Adjuta:Adder un nove lingua
Tu pote registrar qualcunque lingua, dialecto o varietate de lingua usante Lingua Libre. Lingua Libre usa elementos pro immagazinar informationes sur un lingua de un maniera equivalente a Wikidata. Tote le linguas ja presente es listate hic.
Si tu lingua/dialecto non existe ancora, tu pote crear lo. Pro facer isto, nos ha duo optiones:
- Demandar lo a un administrator (le maniera recommendate). Vide le lista de administratores.
- Crear manualmente un nove entrata.
Tool for administrators
This section applies only for administrators
The gadget LinguaImporter can be used by administrators in order to import a language directly from Wikidata. To do so, follow the following steps.
➊ In top right corner > User icon > Preferences > Gadgets : check in "LinguaImporter" > “Save”;
➋ In top right corner > "Actions" icon > “Import a language” : click
➌ The popup below appears.
- Enter the Wikidata identifier of the language. Ex: For Picard language, enter it's wikidata identifier Q34024. You may also type its common English name : for French language, enter “French”, rather than "français". Among the list proposed, click the relevant one. Warning! Be very careful to click on the right language in order not to import elements that are not languages. Validate by clicking on the “Import” button.
➍ A successful popup appears, indicating the LinguaLibre item identifier corresponding to your to the language.
This new language is now available to anyone who wants to record word lists.
Create a new language by hand
It is recommended to create a new language by asking to an administrator.
I know what I'm doing |
So that, all labels filled on Wikidata, that contain the language name in several languages, will be imported. If you create a language by hand, you will have to translate the name of the language by yourself.
If you still want to create a new language by yourself, follow these steps: