

Revision as of 20:03, 29 August 2024 by Yug (talk | contribs)

Icon of LinguaZip


LinguaZip is a JS gadget (see code) that allows to download all Lingua Libre pronunciation files of a given term in a given language.

It interacts with the API of Wikimedia Commons directly from your browser to fetch the files, and bundles them into a convenient .zip archive.


Open LinguaLibre:LinguaZip/run.

Fill in the fields, hit submit.

The download process will start, you can cancel it if needed.


This tool is still experimental. Please report any observed failure.


  • Select a language
  • Select a word

To come

  • Add a metadata text file along the audio files
  • Handle usernames that use hyphens (the issue comes from the name convention of Lingua Libre files)