Mtp/Unilex common words 1
Revision as of 10:56, 17 December 2023 by Dragons Bot (talk | contribs) (Create list of words for speakers of mtp)
Revision as of 10:56, 17 December 2023 by Dragons Bot (talk | contribs) (Create list of words for speakers of mtp)
- tà
- wet
- k
- kyek
- tha
- hàp
- lhaamelh
- àp
- tok
- wikyi
- yok
- imak
- hâàpe
- íihi
- lhaam
- Jweesus
- Tsi
- Yoos
- is
- íikye
- hi'no
- nilhóoqej
- yààme
- iwóoye
- hààte
- tsi
- iyhàj
- honhat
- wuujw
- lhà'ya
- màànhyejtso
- tameenej
- máatkye
- tajlháme
- hààpqhila
- ii'pe
- olhaamelh
- tâlhe
- eelh
- nilhoq
- lheey
- wok
- olhaam
- la'wet
- imaayhey
- íiyej
- elh
- Noowuk
- kyi
- màànhyej'iwóye
- aamey
- t'uhlà
- iwehyáalha
- hi'ween
- nii'sa
- Kilíistoh
- pajkye
- qamaj
- tataakye
- nolhààmet
- jwuulales
- Hà
- nitàk
- oyok
- ijwáala
- tààjtso
- yahuumin
- ne'te
- is'aalhóho
- hààpet'at
- háats'i
- o'elh
- tijwek
- mat
- màànhyej
- tâlho
- wuujwpe
- atsiinha
- aameyh
- aam
- Nooyalh
- ijwáalas
- Pâàwloh
- nookey
- ojweelh'ameyho
- nikyâàte
- Kilíisto
- yàt
- Iwuuk
- nikyúulho
- paj
- Tuuntehen
- lhààmet
- la'nààyij
- tajwaatshi
- tàjp'ante
- ky'áhya
- inààt
- o'elht'a
- yahaanej
- imaayek
- hi'weenho
- iwehyáalhah
- puule
- yeenlhi
- màànhyejtsoh
- neky'e
- imakt'a
- hà
- yik
- qahâàpeya
- athaana
- aahâpe
- nooqalelhtshayaj
- lhámhyah
- Jweelusalenh
- ohâàpe
- tej
- ilààte
- noyok
- màànhyejt'et'tso
- iikyàjwi
- Isi
- athaanah
- Yooswuke
- itíihi
- tiyâàjo
- silààt
- inúuphà
- p'íiya
- niyaat
- Lahiih
- imaayheyh
- yeenlhih
- lhaaménhyah
- ipuuhjwas
- yàtla
- yààm'pe
- iwaatlà
- ijweenho
- ohuumin
- Yej
- tàjte
- yahóoye
- yilh
- lhààs
- not'ekhaahyaj
- pajla
- yikt'aat
- Lhek
- laqhaajyhayaj
- yààmeh
- t'uhaawétej
- tiyâàje
- taj
- lawuuk
- Yoosqawikyi
- Lhaawuk
- Jwàành
- aahàpehen
- yikhen
- Noojkyah
- lhà'yalhiip
- la
- itíikye
- takyuumhlà
- takyúuma
- noo'isyaj
- tajlhámet
- lahaanayej
- Yooskyenek
- lakyuujwanhay
- iihikyela
- yej
- taahuy
- noo'watshankyeyaj
- inaamelh
- íihikye
- tumwek
- noohusewos
- nààyij
- honaatsi
- Hi'noolhàs
- tààjna
- nààm
- tujw
- hi'noolh
- yikkye
- ta'yààtshane
- nitààjwélej
- yaakyâjo
- iwet
- Yoosniyatyaj
- o'íihi
- not'isan
- lakyuumet
- yinhen
- qanii'sa
- olhààmet
- nitààkjwas