
Difference between revisions of "Eng/Lemmas-without-audio-sorted-by-number-of-wiktionaries"

(updating the list with 77 new items. To remove items without recording them, add them here: User:Olafbot/exclusion_list/Eng)
(updating the list with 16 new items. To remove items without recording them, add them here: User:Olafbot/exclusion_list/Eng)
Line 20: Line 20:
#pocket money
#pocket money
Line 29: Line 30:
Line 54: Line 56:
#calm down
Line 66: Line 70:
Line 71: Line 76:
Line 93: Line 99:
#hydrogen bomb
Line 105: Line 112:
#look at
Line 116: Line 124:
#nuclear power plant
#nuclear power plant
Line 130: Line 139:
#power station
Line 149: Line 158:
Line 158: Line 168:
#short circuit
#short circuit
Line 176: Line 186:
Line 193: Line 204:
Line 226: Line 238:
Line 243: Line 258:
Line 279: Line 293:
#acetic acid
#acetic acid
Line 312: Line 326:
Line 341: Line 356:
#birth rate
#birth rate
#black box
#blood group
#blood group
Line 364: Line 379:
#bus driver
#bus driver
#calm down
#carbon monoxide

Revision as of 17:11, 30 July 2024

  1. constructor
  2. consular
  3. copra
  4. debark
  5. declamation
  6. demagogy
  7. deniable
  8. destabilize
  9. divorcee
  10. electrophoresis
  11. emend
  12. femoral
  13. henceforward
  14. heptadecagon
  15. illiberal
  16. matchbox
  17. mental hospital
  18. peewit
  19. pix
  20. pocket money
  21. poliomyelitis
  22. sextillion
  23. shipwright
  24. sidecar
  25. slow down
  26. spiritually
  27. steadiness
  28. take after
  29. theosophy
  30. tirelessly
  31. tripartite
  32. upholsterer
  33. venous
  34. wheelwright
  35. white wine
  36. abide by
  37. acquaintanceship
  38. actuarial
  39. acute angle
  40. addenda
  41. adjuration
  42. aerobe
  43. amblyopia
  44. analogical
  45. angstrom
  46. anisotropy
  47. annalist
  48. anosmia
  49. apocope
  50. arboriculture
  51. assiduously
  52. asymptotic
  53. ballade
  54. befoul
  55. benefaction
  56. bespatter
  57. bituminous
  58. blockhouse
  59. calm down
  60. castigation
  61. catkin
  62. chaplet
  63. clandestinely
  64. complaisance
  65. compulsorily
  66. coney
  67. coxcomb
  68. crinoline
  69. crossly
  70. cumulate
  71. decamp
  72. defamatory
  73. discolour
  74. discordance
  75. disjunctive
  76. dissembler
  77. dissidence
  78. dissimulate
  79. doctrinaire
  80. doctrinal
  81. doyen
  82. dyne
  83. eavesdropper
  84. ectoplasm
  85. egoistic
  86. enneagon
  87. entrepreneurial
  88. equerry
  89. ethnic group
  90. ethnocentrism
  91. fibrinogen
  92. fierceness
  93. flagellation
  94. garrotte
  95. hauteur
  96. hegemonic
  97. herbalist
  98. hereinafter
  99. heterodoxy
  100. husbandman
  101. hydrogen bomb
  102. hypostasis
  103. impetuosity
  104. imposture
  105. inconstant
  106. indicative mood
  107. inexpert
  108. infarct
  109. inmost
  110. interviewee
  111. leguminous
  112. lessor
  113. limnology
  114. look at
  115. lubricity
  116. macula
  117. martinet
  118. medlar
  119. melancholia
  120. modernist
  121. modish
  122. monomial
  123. morganatic
  124. nastiness
  125. nonagenarian
  126. nonillion
  127. nuclear power plant
  128. numerable
  129. nutria
  130. occipital
  131. oilcloth
  132. orderliness
  133. papacy
  134. pauperism
  135. peninsular
  136. penurious
  137. perspicacity
  138. pinna
  139. plastron
  140. poetically
  141. potentiometer
  142. precocity
  143. pressman
  144. prise
  145. promulgation
  146. provincialism
  147. prudery
  148. purser
  149. quadrangular
  150. quaintness
  151. quatrain
  152. questioner
  153. quietude
  154. racialism
  155. rascality
  156. rawness
  157. reactivate
  158. reciprocally
  159. recondition
  160. redaction
  161. reformist
  162. republicanism
  163. repurchase
  164. restate
  165. rookery
  166. sailcloth
  167. samovar
  168. scalable
  169. sclera
  170. screensaver
  171. self-sufficient
  172. self-taught
  173. serialize
  174. shaddock
  175. short circuit
  176. slaughterer
  177. sluggishness
  178. social worker
  179. solar energy
  180. solvency
  181. somnambulist
  182. somnolence
  183. sough
  184. source code
  185. southerner
  186. speedway
  187. spoonbill
  188. springbok
  189. sputum
  190. squarely
  191. stabilization
  192. stammerer
  193. stand-alone
  194. stomachache
  195. straightaway
  196. strategically
  197. strictness
  198. stroboscope
  199. studiously
  200. stuntman
  201. subatomic
  202. subcontractor
  203. subculture
  204. subfamily
  205. subroutine
  206. substandard
  207. succor
  208. superscript
  209. supervene
  210. suppressor
  211. symbolically
  212. symphonic
  213. tableau
  214. tape recorder
  215. taxable
  216. tax evasion
  217. tax-free
  218. tediously
  219. teleprinter
  220. teleprompter
  221. theocratic
  222. thinness
  223. timepiece
  224. tiptop
  225. titbit
  226. tittle-tattle
  227. to and fro
  228. tobacconist
  229. toddy
  230. tolerably
  231. toluene
  232. toolkit
  233. topmost
  234. touchiness
  235. traceable
  236. transience
  237. translatable
  238. transnational
  239. trespasser
  240. triptych
  241. truancy
  242. tumulus
  243. umbrageous
  244. unburden
  245. underbid
  246. undertow
  247. unevenly
  248. uneventful
  249. unfavorable
  250. unfruitful
  251. unhinge
  252. uniformly
  253. unilaterally
  254. unknowingly
  255. unobtainable
  256. unpleasantly
  257. unresponsive
  258. unseasonable
  259. unsteadiness
  260. uprise
  261. urticaria
  262. user-friendly
  263. utilitarianism
  264. uttermost
  265. valorous
  266. vassalage
  267. velour
  268. vesper
  269. vicarage
  270. violator
  271. waiting room
  272. wakefulness
  273. wantonness
  274. water closet
  275. waterman
  276. web page
  277. weightless
  278. wheeler
  279. wheresoever
  280. willful
  281. wisdom tooth
  282. wizardry
  283. workable
  284. worksheet
  285. world war
  286. wrangler
  287. wrathful
  288. xylene
  289. yellowhammer
  290. zealotry
  291. acclimation
  292. accouchement
  293. acetic acid
  294. activator
  295. acyclic
  296. adduction
  297. adenine
  298. adhesiveness
  299. aerolite
  300. aerostat
  301. afferent
  302. agaric
  303. alexia
  304. alleluia
  305. allopathy
  306. alumina
  307. amphitheater
  308. amusingly
  309. analytically
  310. anglophone
  311. anti-aircraft
  312. anticline
  313. antiserum
  314. antivirus
  315. apical
  316. apologue
  317. appallingly
  318. apple juice
  319. arch-
  320. archdeacon
  321. arithmetic mean
  322. arquebus
  323. arranger
  324. artesian
  325. asphodel
  326. assailable
  327. astrakhan
  328. astrobiology
  329. astronomically
  330. astuteness
  331. attentiveness
  332. authentically
  333. awn
  334. azurite
  335. bacilli
  336. back and forth
  337. backbencher
  338. back-formation
  339. bacteriological
  340. baldachin
  341. baldly
  342. balky
  343. ballpark
  344. barbell
  345. bearish
  346. bedaub
  347. beggary
  348. behaviorism
  349. behindhand
  350. bel
  351. bellicosity
  352. belligerence
  353. belvedere
  354. besmear
  355. bifocal
  356. birth rate
  357. bisection
  358. black box
  359. blackhead
  360. bleacher
  361. blood group
  362. bloodstain
  363. bonbon
  364. bonny
  365. bootless
  366. borate
  367. bowsprit
  368. brain drain
  369. bravura
  370. breakaway
  371. briefness
  372. bring down
  373. briquette
  374. broadness
  375. brutalize
  376. buildup
  377. bunion
  378. burin
  379. bus driver
  380. byway