
Cmn/TEST HSK 2012 : level 1

Revision as of 10:44, 10 August 2024 by Yug (talk | contribs) (→‎Common 30-60)

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Common 1-30

的 → de: part. particle to form an attribute; of 我 → wǒ: pron. I; me; our; ourselves 你 → nǐ: pron. you (the singular form) 是 → shì: v. be 了 → le: part. (modal particle ending a sentence) 不 → bù: adv. not; no 在 → zài: adv. (indicating an action in progress) 他 → tā: pron. he 我们 → wǒmen: pron. we; us; our 好 → hǎo: adj. good; nice; be in good health 有 → yǒu: v. have; possess; exist; there be 这 → zhè: pron. this; this moment; now 会 → huì: aux, v. can; be good at; be likely to; meet 吗 → ma: part. (modal particle making a question) 什么 → shénme: pron. what; whatever; why; something 说 → shuō: v. speak; talk; say; scold 她 → tā: pron. she 想 → xiǎng: v, aux. think; suppose; recall; want to; miss 一 → yī: adv. once; as soon as 很 → hěn: adv. very; quite; awfully 人 → rén: n. person; man; people 那 → nà: conj. then; in that case 来 → lái: num. about; more or less 都 → dōu: adv. all; both; even; already 个 → gè: meas. (a general measure word) 能 → néng: adj. capable; able 去 → qù: v. go; leave; send; remove; get rid of 和 → hé: prep, conj. and; with; to 做 → zuò: v. make; do; cook; be; be used as 上 → shàng: n. upper; up; upward; preceding

Common 30-60

没有 → méiyǒu: adv. not have; there is not; not 看 → kàn: v. see; look at; watch; read; think 怎么 → zěnme: pron. how; why; however 现在 → xiànzài: n. now; at present; today 点 → diǎn: meas. a little; point 呢 → ne: part. (modal particle ending a question) 太 → tài: adv. too 里 → lǐ: meas. half a kilometer 听 → tīng: v. listen; hear; heed; obey 谁 → sheí/shuí: pron. who 多 → duō: adj. much; many; more 时候 → shíhou: n. time; when 下 → xià: meas. (measure word for times of an action) 谢谢 → xièxie: v. thank 先生 → xiānsheng: n. teacher; mister; Mr.; sir; gentleman 喜欢 → xǐhuan: v. love; like; be keen to; be fond of 大 → dà: adj. big; great; loud 东西 → dōngxi: n. thing; creature 小 → xiǎo: adj, pref. small; little; petty; minor; young 叫 → jiào: v. call; greet; order; name; shout; cry 爱 → ài: v. love 年 → nián: n. year; New Year 请 → qǐng: v. please; request; ask; invite; engage 回 → huí: meas. (for times of an event or action) 工作 → gōngzuò: v, n. work; job 钱 → qián: n. money; fund; sum 吃 → chī: v. eat; live on; annihilate 开 → kāi: v. open; operate; turn on; hold; boil 家 → jiā: n, meas, suf. (suffix) -ist; family; home; household 哪 → na: part. (modal particle ending a sentence) 朋友 → péngyou: n. friend 妈妈 → māma: n. mummy; mom; ma; mother 今天 → jīntiān: n. today; present; now 几 → jǐ: pron. how many; a few; some 爸爸 → bàba: n. pa; dad; father 些 → xiē: meas. (measure word for unspecified amount) 怎么样 → zěnmeyàng: pron. how; (a polite formula) 对不起 → duìbuqǐ: . sorry; excuse me; let down 住 → zhù: v. live; reside; stay; stop; cease 三 → sān: num. three 高兴 → gāoxìng: adj, v. glad; cheerful; be happy to 买 → mǎi: v. buy; purchase 医生 → yīshēng: n. doctor 哪儿 → nǎr: pron. where; wherever 名字 → míngzi: n. name 认识 → rènshi: v, n. recognize; understand; cognition 坐 → zuò: v. sit; take a seat; ride; put on a fire 喝 → hē: v. drink 写 → xiě: v. write; compose; describe 月 → yuè: n. month 号 → hào: n, meas. number; date 狗 → gǒu: n. dog 岁 → suì: meas. years old (for a person's age) 看见 → kànjiàn: v. see; catch sight of 喂 → wèi: int. hello 儿子 → érzi: n. son 漂亮 → piàoliang: adj. pretty; beautiful; remarkable 分钟 → fēnzhōng: n. minute 再见 → zàijiàn: v. good-bye; see you again 本 → běn: adv. originally 明天 → míngtiān: n. tomorrow 多少 → duōshao: pron. how many; how much 块 → kuài: n, meas. piece; Yuan (the basic RMB unit) 女儿 → nǚ'ér: n. daughter 小姐 → xiǎojie: n. young lady; Miss; miss 衣服 → yīfu: n. clothes; clothing; garment; coat 水 → shuǐ: n. water 学校 → xuéxiào: n. school; educational institute 电影 → diànyǐng: n. film; movie 书 → shū: n. book 四 → sì: num. four 五 → wǔ: num. five 医院 → yīyuàn: n. hospital 少 → shǎo: adj, v. few; little; less; lack; lose; reduce 没关系 → méi guānxi: . never mind; it doesn't matter 飞机 → fēijī: n. aircraft; airplane; plane 二 → èr: num. two 电视 → diànshì: n. television; TV 读 → dú: v. read; read aloud 后面 → hòumian: n. behind 昨天 → zuótiān: n. yesterday 睡觉 → shuì jiào: . sleep; go to bed 六 → liù: num. six 老师 → lǎoshī: n. teacher 星期 → xīngqī: n. week 十 → shí: num. ten 猫 → māo: n. cat 电脑 → diànnǎo: n. computer 热 → rè: adj, v. hot; popular; heat up; warm 学生 → xuésheng: n. student; schoolboy; schoolgirl 下午 → xiàwǔ: n. afternoon 字 → zì: n. word; character 学习 → xuéxí: v, n. study; learn; emulate 冷 → lěng: adj. cold 前面 → qiánmian: n. ahead; in front 八 → bā: num. eight 七 → qī: num. seven 菜 → cài: n. dish; course; vegetable; greens 桌子 → zhuōzi: n. table; desk 天气 → tiānqì: n. weather 茶 → chá: n. tea 九 → jiǔ: num. nine 商店 → shāngdiàn: n. shop; store 椅子 → yǐzi: n. chair 同学 → tóngxué: n. fellow student; schoolmate 一点儿 → yīdiǎnr: n. a bit; a few; a little 苹果 → píngguǒ: n. apple 饭店 → fàndiàn: n. restaurant; hotel 中午 → zhōngwǔ: n. noon; midday 上午 → shàngwǔ: n. forenoon; morning 水果 → shuǐguǒ: n. fruit 杯子 → bēizi: n. cup; glass 下雨 → xiàyǔ: v,n. to rain, rain 米饭 → mǐfàn: n. (cooked) rice 北京 → Běijīng: n. Beijing city, Pekin, lit. The Northern Capital 汉语 → hànyǔ: n. Chinese; the Chinese language