Teochew en weather 01
ngang5 凝 [cold] liang5 涼 [cool] liang5(7) li1 涼哩 [comfortably cool, breezy] hip4 熻 [stuffy] ho1 熇, 歊 [extremely hot and humid] geung1 光 [bright] am3 暗 [dark, dim] ou1 tin1 am3(5) di7 烏天暗地 [overcast, dark] mou5, mong5 蒙 [unclear, misty, foggy] ian2 影 [shadow] jap4(8) jap4 汁汁 [damp] bhu7 霧 [fog, mist] hou6(7) mui5 雨微 [mist, drizzle, sprinkle (of rain)] hou6(7) gian2 雨囝 [mist, drizzle, sprinkle (of rain)] ak4(8) hou6 沃雨 [to be rained on] loh8(4) hou6 落雨 [to rain] loh8(4) dua7 hou6 落大雨 [to rain heavily, to downpour] hou6(7) diam7 雨恬 [the ceasing of raining] loh8(4) soh4 落雪 [to snow] dang3(5) hou6 凍雨 [sleet] huang1 風 [wind] dua7 huang1 大風 [gusty, very windy] chue1 huang1 吹風 [for the wind to blow] ka3(5) lui5 敲雷, 扣雷 [the rumbling of thunder, a thunder clap] hiang2(6) lui5 響雷 [the rumbling of thunder, a thunder clap] lui5(7) gong1 雷公 [thunder] siam2(6) diang6 閃電 [lightning] huang1 tai1 風颱 [hurricane, typhoon, storm] kui3(5) huang1 季風 [monsoon] ung1 dou7 biao2 溫度錶, 溫度表 [thermometer] sip4(8) dou7 濕度 [humidity]