
Main Page/text/oc

< LinguaLibre:Main Page
Revision as of 13:35, 25 November 2020 by WikiLucas00 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Contribuiretz a formar un còrpus audiovisual multilingüe unic e melhoraretz la visibilitat e la vitalitat de la vòstra lenga coma la parlatz o la signatz.")

Benvengut sus Lingua Libre, lo projècte de mediatèca lingüistica collaborativa de Wikimedia France.

Latest recordings


Georges Fodouop Wiki Indaba 2017.jpg

Young girls reading - Government primary school in Amman, Jordan.jpg

Bring linguistic diversity to life and preserve the fragile treasure of orality by recording the words, phrases and proverbs of your language.

Contribuiretz a formar un còrpus audiovisual multilingüe unic e melhoraretz la visibilitat e la vitalitat de la vòstra lenga coma la parlatz o la signatz.

You will interact with a community of individuals around the world who are sensitive to regional accents, sign languages, minority languages, and their diffusion.

The words, phrases, songs collected thanks to you will improve some of the Wikimedia projects (such as Wikipedia and the Wiktionary) and will help specialists in their work.

“Through the language we speak resound the voices of the peoples who have died out”

– Vassilis Alexakis

  • Atikamekw
  • Catalan
  • French
  • Swahili
  • Afrikaans
  • Korean
  • Odia
  • And more than 100 other languages