Applications gather notable external applications using LinguaLibre-produced audios. This includes web applications, mobile applications, and reuses.
Wiktionaries (multiple)
Occitan Gascon - French dictionary
Lingua Libre SignIt extension (French to LSF)
- Description: A web browser extension to translate (French) words into (French) Sign Language videos.
- Linguistic community: video authors.
- Languages: French Sign Language ; User interface in 14+ languages
- Year: 2019
- Technology: cross-browser web extension.
- Code: JS
- Data: videos of words being hand signed.
- Data sources: videos from Commons and Lingualibre, data from Wiktionaries ..
- Repository:
- Developer model: single web developer (needs more)
- License: MIT License.
- Contact:
- Coordination: Hugo Lopez (github)
- Institution: wikimedia France
- Website:
Cat Is Smart (Chinese)
- Description: A multimedia, bilingual Chinese-English dictionary and adaptative learning system to learn Chinese.
- Linguistic community: author.
- Languages: Chinese.
- Year: 2015
- Technology: responsive web application.
- Code: JS
- Data: Chinese audio / Chinese word / pinyin / (pos) English .
- Data sources: audio from Lingualibre, lexicographical data from hsk sources.
- Repository:
- Developer model: single author,l
- License: MIT License.
- Contact:
- Coordination: Hugo Lopez (github)
- Institution:
- Website:
ChinoisSansFrontiè (Chinese)
- Description: A multimedia, bilingual Chinese-French manual to learn traditional Chinese.
- Linguistic community: author.
- Languages: Chinese, French.
- Year: 2021
- Technology: responsive web application.
- Code: JS
- Data: Chinese texts, sentences, words, their pinyin, audio pronunciation and French.
- Data sources: audio from Lingualibre, lexicographical data from author (Hugo Lopez).
- Repository:
- Developer model: single author.
- License: Copyrighted.
- Contact:
- Coordination: Hugo Lopez (github)
- Institution: Lyon 3 University.
- Website:
OpenEdx-hanzi (Chinese)
OpenHanzi, an interactive Chinese dictionary and writing exercice using Lingua Libre recordings.
- Description: A multimedia, bilingual Chinese-French application to learn how to write the most common Chinese characters.
- Linguistic community: Hugo Lopez.
- Languages: Chinese, French.
- Year: 2018
- Technology: responsive application.
- Code: JS
- Data: Chinese audio / Chinese word / pinyin / (pos) English .
- Data sources: audio from Lingualibre.
- Repository:
- Developer model: single author, initially paid, volunteer maintenance.
- License: MIT License.
- Contact:
- Coordination: Hugo Lopez (github)
- Institution: Paris University, Learning Planet Institute.
- Website:
- Explainer:
AlphaTiles (multiple)
- Description: A flashcards, images based mobile application to study words of various minority languages
- Linguistic community: mostly Americas.
- Languages: various.
- Year: ?
- Technology: mobile application.
- Code: JAVA
- Data: L1 word, L1 image, L2 word, L2 audio.
- Repository:
- Developer model: core team (90%), open source contributors (<10%).
- License: MIT License, SIL authorship.
- Contact:
- Coordination: Aaron Hemphill (github)
- Institution: Summer Institute of Linguistic (SIL) is the world leader in minority language's linguistic and lexicography.
- Website:
Anki plugin
Paires Minimales
A website for browsing minimal pairs in French, based on the French Wiktionary and Lingua Libre pronunciations (via Commons' API).
Ladino translation and text-to-speech
- Not using Lingualibre, but a vivid example of what we could do: machine learning-based text-to-speech.