
Teochew en teochewDishes 02

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  1. ang5(7) hue1 bhi2 紅花米 [red dye for Teochew peach cake]
  2. yung6(7) bian2 潤餅 [an unfried spring roll]
  3. iam1 mi7 淹麵 [brined noodles, marinated noodles]
  4. heu5(7) sen1 魚生 [Teochew-style raw fish, Japanese sashimi, finely sliced raw fish]
  5. cheu2(6) kak4(8) gue2 鼠殼粿, 鼠曲粿 [mouse ear cake]
  6. diam5(7) gue2 甜粿 [a type of Teochew cake]
  7. sung6(7) gue2 順粿 [a type of Teochew cake, similar to a dumpling]
  8. ang5(7) gu1 gue2 紅龜粿 [a type of Teochew cake shaped like a tortoise]
  9. bung7 gue2 飯粿 [Singapore Teochew name for ang-to-gue (red peach cakes); pink glutinous rice cakes with peanuts and shrimp]
  10. gue2(6) gian2(6) teung1 粿囝湯 [a noodle dish containing pig offal]
  11. jui2(6) gue2 水粿 [steamed rice cake]
  12. gue2(6) diao5(7) teung1 粿條湯 [Teochew noodle soup]
  13. cha2(6) gue2 炒粿 [daikon cake, yam cake]
  14. gue2(6) gak4 粿角 [daikon cake, yam cake]
  15. deu1 ka1 dang3 猪脚凍 [jellied pig trotter]
  16. huang2(6) sua1 ou7 反沙芋 [sugared taro sticks, sweet fried taro]
  17. lao6(7) hion1 ng5 老香黃 [preserved Buddha's hand]
  18. dio5(7) ion5(7) gion1 jeu5 潮陽姜薯 [Teoyall ginger yam]
  19. ghu5(7) bhah4(8) in5 训, ghu5(7) nek8(4) in5 文 牛肉丸 [beef balls]
  20. ang5(7) to5(7) gue2 紅桃粿 [red peach cake; glutinous rice cakes moulded in the shape of a pointed peach and dyed red or pink]
  21. to5(7) gue2 桃粿 [red peach cake]
  22. ang5(7) gu1 gue2 紅龜粿 [red tortoise cake, red turtle cake]
  23. cheu2(6) kak4(8) gue2 鼠壳粿 [mouse shell cake, made from Pseudognaphalium affine]
  24. cheu2(6) kek4(8) gue2 鼠麹粿 [mouse shell cake, made from Pseudognaphalium affine]
  25. kou2(6) gue1 teung1 苦瓜湯 [bittermelon soup]
  26. kou2(6) gue1 neung6 苦瓜卵 [bittermelon omelette]
  27. la5(7) bian2 朥餅 [lard cake]
  28. bhah4(8) guk4(8) de5 肉骨茶 [pork bone soup]
  29. lou6(7) giam5(7) chih8 滷鹹蠘 [salted crab]
  30. chai3(5) bou2(6) neung6 菜脯卵 [preserved vegetable omelette]