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* LinguaImporter
* Ajoute un onglet permettant d'importer automatiquement une langue sur
* LinguaLibre depuis un élément Wikidata.

/* <nowiki> */
/* globals mw, OO, $ */

mw.loader.using( [ 'oojs-ui', 'ext.recordWizard.wikibase', 'ext.recordWizard.layout', 'wikibase.api.RepoApi', 'mediawiki.ForeignApi', 'mediawiki.widgets' ], function() {
	'use strict';

	// Messages
	const messages = {
		'fr': {
			'linguaimporter': 'LinguaImporter',
			'linguaimporter-action-import': 'Importer',
			'linguaimporter-action-cancel': 'Annuler',
			'linguaimporter-field-wd': 'Élément Wikidata',
			'linguaimporter-portlet-title': 'Importer une langue',
			'linguaimporter-notify-success': 'Langue importée avec succès - [[$1]]',
		'en': {
			'linguaimporter': 'LinguaImporter',
			'linguaimporter-action-import': 'Import',
			'linguaimporter-action-cancel': 'Cancel',
			'linguaimporter-field-wd': 'Wikidata item',
			'linguaimporter-portlet-title': 'Import a language',
			'linguaimporter-notify-success': 'Language successfuly imported - [[$1]]',
	mw.messages.set( messages.en );
	var lang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
	if ( lang !== 'en' && lang in messages ) {
		mw.messages.set( messages[ lang ] );

	// Instanciate LinguaImporter and add it ti MediaWiki's UI
	$( function ( $ ) {
	    var instanceLinguaImporter,
			instanceWindowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager(),
			portlet = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'top-bar-right', '#', mw.msg( 'linguaimporter-portlet-title' ) );
	    $( 'body' ).append( instanceWindowManager.$element );

		$( portlet ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
			if ( instanceLinguaImporter === undefined ) {
			    instanceLinguaImporter = new LinguaImporter();
			    instanceWindowManager.addWindows( [ instanceLinguaImporter ] );
		} );
	} );

	var LinguaImporter = function() {
		// Initialize config
		var config = { size: 'large' };

		// Parent constructor this, config );

		// Properties
		this.api = new mw.Api( { timeout: 7000 } );
		this.wikidataApi = new mw.ForeignApi( '', {
			    anonymous: true,
			    parameters: { origin: '*' },
			    ajax: { timeout: 10000 }
		    } );
		this.content = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { padded: true, expanded: false } );

	/* Setup */

	OO.inheritClass( LinguaImporter, OO.ui.ProcessDialog );

	/* Static Properties */ = 'linguaimporter';
	LinguaImporter.static.title = mw.msg( 'linguaimporter' );
	LinguaImporter.static.actions = [
		{ action: 'import', label: mw.msg( 'linguaimporter-action-import' ), flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ] },
		{ action: 'cancel', label: mw.msg( 'linguaimporter-action-cancel' ), flags: [ 'safe', 'back' ] }

	/* ProcessDialog-related Methods */

	 * Build the interface displayed inside the ProcessDialog box.
	LinguaImporter.prototype.initialize = function () {
		LinguaImporter.parent.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );

		this.wdInput = new mw.recordWizard.layout.WikidataSearchWidget( {
			$overlay: $( 'body' )
		} );

		this.layout = new OO.ui.Widget( {
			content: [
				new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
					this.wdInput, {
						align: 'top',
						label: mw.msg( 'linguaimporter-field-wd' ),
		} );

		this.content.$element.append( this.layout.$element );
		this.$body.append( this.content.$element );


	 * Get a process for taking action.
	 * This method is called within the ProcessDialog when the user clicks
	 * on an action button (the one defined in LinguaImporter.static.actions).
	 * Here is defined in which order each method of the category moving
	 * process is called.
	 * @param {string} action Name of the action button clicked.
	 * @return {OO.ui.Process} Action process.
	LinguaImporter.prototype.getActionProcess = function ( action ) {
		var process = new OO.ui.Process(),
		    WID, wikidataItem;

		if ( action === 'import' ) {
		    WID = this.wdInput.getData();
		    wikidataItem = new mw.recordWizard.wikibase.Item( WID );
 wikidataItem.getFromApi.bind( wikidataItem, this.wikidataApi ) ); this.createLang.bind( this, wikidataItem ) ); this.success.bind( this ) );
		} this.closeDialog, this );

		return process;

	 * Close the window.
	 * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when window is closed
	LinguaImporter.prototype.closeDialog = function () {
		var dialog = this;

		var lifecycle = dialog.close();

		return lifecycle.closed;

	 * Get the height of the window body.
	 * Used by the ProcessDialog to set an accurate height to the dialog.
	 * @return {number} Height in px the dialog should be.
	LinguaImporter.prototype.getBodyHeight = function () {
		return this.content.$element.outerHeight( true );

	LinguaImporter.prototype.createLang = function ( wikidataItem ) {
		var isoStatement, wmlangStatement,
			newItem = new mw.recordWizard.wikibase.Item(),
			dialog = this;

		newItem.labels = wikidataItem.getLabels();

		// instance of = language
		newItem.addStatement( new mw.recordWizard.wikibase.Statement( 'P2' ).setType( 'wikibase-item' ).setValue( 'Q4' ) );

		// wikidata id
		newItem.addStatement( new mw.recordWizard.wikibase.Statement( 'P12' ).setType( 'external-id' ).setValue( wikidataItem.getId() ) );

		// ISO 639-3
		isoStatement = wikidataItem.getStatements( 'P220' );
		if ( isoStatement !== null ) {
			newItem.addStatement( new mw.recordWizard.wikibase.Statement( 'P13' ).setType( 'external-id' ).setValue( isoStatement[ 0 ].getValue() ) );

		// Wikimedia language code
		wmlangStatement = wikidataItem.getStatements( 'P424' );
		if ( wmlangStatement !== null ) {
			newItem.addStatement( new mw.recordWizard.wikibase.Statement( 'P17' ).setType( 'external-id' ).setValue( wmlangStatement[ 0 ].getValue() ) );

		return newItem.createOrUpdate( this.api ).then( function( data ) {
			console.log( '' + );
			dialog.newEntityId =;
		} );

	LinguaImporter.prototype.success = function () {
		mw.notify( mw.message( 'linguaimporter-notify-success', this.newEntityId ).text() )
} );