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Show new changes starting from 09:09, 4 December 2024
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4 December 2024

 N    05:42  peccel (Q1418279) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:42  peccek (Q1418278) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:42  pecceng (Q1418277) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
      05:42  (Remote upload log) [Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni‎ (24×)]
05:42 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peccel.wav
05:42 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peccek.wav
05:42 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pecceng.wav
05:39 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-patthola.wav
05:39 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-patthèk.wav
05:39 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pabengkon.wav
05:38 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peccat.wav
05:38 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-peccak.wav
05:38 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pecca.wav
05:38 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pebertan.wav
05:38 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pathèn.wav
05:38 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pathèl.wav
05:38 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-patthok.wav
05:20 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pathèk.wav
05:20 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-pathè.wav
05:20 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paḍḍhâ.wav
05:20 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paḍâtè.wav
05:19 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paḍângkongan.wav
05:19 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paḍâng.wav
05:19 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paḍi.wav
05:19 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paḍâ.wav
05:07 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paḍhân.wav
05:06 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paèḍa.wav
05:05 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs has uploaded a file to the remote wiki: File:LL-Q36213 (mad)-Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni-paḍhâng.wav
 N    05:39  patthola (Q1418276) diffhist +3,267 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:39  patthèk (Q1418275) diffhist +3,267 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:39  pabengkon (Q1418274) diffhist +3,270 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:38  peccat (Q1418273) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:38  peccak (Q1418272) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:38  pecca (Q1418271) diffhist +3,258 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:38  pebertan (Q1418270) diffhist +3,267 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:38  pathèn (Q1418269) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:38  pathèl (Q1418268) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:38  patthok (Q1418267) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:20  pathèk (Q1418266) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:20  pathè (Q1418265) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:20  paḍḍhâ (Q1418264) diffhist +3,278 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:20  paḍâtè (Q1418263) diffhist +3,275 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:20  paḍângkongan (Q1418262) diffhist +3,290 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:20  paḍâng (Q1418261) diffhist +3,270 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:19  paḍi (Q1418260) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:19  paḍâ (Q1418259) diffhist +3,264 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:07  paḍhân (Q1418258) diffhist +3,270 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:07  paèḍa (Q1418257) diffhist +3,267 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:06  paḍhâng (Q1418256) diffhist +3,275 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:05  paèt (Q1418255) diffhist +3,258 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item
 N    05:05  paèng (Q1418254) diffhist +3,261 Alfiyah Rizzy Afdiquni talk contribs Created a new Item