ alert when leaving the Record Wizard)

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// Replace Wikidata IDs with their [label, description]
if ( $( '.wb-external-id' ).length > 0 ) {
	mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.ForeignApi', function() {
		$( '.wb-external-id' ).each( function() {
			if ( $( this ).attr( 'href' ).lastIndexOf( '', 0 ) === 0 ) {
				var wikidataApi = new mw.ForeignApi( '', {
						anonymous: true,
						parameters: { 'origin': '*' },
						ajax: { timeout: 10000 }
					} ),
					lang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
					node = $( this );
				wikidataApi.get( {
					'action': 'wbgetentities',
					'format': 'json',
					'ids': node.text(),
					'props': 'labels|descriptions',
					'languages': lang,
					'languagefallback': 1,
					'origin': '*'
				} ).then( function( data ) {
					var entity = data.entities[ node.text() ],
						label = ( entity.labels[ lang ] !== undefined ? entity.labels[ lang ].value + ' <i>(' + node.text() + ')</i>' : node.text() ),
						description = ( entity.descriptions[ lang ] !== undefined ? '<small>' + entity.descriptions[ lang ].value + '</small>' : '' );
					node.html( label + '<br>' + description )
				} );
		} );
	} );

//Add an audio player to the audio records links in the wikibase items
const BASE_FILE_URL = '';

function playButton( audioUrl ) {
	var button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
		framed: false,
		icon: 'play',
		title: 'play'
	} );
	button.on( 'click', function() {
		var audio = new Audio( audioUrl );;
	} );

	return button.$element;

if ( $( '#P3 a.extiw' ).length > 0 ) {
    mw.loader.using( [ 'oojs-ui-widgets', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-media' ], function() {
        $( '#P3 a.extiw' ).each( function() {
            var $node = $( this );
            $node.before( playButton( BASE_FILE_URL + $node.text() ) );
        } );
    } );

 * Display last records on main page
var ab1, ab2;

var AudioBox = function( recordQid, $node ) {
	this.wbRecord = new mw.recordWizard.wikibase.Item( recordQid );
	this.$node = $node;
	this.audioNode = document.createElement( 'audio' );
	this.audioNode.preload = 'auto';

    this.api = new mw.Api();	

	this.recordQid = recordQid;
	this.langQid = null;
	this.speakerQid = null;
	this.label = ''; = '';
	this.lang = '';
	this.speaker = '';
	this.wbRecord.getFromApi( this.api ).then( this.processRecord.bind( this ), displayError );

AudioBox.prototype.processRecord = function() {
	this.label = this.wbRecord.getLabel( 'en' ); = '' + this.wbRecord.getStatements( 'P3' )[ 0 ].getValue();
	this.langQid = this.wbRecord.getStatements( 'P4' )[ 0 ].getValue();
	this.speakerQid = this.wbRecord.getStatements( 'P5' )[ 0 ].getValue();

	this.api.get( {
		action: "wbgetentities",
		format: "json",
		ids: this.langQid + '|' + this.speakerQid,
		props: "labels",
		languages: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) + "|en",
		languagefallback: 1,
	} ).then( this.processLabels.bind( this ), displayError );

AudioBox.prototype.processLabels = function( data ) {
	var langLabels;

	if ( data.entities === undefined || data.entities[ this.langQid ] === undefined || data.entities[ this.speakerQid ] === undefined ) {
		displayError( 'dataerror' );
	langLabels = data.entities[ this.langQid ].labels;
	if ( langLabels[ mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) ] !== undefined ) {
		this.lang = langLabels[ mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) ].value;
	} else {
		this.lang = langLabels[ 'en' ].value;
	this.speaker = data.entities[ this.speakerQid ].labels[ 'en' ].value;


AudioBox.prototype.display = function() {
	this.$node.find( '.ab-title' ).text( this.label );
	this.$node.find( '.ab-metadata' ).text( this.lang + ' - ' + this.speaker );
	this.audioNode.src =;
	this.$node.find( '.ab-playbutton' ).click( this.audioNode ) );

function createAudioBoxes( data ) {
	if ( data.query === undefined || data.query.rwrecords === undefined || data.query.rwrecords.length < 2 ) {
		displayError( 'nodata' );

	ab1 = new AudioBox( data.query.rwrecords[ 0 ], $( '.audiobox' ).eq( 0 ) );
	ab2 = new AudioBox( data.query.rwrecords[ 1 ], $( '.audiobox' ).eq( 1 ) );

function getLastRecords() {
    var api = new mw.Api();
	api.get( {
        action: 'query',
        format: 'json',
        list: 'rwrecords',
        rwrlimit: '2',
		rwrsort: 'pageid',
		rwrdir: 'descending',
		rwrformat: 'qid'
  } ).then( createAudioBoxes, displayError );

function displayError( code, error ) {
	console.warn( code, error );

if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) === 'LinguaLibre:Main_Page' ) {
    mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.api', 'ext.recordWizard.wikibase' ] ).then( getLastRecords );

// T206801 - Links to Wikipedia contain "+" (instead of "_")
if ( $( 'div#P19 .wb-external-id' ).length ) {
	$( 'div#P19 .wb-external-id' ).attr( 'href', $( 'div#P19 .wb-external-id' ).attr( 'href' ).replace( /\+/g, '_' ) );

// Interface for displaying contributions on [[LinguaLibre:Explore the sound library]]
$( function (){
	if( !/^LinguaLibre:Explore_the_sound_library(\/[a-z_-]+)?$/.test( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) ) || mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) === 'Seb35' || mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) === 'Nicolas NALLET' || mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) === 'Mathis Back' ) {

	// Parameters
	const nbTotalResults = 100;  // Total number of results requested to SPARQL endpoint
	const nbResultsPerPage = 10; // Number of results displayed per page

	// User messages to be translated
	const messages = {
		'msg-no-results': {
			en: 'No results.',
			de: 'Keine Ergebnisse.',
			fr: 'Pas de résultat.',
			//qqq: 'Message when there are no results.',
		'button-gosearch': {
			en: 'Search',
			de: 'Suchen',
			fr: 'Rechercher',
			//qqq: 'Button where the user clicks to search.',
		'button-resetsearch': {
			en: 'Reset',
			de: 'Löschen',
			fr: 'Effacer',
			//qqq: 'Button where the user clicks to reset the form.',
		'button-datasets': {
			en: 'Datasets',
			de: 'Datensätze',
			fr: 'Jeux de données',
			//qqq: 'Button - link to datasets.',
		'placeholder': {
		    en: ' Select or type',
		    fr: ' Sélectionner ou écrire',
		    //qqq: 'Placeholder for the fields.',

	const userLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentLanguage' );
	mw.loader.using( ['oojs', 'oojs-ui', 'mediawiki.api', 'ext.recordWizard.wikibase'], function () {

		oouiSelectors = {
			'speaker': null,
			'gender': null,
			'language': null,
			'proficiency': null,
		var sparqlGlobal = {
			'speaker': 'SELECT ?speaker ?speakerLabel ?gender ?language ?proficiency WHERE { ?speaker prop:P2 entity:Q3 . OPTIONAL { ?speaker prop:P8 ?gender } . OPTIONAL { ?speaker llp:P4 ?statement . ?statement llv:P4 ?language . OPTIONAL { ?statement llq:P16 ?proficiency } } . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "' + userLanguage + ',fr,en" } } ORDER BY ?speakerLabel',
			'gender': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?gender ?genderLabel WHERE { ?gender prop:P2 entity:Q7 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "' + userLanguage + ',fr,en" } } ORDER BY ?gender',
			'language': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?language ?languageLabel WHERE { ?language prop:P2 entity:Q4 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "' + userLanguage + ',fr,en" } } ORDER BY ?languageLabel',
			'proficiency': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?proficiency ?proficiencyLabel WHERE { ?proficiency prop:P2 entity:Q5 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "' + userLanguage + ',fr,en" } } ORDER BY ?proficiency',
		const htmlElements = {
			'speaker': '#sndlib-filteruser',
			'gender': '#sndlib-filtergender',
			'language': '#sndlib-filterlanguage',
			'proficiency': '#sndlib-filterlevelofproficiency',
		const unknown = {};

		request = {
			'speaker': '',
			'gender': '',
			'language': '',
			'proficiency': '',
		lastRequest = {
			'speaker': '',
			'gender': '',
			'language': '',
			'proficiency': '',
		speakersCriteria = [];
		list = {
			'speaker': null,
			'gender': null,
			'language': null,
			'proficiency': null,
		mapping = {
			'speaker': null,
			'gender': null,
			'language': null,
			'proficiency': null,

		// Helper function to obtain the Qvalue of some selector
		function getQValue( type ) {
			var rawValue;
			if( type === 'speaker' || type === 'language' ) {
				rawValue = oouiSelectors[type].getValue();
			} else {
				rawValue = oouiSelectors[type].getMenu().findSelectedItem() ? oouiSelectors[type].getMenu().findSelectedItem().getData() : '';
			rawValue = rawValue.trim();
			if( !rawValue ) {
				return '';
			} else if( /^Q[0-9]+$/.test( rawValue ) ) {
				return rawValue;
			} else if( /\((Q[0-9]+)\)$/.test( rawValue ) ) {
				return rawValue.replace( /.*\((Q[0-9]+)\)$/, '$1' );
			} else {
				return '';

		// Helper function to dedupe a sorted list
		function dedupe( arr, fn ) {
			if( fn ) {
				return arr.filter( function( x, i, a ) {
					return !i || fn( x ) !== fn( a[i-1] );
				} );
			return arr.filter( function( x, i, a ) {
				return !i || x !== a[i-1];
			} );

		// Returns the list of items of a given type for a restricted list of Qids
		function getListSelectorFromQids( type, qids ) {
			const indexes = dedupe( function( x ) {
				return mapping[type][x];
			} ).sort( function( a, b ) { return a-b; } ) );
			const r = function( x ) {
				return list[type][x];
			} );
			return r;

		// Initialise a selector and keep the list in memory the result for later reuse
		function updateSelector( type, force ) {
			return function( values ) {

				const widgetType = type === 'speaker' || type === 'language' ? 'ComboBoxInputWidget' : 'DropdownWidget';

				if( !list[type] ) {

					// Save the list in a global variable to quickly filter then
					// We dedupe because the 'speaker' (only) has duplicate (ordered) values
					const v = values.results.bindings;
					list[type] = dedupe( v, function( x ) { return x[type].value; } );
					if( widgetType === 'DropdownWidget' ) {
						var emptyItem = [ {} ];
						emptyItem[0][type] = { value: '' };
						emptyItem[0][type+'Label'] = { value: ' ' };
						list[type] = emptyItem.concat( list[type] );
					values = list[type];

					// Save the mapping Qxx → index to update the list from a list of Qxx (see doQuery)
					console.debug( type, list[type] );
					mapping[type] = list[type].reduce( function( o, x, i ) {
						o[ x[type].value.substr( 31 ) ] = i;
						return o;
					}, {} );

					// Save the global matrix: speaker x gender x language x proficiency
					if( type === 'speaker' ) {
						speakersCriteria = function( x ) {
							return [
								x.speaker.value.substr( 31 ),
								!x.gender || x.gender.type === 'bnode' ? unknown : x.gender.value.substr( 31 ),
								!x.language || x.language.type === 'bnode' ? unknown : x.language.value.substr( 31 ),
								!x.proficiency || x.proficiency.type === 'bnode' ? unknown : x.proficiency.value.substr( 31 ),
						} );

				if( !force && getQValue( type ) ) {

				// If there are at least one unknown value, do not change the selector
				if( values.filter( function( x ) { return x === undefined; } ).length ) {

				if( widgetType === 'DropdownWidget' && values.length && values[0][type].value ) {
					var emptyItem = [ {} ];
					emptyItem[0][type] = { value: '' };
					emptyItem[0][type+'Label'] = { value: ' ' };
					values = emptyItem.concat( values );

				// Create the OOUI selector
				oouiSelectors[type] = new OO.ui[widgetType]( {
					placeholder: messages['placeholder'][userLanguage] ? messages['placeholder'][userLanguage] : messages['placeholder'].en,
					menu: {
						filterFromInput: true,				
						items: function( x ) {
							return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( {
								data: widgetType === 'ComboBoxInputWidget' ? x[ type + 'Label' ].value + " (" + x[type].value.substr( 31 ) + ")" : x[type].value.substr( 31 ),
								label: x[ type + 'Label' ].value
							} );
						} )
				} );
				if( widgetType === 'DropdownWidget' && values.length > 2 ) {
					oouiSelectors[type].getMenu().items[0].toggle( false );

				if( widgetType === 'ComboBoxInputWidget' && values.length === 1 ) {
					oouiSelectors[type].setValue( values[0][ type + 'Label' ].value + " (" + values[0][type].value.substr( 31 ) + ")" );
				// For dropdown, when there is one real value, there is also the empty value as first option
				} else if( widgetType === 'DropdownWidget' && values.length === 2 ) {
					oouiSelectors[type].getMenu().selectItemByData( values[1][type].value.substr( 31 ) );

				$( htmlElements[type] ).html('').append(

				if( widgetType === 'ComboBoxInputWidget' ) {
					oouiSelectors[type].on( 'change', function() {
						if( !getQValue( type ) ) {
					} );
				} else {
					oouiSelectors[type].getMenu().on( 'select', function( item ) {
						if( item.getData() === '' ) {
							item.toggle( false );
						} else {
							oouiSelectors[type].getMenu().items[0].toggle( true );
					} );


		function onChange() {

			request = {
				speaker: getQValue( 'speaker' ),
				gender: getQValue( 'gender' ),
				language: getQValue( 'language' ),
				proficiency: getQValue( 'proficiency' ),
			if( JSON.stringify( request ) === JSON.stringify( lastRequest ) ) {

			// Do not reduce fields above one change by the user, else it leads to a bad User Experience
			// because fields change themselves with a hardly-understandable logic
			var nbFilled = ( request.language ? 1 : 0 ) + ( request.speaker ? 1 : 0 ) + ( request.gender ? 1 : 0 ) + ( request.proficiency ? 1 : 0 );
			if( nbFilled > 1 ) {

			var potentialSpeakers = speakersCriteria;

			if( request.language ) {
				potentialSpeakers = reduceSpeakers( 2, request.language, potentialSpeakers );
			if( request.speaker ) {
				potentialSpeakers = reduceSpeakers( 0, request.speaker, potentialSpeakers );
			if( request.gender ) {
				potentialSpeakers = reduceSpeakers( 1, request.gender, potentialSpeakers );
			if( request.proficiency ) {
				potentialSpeakers = reduceSpeakers( 3, request.proficiency, potentialSpeakers );

			// Update the selectors with the restricted values
			updateSelector( 'speaker' )( getListSelectorFromQids( 'speaker', dedupe( function( x ) { return x[0]; } ) ) ) );
			updateSelector( 'gender' )( getListSelectorFromQids( 'gender', dedupe( function( x ) { return x[1]; } ) ) ) );
			updateSelector( 'language' )( getListSelectorFromQids( 'language', dedupe( function( x ) { return x[2]; } ) ) ) );
			updateSelector( 'proficiency' )( getListSelectorFromQids( 'proficiency', dedupe( function( x ) { return x[3]; } ) ) ) );


		function initSelectors() {

					query: sparqlGlobal['speaker']
			).done( updateSelector( 'speaker', true ) );

					query: sparqlGlobal['gender']
			).done( updateSelector( 'gender', true ) );

					query: sparqlGlobal['language']
			).done( updateSelector( 'language', true ) );

					query: sparqlGlobal['proficiency']
			).done( updateSelector( 'proficiency', true ) );

		function reset() {
			lastRequest = {
				speaker: '',
				gender: '',
				language: '',
				proficiency: '',
			updateSelector( 'speaker', true )( list.speaker );
			updateSelector( 'gender', true )( list.gender );
			updateSelector( 'language', true )( list.language );
			updateSelector( 'proficiency', true )( list.proficiency );
			$( '#sndlib-audioresults' ).html( '' );
			$( '#sndlib-audioPages' ).html( '' );

		function reduceSpeakers( index, value, arr ) {
			return arr.filter( function( x ) {
				return x[index] === value;
			} );

		// Add button 'Search'
		$( '#sndlib-gosearch' ).html('').append(
			( new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( {
				label: messages['button-gosearch'][userLanguage] ? messages['button-gosearch'][userLanguage] : messages['button-gosearch'].en
			} ) ).on( 'click', doQuery ).$element

		// Add button 'Reset'
		$( '#sndlib-resetsearch' ).html('').append(
			( new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( {
				label: messages['button-resetsearch'][userLanguage] ? messages['button-resetsearch'][userLanguage] : messages['button-resetsearch'].en
			} ) ).on( 'click', reset ).$element

		// Add button 'Datasets' - it seems that OOUI ButtonWidget.setHref does not work
		var buttonDatasetsA = $( '<a href=""></a>' );
		var buttonDatasets = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( {
				label: messages['button-datasets'][userLanguage] ? messages['button-datasets'][userLanguage] : messages['button-datasets'].en,
			} );
		var buttonDatasetsLinked = buttonDatasetsA.append( buttonDatasets.$element );
		$( '#sndlib-datasetsButton' ).html('').append( buttonDatasetsLinked );

		// Display results
		function createAudioBoxesForSearch( data ) {
			if ( data.results === undefined || data.results.bindings === undefined ) {
				displayError( 'error: no result from SPARQL' );
			if ( data.results.bindings.length < 1 ) {
				$( '#sndlib-audioresults' ).html( messages['msg-no-results'][userLanguage] ? messages['msg-no-results'][userLanguage] : messages['msg-no-results'].en );
				$( '#sndlib-audioPages' ).html( '' );
			var length = data.results.bindings.length;
			console.debug( 'SPARQL results', data.results.bindings );
			function displayAudioBoxes( index ) {
				$( '#sndlib-audioresults' ).html( '' );
				for( var i = 0; i < nbResultsPerPage && i+index*nbResultsPerPage < length; i++ ) {
					var box = $( '<div class="audiobox"> <div class="ab-playbutton"><i></i></div> <div> <div class="ab-title">...</div> <div class="ab-metadata">...</div> </div> </div>' );
					var audiobox = new AudioBox( data.results.bindings[ i+index*nbResultsPerPage ].record.value.substr( 31 ), box );
					$( '#sndlib-audioresults' ).append( box );
				function applyFn( i ) {
					return function() {
						displayAudioBoxes( i );
						return false;
				$( '#sndlib-audioPages' ).html( '' );
				for( var i = 0; i < Math.ceil( length/nbResultsPerPage ); i++ ) {
					var link = $( '<a href="#"' + ( i === index ? ' class="selected"' : '' ) + '>' + (i+1) + '</a>' ).on( 'click', applyFn( i ) );
					$( '#sndlib-audioPages' ).append( link ).append( i < Math.ceil( length/nbResultsPerPage )-1 ? '&nbsp;' : '' );
			displayAudioBoxes( 0 );

		// Do SPARQL request from filters
		function doQuery() {

			request = {
				speaker: getQValue( 'speaker' ),
				gender: getQValue( 'gender' ),
				language: getQValue( 'language' ),
				proficiency: getQValue( 'proficiency' ),
			if( JSON.stringify( request ) === JSON.stringify( lastRequest ) ) {

			lastRequest = request;

			// When all fields are empty, do not query
			if( !request.speaker && !request.gender && !request.language && !request.proficiency ) {

			var potentialSpeakers = speakersCriteria;

			var query = "SELECT ?record WHERE { ?record prop:P2 entity:Q2 ; prop:P4 ?language ; prop:P5 ?speaker . ";
			if( request.language ) {
				query += "?record prop:P4 entity:" + request.language + " . ";
				potentialSpeakers = reduceSpeakers( 2, request.language, potentialSpeakers );
			if( request.speaker ) {
				query += "?record prop:P5 entity:" + request.speaker + " . ";
				potentialSpeakers = reduceSpeakers( 0, request.speaker, potentialSpeakers );
			if( request.gender ) {
				potentialSpeakers = reduceSpeakers( 1, request.gender, potentialSpeakers );
			if( request.proficiency ) {
				potentialSpeakers = reduceSpeakers( 3, request.proficiency, potentialSpeakers );
				query += "?speaker llp:P4 [ llv:P4 ?language ; llq:P16 entity:" + request.proficiency + " ] . ";
			if( potentialSpeakers.length < speakersCriteria.length ) {
				var listSpeakers = dedupe( function( x ) {
					return 'entity:' + x[0];
				} ) ).join();
				query += 'FILTER( ?speaker IN (' + listSpeakers + ') )';
			query += "} LIMIT " + nbTotalResults;

			// Voir - il faut que le fond soit transparent
			$( '#sndlib-audioresults' ).html( '' ).append( '<img src="" width="50" />' );

			// Execute the request
			var result = $.getJSON(
					query: query,
					//Accept: 'application/sparql-results+json'

			result.then( createAudioBoxesForSearch, displayError );


	} );

} );

/*Confirmation message when users try to leave the Record Wizard
(works from the second step onwards) */
$( function() {
	if(mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) !== 'Special:RecordWizard') {
	window.onbeforeunload = function() {
  		return "Do you want to leave the page? All your unsaved changes will be lost.";