Teochew fr head
Revision as of 10:57, 12 May 2023 by WikiLucas00 (talk | contribs)
Revision as of 10:57, 12 May 2023 by WikiLucas00 (talk | contribs)
- tao5 頭 [tête]
- tao5(7) mo5 頭毛 [cheveux]
- hiah8(4) tao5 額頭 [front]
- ming7 面 [visage]
- mak8(4) bhai5 目眉 [sourcil]
- mak8(4) pue5 目皮 [paupière]
- mak8(4) chi3(5) mo5 目刺毛/目眥毛/目莿毛 [cil]
- mak8 目 [œil]
- mak8(4) jiu1 目珠 [iris, pupille (œil)]
- hin6 耳 [oreille]
- pin7 鼻 [nez]
- pin7 kang1 鼻孔 [narine]
- gih4(8) gao1 頰交 [joue]
- chui3(5) dung5 嘴唇, 喙唇 [lèvres]
- chui3 嘴, 喙 [bouche]
- jih8 舌 [langue]
- ghe5 牙 [dent]
- ki2 齒 [dent]
- ghe5(7) geung1 牙根 [gencive]
- e6(7) hai5 下頦 [menton]
- am6 頷 [cou]
- ao5 喉 [gorge]
- ao5(7) leng5 喉嚨 [gorge]
- mak8(4) ying5 目仁 [iris, pupille (œil)]
- jeung7 旋 [Épi (cheveux)]
- chao2(6) ngang2 草眼 [Tempes (anatomie)]
- jiu2(6) jeng1 kuh4 白, jiu2(6) jeng1 kuk4 文, jiu2(6) jeng1 uh4 酒盅窟 [Fossettes (joue)]
- hiah8 額 [front]
- bhai5 白, mi5 文 眉 [sourcil]
- dih4(8) gao1 *交, 頰交 [joue]
- ao5 喉 [gorge]
- ao6(7) dao2 後鬥 [Arrière du crâne]