
Difference between revisions of "SandboxData.js"

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/* **************
/* **************
SELECT ?languageLabel ?wikidata ?iso ?malesCount ?malesRecords ?femalesCount ?femalesRecords
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
    (ROUND(1000*?femalesRecords/(?femalesRecords+?malesRecords))/10 AS ?percent)
SERVICE wikibase:label {
  bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .
  SELECT ?language ?languageLabel ?wikidata ?iso {
      ?record prop:P2 entity:Q2 .    # Filter: P2 'instance of' is Q2 'record'
?item prop:P2 entity:Q4
      ?record prop:P4 ?language .    # Assign value: P4 'language' into ?language
      ?language prop:P12 ?wikidata .  # Assign value: P12 'wikidata id' into ?wikidata
      OPTIONAL { ?language prop:P13 ?iso . } # Assign value: P13 'iso639-3' into ?iso
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
GROUP BY ?language ?languageLabel ?wikidata ?iso
} AS %base
  SELECT ?language ?languageLabel ?iso ?genderLabel
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?females) AS ?femalesCount)
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?record) AS ?femalesRecords) {
  INCLUDE %base
  ?record prop:P4 ?language ; # Filter
          prop:P5 ?females . # Assign value: P5 'speaker' into ?females
  ?females prop:P8 entity:Q17 ;  # Filter
          prop:P8 ?gender . # Assign value: P8 'gender' into ?gender
    } GROUP BY ?language ?languageLabel ?iso ?genderLabel
} AS %females
  SELECT ?language ?languageLabel ?iso ?genderLabel
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?males) AS ?malesCount)
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?record) AS ?malesRecords) {
  INCLUDE %base
  ?record prop:P4 ?language ;
          prop:P5 ?males . # Assign value: P5 'speaker' into variable ?speakerQid
  ?males prop:P8 entity:Q16 ;
          prop:P8 ?gender .
    } GROUP BY ?language ?languageLabel ?iso ?genderLabel
} AS %males
  INCLUDE %base
  INCLUDE %females
  INCLUDE %males
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
GROUP BY ?languageLabel ?wikidata ?iso ?malesCount ?malesRecords ?femalesCount ?femalesRecords
ORDER BY ASC(?languageLabel )
************** */
************** */
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Revision as of 19:19, 1 February 2023

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    "itemLabel": "Sakha"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ekajuk"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Efik"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Gorontalo"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Old Church Slavonic"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Fante"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Gothic"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Kabyle"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Old Occitan"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Old English"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Dinka"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Kongo"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Sogdian"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Middle High German"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Sasak"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Nias"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Polish"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Icelandic"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Dutch"
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Middle Irish"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Marshallese"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "itemLabel": "Spanish"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Japanese"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Hungarian"
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Turkmen"
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Bosnian"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Klingon"
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "itemLabel": "Swedish"
    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "item": "",
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    "itemLabel": "toki pona"
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    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Dominican Creole French"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Louisiana Creole"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Mauritian Creole"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Saint Lucian Creole French"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Seychellois Creole"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Central Bikol"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Libon Bikol"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Miraya Bikol"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Pandan Bikol language"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Rinconada Bikol"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Southern Catanduanes Bikol"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "West Albay Bikol"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "British English"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "American English"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Laari"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Nyang language"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Mbo"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Tikar"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Massa language"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Mundang"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Tupuri"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "South Giziga"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "North Giziga"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Kaqchikel"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Nsei language"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ngiemboon"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Cantonese"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Baleswari Oriya"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Mozabite"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Manbhumi dialect"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Kurmanji"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Doric"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Dagbani"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Bankon"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Aramaic"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ndrumbea"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ajië"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Drehu"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Sorani"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Egyptian Arabic"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Wushi"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Central Tibetan language"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Malecite-Passamaquoddy"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Gutnish"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Futunan"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Cypriot Arabic"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Northwestern Catalan"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Valencian"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Balearic"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Northern Catalan"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Algherese"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Lorrain"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Lorraine Franconian"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Old Tupi"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Esuma"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ngambay"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Anyin"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ndyuka"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Aluku"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Pamaka"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Businenge Tongo"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Saramaccan"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Mon"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Laki"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Gallo"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Fataluku"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Eblaite"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Eborna"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Dogoso"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Dyan"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ingessana"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Djimini"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Frafra"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Elymian"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Datooga"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Anuta"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Galoli"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Duma"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Embu"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Eton"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Watiwa"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ghomara"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Dizin"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Dime"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Eteocypriot"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Gbanzili"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Sirionó"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Tatuyo"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Coatzospan Mixtec"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Atatláhuca–San Miguel Mixtec"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Mixtepec Mixtec"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Alacatlatzala Mixtec"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Secoya"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Viya"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Viennese German"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Arifama-Miniafia"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Ankave"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Abau"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Amarasi"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Abelam"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Aneme Wake"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Kyode"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Achang"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Achi"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Shiwiar"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Adele"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Bila"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Bishnupriya Manipuri"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Goan Konkani"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Salcete Konkani"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Tarantino"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Elfdalian"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Nanjing Dialect"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Salentino"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "meridional Cilentan"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "centro-meridional Calabrian"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Cimbrian"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Idu Mishmi"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Banjarese"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Suruí"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Aghem"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Kazakh-Russian sign language"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "American Sign Language"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "British Sign Language"
    "item": "",
    "itemLabel": "Bavarian"