Hjelp:Skap egne lister
- Denne siden overlapper med Hjelp:Lister. Sammenslåing eller differensiering er ønsket.
RecordWizard lar hvem som helst importere ord for å spille inn fra eksisterende ordlister. Listene er wikisider som er lagret i Liste-navnerommet. Dermed kan alle innloggede bidragsytere skape egne lister, eller redigere eksisterende lister.
Utforsk eksisterende lister
Skap en ny liste
Lister er lagret på Lingua Libre som vanlige wikisider. Navnene er standardiserte; det starter med ISO 639-3-koden (fullstendig liste finnes her) til språket som er brukt i lista, skråstreken «/» og navnet som du ønsker å gi til din ordliste. For eksempel, en liste om grønnsaker på engelsk: Eng/Vegetables
Enter the name of your list (as explained in the previous paragraph) in the textbox below to create your list. You will then be able to add words to it. It should be formated as follow:
- One word per line;
- Words can be preceded by a single
; - Do not leave any comments inside your list, otherwise they will be treated as words to record.
Generate lists from queries
It is possible to generate lists coming from Wikidata Items or Lexemes (using Wikidata's Query Service) or Petscan.
- To generate lists from Wikidata
- go to the 3rd step of the Record Wizard ("Details")
- click on the button "External tools" on the bottom right corner
- in the dialog window that appears, you can add the link of a Wikidata query and choose the number of words you want to get from it
- Requirements for the query
- The query must return the Qid (or the Lid-Fid for Forms) in a column named "?id", and the corresponding text in a column named "?label"
- The link must be a link to the query interface (not the direct result) and should not be shortened
Examples of queries that you can use or edit
SELECT ?id ?label
?id wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q484170 ;
wdt:P131 wd:Q12589.
?id rdfs:label ?label.
FILTER(lang(?label) = "fr").
SELECT ?id ?label
?l a ontolex:LexicalEntry ; dct:language wd:Q150 ; wikibase:lexicalCategory wd:Q1084 ; ontolex:lexicalForm ?id .
?id ontolex:representation ?label .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?id wdt:P443 ?audio. }
SELECT ?id ?label
?l a ontolex:LexicalEntry ; dct:language wd:Q1860 ; wikibase:lexicalCategory wd:Q1084 ; ontolex:lexicalForm ?id .
?id ontolex:representation ?label .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?id wdt:P443 ?audio. }
Multi-lingual wordlist
Multi-lingual wordlist --wordlist including the translation of target words-- are not supported at the moment. An issue have been opened on LinguaLibre developments and bugs tracking system (T211086).