
Events/2022 Hackathon

< LinguaLibre:Events
Revision as of 07:54, 7 August 2022 by Yug (talk | contribs) (Update daily program as it was, so to help for later hackathons.)

Community Hackathon Photograph- Briefing session.jpg

The 2022 LinguaLibre Hackathon is a IRL / online gathering organized by Wikimedia France in order to create a dedicated time to tackle Lingualibre technical issues. The event is organized in preparation of the Wikimania 2022.

  • Objectives: Seriously tackle small and medium size, high priority issues via prioritization, via brutal coding. See also meta:User:Adélaïde Calais WMFr/2022-2023 Lingualibre wishlist and :phabricator:Lingua_libre
  • Dates: 2022.08.03-06 (August 3-4-5-6). 9h-13h et 14h-18h.
  • Place: 12 Rue Martel, Wikimedia France office, Paris 10th and online.
  • Format: Wednesday to Saturday (4 days).
  • Participants: add your availability to Framadate. Grouped below by skills expected to be used.
    • Back/python: Poslo, Micha, Lepticed,
    • JS/CSS: Yug, Poslo.
    • Audio js: Manu1400 (?)
    • SPARQL: Elfix (?)
    • Online on Saturday: Rodion, Olaf (?), Kanasimi (?)
  • Tracks: This below is merely a place holder, I collected those as an example. Up to you to define your objectives to maximaze both impact and fun / skill building. You can check :phabricator:Lingua_libre to see our list of priorities.
    • Blazegraph deeper diagnosis and restart ? (Poslovitch, Micha)
    • LinguaLibre Bot migration to global status and usage (Lepeticed, Poslovitch)
    • Wikiapijs Bot expansion for data maintenance (Yug, Kanasimi)
    • RW's List loader refinement to support further inputs types. (Yug)
    • Various visual bugs : «Click $1 below» bug, etc. (All devs)
    • Audio bugs diagnostic on mobile devices (Manu1400)
    • Help:SPARQL review and optimisation (Elfix?)
    • other "low hanging fruit" on phabricator (All devs)
    • [add other tickets here, see LinguaLibre:Technical board.]
  • Etherpad: not yet.

Online places

Daily program

Wikimedia France Office Online
Room Focused Discord or Talk page
Room capacity (8 pers.) (∞ pers.)
10:00 - 10:30 Café AB-Autobahnkiosk.svg

Hackathon Contributions Libre
13:00-14:15 Lunch AB-Rast.svg

Hackathon Contributions Libre
19:45-21:15 Diner AB-Rast.svg


Repas porte ouverte ou bar le soir pour débrifé ! Ouvert à tous !