
Aide:Créez vos propres listes

Revision as of 11:13, 30 May 2018 by 0x010C (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Explorer les listes existantes ==")

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Le RecordWizard permet à n'importe d'importer des mots à enregistrer depuis des listes existantes. Ces listes sont des pages wiki, situées dans l'espace de nom List. Ainsi, n'importe quel contributeur connecté peut créer ses propres listes ou modifier des existantes.

Explorer les listes existantes

Lists sorted by language code

Create a new list

Lists are stored on Lingua Libre as standard wikipages. Their names are standardized; it starts with the code ISO 639-3 (complete list available here) of the language used in the list, the slash "/" punctuation mark, and at last the name you want to give to your word list. For example, for a list of vegetables in English: Eng/Vegetables.

Enter the name of your list (as explained in the previous paragraph) in the textbox below to create your list. You will then be able to add words to it. It should be formated as follow:

  • One word per line;
  • Words can be preceded by a single # or *;
  • Do not leave any comments inside your list, otherwise they will be treated as words to record.