Help:Ajouter une nouvelle langue
Vous pouvez enregistrer n’importe quelle langue, dialecte ou variété de langue en utilisant Lingua Libre. Lingua Libre utilise des éléments pour stocker les informations sur une langue d’une manière équivalente à ce que fait Wikidata. Toutes les langues déjà présentes sur Lingua Libre sont listées ici.
Si votre langue/dialecte n’existe pas encore, vous pouvez le créer vous-même. Pour ce faire, nous avons deux options :
- demander à un administrateur (c’est le moyen recommandé). Vous pouvez trouver une liste des administrateurs ici.
- créer un nouvel élément à la main
Outil pour les administrateurs
Cette section ne concerne que les administrateurs
Le gadget LinguaImporter peut être utilisé par les administrateurs pour importer une langue directement depuis Wikidata. Pour ce faire, suivez les étapes suivantes.
- Activez le gadget LinguaImporter dans vos préférences en cochant la case LinguaImporter et cliquez sur « Enregistrer les préférences » ;
- Allez dans le menu d'outils en haut à droite et cliquez sur « Importer une langue » ;
- The popup below appears.
- Enter the Wikidata identifier of the language. For example, to import here the Picard language, you have to enter Q34024. Instead of the identifier, you may also type the name in English of the language (if you want to import the French language, “français” will not find the language while “French” will do. Click on the element corresponding to the language you are interested in. Be careful to click on the right language in order not to import elements that are not languages. Validate by clicking on the “Import” button.
- A small popup appears on the top right indicating that the import is successful. It indicates the item identifier that corresponds to the language.
This new language is now available to anyone who wants to record word lists.
Create a new language by hand
It is recommended to create a new language by asking to an administrator. So that, all labels filled on Wikidata, that contain the language name in several languages, will be imported. If you create a language by hand, you will have to translate the name of the language by yourself.
If you still want to create a new language by yourself, follow these steps:
- Click on this link in order to create a new item. You arrive on the page below.
- In the label field, type the language name in the language that is selected in the Language list;
- In the description field, type a short description that allow to understand which language is it;
- In the alias field, you can optionally enter other language names that are used for this language
- Finally click on the “Create” button.
- You are redirected to the page of the new element you just created
- Now, you have to create the following statements by clicking on “add statement”:
- instance of (P2) with the value language (Q4);
- wikidata id (P12) with a value with a form like QXXXX where XXXX has to be replace by the Wikidata identifier of this language;
- ISO 639-3 code (P13) with the value YYY, where YYY is the ISO 639-3 code of the language if it has one. For dialect or language that does not have ISO 639-3, do not use this property;
- optionally, you can add other statements such as Wikimedia language code (P17), ... You can also add language name in other languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, ...).
- To save the statement, you have to click on “save”.
This new language is now available to anyone who wants to record word lists.