

Revision as of 19:22, 8 September 2023 by Ameisenigel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Dauer der Datenspeicherung ===")

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Gesammelte persönliche Daten

Um dein Privatleben zu respektieren und im Einklang mit der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung erhebt Wikimedia Frankreich nur Daten, die für den effektiven Betrieb des Vereins erforderlich sind.

Bei einer Spende erheben wir daher nur die Daten, die für die Erstellung und Übersendung deiner Spendenbescheinigung unbedingt erforderlich sind.

Bei einer Mitgliedschaft werden die Daten zur Erstellung und Übersendung der Spendenbescheinigung, aber auch zur Übersendung der Einladung zur Mitgliederversammlung verwendet.

Die gesammelten E-Mail-Adressen können gelegentlich Gegenstand von Informations-E-Mails oder Spendenaufrufen sein. Du kannst den Erhalt dieser E-Mails einfach abbestellen, indem du am Ende der E-Mail auf den Abmeldelink klickst.

Dauer der Datenspeicherung

In accordance with the legislation in force, data related to payments are kept for a period of ten years for tax and accounting purposes. Unless otherwise specified, all other information is kept for three years after the last interaction.

All data are hosted on servers located in the European Union, and will not be transferred outside of it.

Right of access

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January the 6th, 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to access, modify, rectify, move and delete data concerning you.

To make use of this right, please contact:

Wikimédia France 28 rue de Londres, 75009 Paris – FRANCE
Phone: +33 1 42 36 26 24

Contact persons

The data controller is the person in charge of the presidency of the association.

As the association does not process data that require the nomination of a data protection officer, there is no data protection officer. For any inquiries regarding our policy of personal data management, please refer to the above address.


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you can call upon a supervisory authority to make a complaint.

Traffic Analysis

As part of the analysis of traffic on our sites, we collect your partially anonymized IP address, and the pages you have visited. This information is stored for 180 days on our Piwik instance, hosted in the European Union. For the proper functioning of this service, a cookie is placed on your computer.