LinguaLibre:Events/2022.06 Lingualibre online meetup/10/en
- meta:User:Adélaïde_Calais_WMFr/2022-2023_Lingualibre_wishlist
- 20:50 acalai MediaWiki update in spring 2023. Need to fix compatibilities.
- Click bug:
- Yug: Bottleneck issues to solves are the sound library and audio click bug.
- Adelaide: never saw ot, is it frequent ?
- Yug: occurence rate undocumented.
- 21:04 Poslovitch: Need Matomo to find those bugs that are affecting some users but haven't been solved yet due to the lack of a description of the bug. Use the proper property on each recording that is faulty. problem : when you've recorded 1000 words, no one wants to look at each individually and manually put the property on each of them. -> would need a batch editing tool (for power users)
- -> step 1 : create batch editing tool
- -> step 2 : have a human patrol campaign to create a corpus of faulty recordings
- -> step 3 :
- 21:13 Poslovitch : lingua libre is no longer only a recording tool, it needs to be a sound library as well.
- Routines
- The datasets don't work.
- Lingua Libre bot has not been working for 7~8 weeks.
- (Who?): SPARQL scares new developers (because it's hard and slow). Need json files of the datasets.
- Yug: Help:SPARQL now available. Authors Yug, VIGNERON, Rdrg109
- IDE:
- Poslovitch :Needs developer environment - how to set up lingua libre on one's computer.
- Need processes and a yearly hackathon